2, 263; 14, 210 sq. ; 29, 142, 414; 300; joint invocation to the Waters 30, 80; the phases of the m. are and the M., 4, 230, 232 n., 233; indications of time, 6, 27; worship keeps in itself the seed of the bull, of Vishnu on the days of full m. 4, 233, 233 n.; 5, 179; 23, 8, 8 sq. n., and new m., 7, 156; one must not 16, 88-91, 176, 355; 31, 199, 210, use tooth-picks on the day of new 216, 225, 256; meat-offering to the m., 7, 198; new and full m. wor- M., 5, 337; he must not look at the shipped, 10 (ii), 110; 31, 198, 205, m., while unclean, 7, 220; a form 210, 216, 220, 224; the times for of Krishna, 8, 97; the m, together new and full m. ceremonies, 12, with the fire, upholds all beings, 8, I sq.; demons roam about on full 257; is the mind, or the presiding and new m. days, 14, 210; 42, 65, deity of the mind, 8, 338; 15, 81; 256 sq.; hair, &c., cut on new and 43, 363; 44, 133; the presiding full m. days, 14, 300; waning and deity of the tongue and taste, 8, 350; waxing m., 23,89 sq., 89 n.; chastity adore not the m., but God, 9, 202; for Snâtakas on new and full m. worship of the in., 11, 174 ; 14, 305; days and on the fourteenth, 25, 149; 19, 26; 24, 96, 358; 30, 243; remen feel joy on seeing the full m., 25, lates to Soma, 12, 169; Soma is the 396 sq.; offerings and ceremonies m., and the m. the food of the gods, on the first day of the m., 27, 156; 12, 176 sq., 176 n., 181, 362, 380 ; 28, 3 sq.; prayers on seeing the new 44, 6, 9 sq., 34; Vritra is the m., m., 30, 179; out of the new m. the 12, 180, 182; 41, 45, 45 n.; lives sacrifice is spread, 41, 180; rites of together with the Nakshatras, 12, the new m. night, 42, 35, 408 ; is 269 n.; the Brahman priest identified fifteenfold, waxes and wanes during with the m., 15, 123; 44, 135; one fifteen days, 43, 62; four phases of of the Vasus, 15, 140 ; 44, 116; a the m. personified, 43, 264, 264 n.; manifestation of Brahman, 15, 303; Pragâpati-Sacrifice is the Year, the 44, 317; a name of the Self, 15, night of new m. its gate, the m. is 311; prayers to the M., 23, 88-91, the bolt of the gate, 44, 1; new m., 349, 355 sq.; Tistrya protects the why it is the proper time for laying M., 23, 93 ; not to void urine against down the sacred fires, 44, 1 sq.; all the m., 25, 137 ; a Lokapala or the nights of the waxing m. concen- guardian deity of the world, 25, trate in the full m. night, all the 185, 216 sq. ; cursed by Daksha, 25, nights of the waning m. in the night 398, 398 n.; genesis of the m., 27, of new m., 44, 21 ; full ni. and new 381, 381 n.; worshipped by the m.identified with sun and m., earth bridegroom, 30, 194; worshipped and sky, &c., 44, 30 sq. ; is born by the student, 30, 277 ; lord of again and again, 44, 315 ; sepulchre constellations, 36, 55, 55 n.; mento be made at new m., 44, 423. tioned before the sun, 36, 127 sq. See also Sacred Times, and Sacri- and n. ; is a mighty lord, 36, 318, fices (h, j).
318 n.; the m. and the All-gods, 41, (c) M. AS A DEITY, WORSHIP OF M. 150 ; is Pragâpati, 41, 160 ; 43, xxi
The Person in the m. as Brahman, sq.; Sinîvâli and Anumati, phases 1, 66, 303 ; 15, 101 ; by Vyana the of them., 42, 461 ; the typical ear is satisfied, and thereby the M. bridegroom, 42, 498; Soma, the M., and the Quarters are satisfied, 1, 43, xxi; 44, 135 ; Speech fashioned 90; invoked for protection, 29, 280, from the m., 43, 11; deity and metre, 349; rites and prayers addressed 43, 53 ; deity and brick of fire-altar, to the MI., for the life of (new-born) 43, 91; who knows the MI.? 44, 390; children, 1, 285-8; 29, 396; 30, the M. begat Budha on Brihaspati's 56 sq.; the M., who protects the wife, 49 (i), 45. See also Anumati, creatures during night, to be wor- Indu, Kandra, Kandramas, Luminshipped by the Snataka, 2, 96; aries, Mâh, Sinîvâli, and Soma. offering to the M., 2, 108 ; to be (d) WORLD OF M. worshipped at the Kândrayana, 2, The departed sacrificer goes from
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