Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 396
________________ MOHAMMED-MONASTERIES 379 one say thatration there to be tau herald of glad tidings, 6, 100, 120, posture, 9, 157; came with the 161, 205 sq., 233, 237; 9, 12, 80, 88, truth, and verified the apostles, 9, 107, 112 sq., 135, 145, 154, 156, 159, 169; bidden to serve God, the first 162 sq., 180 sq., 199, 210, 225, 234, of those resigned, 9, 183 ; shall die, 287, 289 sq., 294; had M. been an like other mortals, 9, 185; Meccaus angel, he would have come in the say that if M. had been a man of guise of man, 6, 116; does not say consideration they would have bethat he is an angel, 6, 120; is not to lieved, 9, 213; said to be taught by repulse believers, 6, 121; the com- others, or inad, 9, 218; Israel reing of M., 'the illiterate prophet,' ceived the Book, and then M. the foretold, 6, 156 sq.; humiliation of Qur'ân, 9, 222; God pardons the one who would not acknowledge M. sins committed by M., 9, 233, 233 as the prophet, 6, 159 sq., 159 n.; n.; those who swear allegiance to the coming of the Hour' only M., swear allegiance to God, 9,234 : known to God, 6, 161 ; his expedi- his expedition of 'Hudâibîyeh, and tion against the caravan from Syria against the Jews of Khâibar, and the under Abu Sufiân, 6, 163 sq., 164n.; truce of 'Hudaibiyeh, 9, 235-7; miraculous victory at Bedr, 6, 164 prohibited by the Qurâis froin the sq.,165 11., 171, 171 n.; see also Bedr; pilgrimage to Mecca, 9, 236 sq.; brotherhood between those who believers not to raise their voices fled with M. and the inhabitants of above the voice of the prophet, 9, Medînah who gave him refuge, 6, 238 sq. and n.; inspired by Gabriel, 171 sq., 172 n.; the Muhâgerîn who the vision of his night journey' not fled with M. are highest in rank a delusion, 9, 251 sq., 251 n. ; secret with God, 6, 175; aided by God in plottings against the Apostle Punthe battle of 'Honein, 6, 176, 176 n.; ished in hell, 9, 271 sq.; Jesus M. and Abu Bekr in the cave, helped prophesies the coming of M., 9, 281, by God, 6, 179; found fault with 281 n.; denounced by an insolent for his use of the alms, 6, 181; opponent, 9, 295 sq.; bidden to builds the mosque of Quba', 6, 188 preach, 9, 305 sq., 308; reproved for sq., 188 n.; God will stand by His frowning on a poor blind believer, 9, Apostle, 6, 191 sq. ; misbelievers 320, 320 n. ; how God cared for M., deem him a sorcerer, 6, 192; 9, 9, 334 sq.; God expanded his 225; sent to assert the unity of breast, 9, 335, 335 n.; his first call God, 6, 235-7; 9, 26, 180 sq., 199, to 'read' the Qur'ân, 9, 336. 247; God his witness against mis- Mohammedanism, see Islam. believers, 6, 238; sent to warn the Mohism, represented as an erroneous Meccans, 9, 61; to be addressed form of Taoism, 39, 162; 40, 217respectfully, 9, 82; cannot make 21, 218 n.; modifications and dethe deaf hear, but only those who velopment of it, 39, 162; 40, 221-5. believe in God's signs, 9, 106, 130; Mohists hold that all should be meeting of M.and Moses during the loved equally, 40, 178; wear skins night journey,' 9, 137, 137 n.; and dolychos cloth, 40, 220. See also warned against misbelievers and Confucianists. hypocrites, 9, 138; struggle with Moksha, see Emancipation, and Salthe confederate army at Medinah, vation. 9, 138–42, 138 n., 140 n., 142 n. : is Moksha Sastras, quoted, 38, 158. nearer of kin to the believers than Moliya Sîvaka, see Sîvaka. themselves, 9, 139; his wives are Momentariness, Bauddha doctrine the mothers of the believers, 9, 139; of universal, 34, 403 n., 407, 408, set a good example to the Muslim, 413-15, 427. 9, 141; privileges granted to M. in Monasteries (Convents), mentioned the matter of women, 9, 146; how in the Yâgîavalk ya-smriti, 7, xxi ; the Muslim should behave towards fools wish for lordship in m., 10 (i), M., 9, 147 sq.; God and His angels 22 ; a Sâvaka is to seek for a m., pray for M., 9, 148 ; accused of im- 10 (ii), 65; Ananda went out from Digitized by Microsoft ®


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