Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 378 MOGGALANA-MOHAMMED vadatta, 20, 234 sq, ; finds out and habitants of Yathrib, 6, xxxturns out an evil-doer who defiles xxxiii; his miraculous Night Jourthe assembly at the Pâtimokkha, 20, ney' from Mecca to Jerusalem, 6, 300 sq.; Buddha's prophecy about xxxi sq. ; 9, 1, i n., 7, 7 sq. n.; M. who is to be a Buddha, 21, 149- plots against M. frustrated by God, 51; though possessed of Iddhi, was 6, xxxiii, 166; his flight (Higrah) beaten to death with clubs, 35, 261- with Abu Bekr, to Yathrib, 6, 3; saying of M., 36, 369; possessed xxxiji sq.; his war against the of miraculous power, 49 (ii), 31 sq.; Meccans, 6, XXXV-xlii, 165 n.; teaches Bimbisâra the eight pre- wounded in battle, 6, xxxviii; writes cepts, 49 (ii), 162 sq.; Sâriputta and letters to the great kings and emM., see under Sâriputta. perors of the world, to embrace his Moggaliputta Tissa, see Tissa. faith, 6, xl; marries a Coptic slave Mogharâgamânadapukkhâ, t. c., girl Mary, 6, xl; 9, 290 sq., 290 n.; 10 (ii), 208. master of Mecca, 6, xlii; destroys Mogharâ gan, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 the idols in the Kaabah, 6, xlii; his (ii), 187, 208, 210; saying of M. the military enterprises, 6, xlii-xliv ; his Elder, 36, 359 sq., 360 n. • Farewell Pilgrimage' to Mecca, Mohammed, reprehends and ab- and his death, 6, xliv; the secret jures idol worship, 6, xii sq., 121, of his success, 6, xliv sq.; could he 123; God sent His Apostle to men read or write ? 6, xlvii; 9. 122 ; and ginns to make Islâm prevail over styles himself En Nebîy el uinmîy, every other religion, 6, xiv, xxvii, 6, xlvii ; his relation to Jews and 66, 177; 9, 55 ; adopts the titles Christians, 6, xlvii sq., lxxxii, 53; 'Hanif and Muslim, 6, xvi, 117; not acquainted with the originals of his ancestors, 6, xvi-xviii; his birth, the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, 6, xviii; life of M., 6, xviii-xliv ; his 6, xlviii sq. ; neither possessed' (a children, 6, xix ; M. and his wives, madman), sorcerer, soothsayer, poet, 6, xix, xxix, lxxvi; 9, 142-8, 142 n., nor impostor, 6, lvi, 160; 9, +6, 69, 143 n., 144 n., 233 n., 240 1., 29084, 151, 156, 167, 169, 247 sq., 250, sq., 290 1.; his appearance and 295, 298, 300, 322 ; at Mecca and at character, 6, xix sq.; his revelations, Medinah, 6, lxii sg.; ginns preached 6, xx-xxiii ; 9, 9, 9 n., 14, 16, 43, 46, to and converted by M., 6, 1xx, cx; 229; hysterical symptoms of M., 9, 228, 304 sq., 304 n.; "the Apostle 6, xx sq.; his mental struggles, of God,' the scal of the prophets, thoughts of suicide, 6, xxi sq.; 6, lxxi ; 9, 145, 237 sq., 237 n. ; bemocked at, 6, 245; 9,48 sq., 87, 90; lief in and obedience to God and encouraged against misbelievers, 6, the Apostle, 6, lxxi, 50, 56 sq., 68, 74, 250; helped by mortals to compose 80-2, 105, 163, 165, 183; 9, 79 sq., the Qur'ân, 6, 261; is to dispute 143 sq., 148 sq., 232, 241,287; 'there and to punish kindly, 6, 264 ; is but is no prophet after me,' 6, lxxi ; dea mortal, 9, 11, 26, 83 sq., 199; ex- nounces the hypocrites,' 6, lxxxviii horted to be patient, 9, 45; his sq., 172-92 ; Satan suggests a wrong first followers, chiefly men of the reading to M., acknowledging the lowest ranks, 6, xxiii sq., xlvi; atti- chief idols of the Qurâis, 6, xcix, tude of his fellow citizens towards xcix n.; 9, 62 n. ; his compromise the new doctrine, 6, xxiv sq.; hos- as to Al 'Huzza, Allât, and Manât, tility of the Meccans against M. and 6, cxii ; 9, 2-2; the death of M. his followers, 6, xxiv-xxxiii; his should not discourage believers, compromise with the Qurâis, 6, 6, 63; asked for a proof of his proxxvi sq.; his family placed under a phetic mission, 6, 68 sq., 68 n. ; 9, ban by the Qurâis, 6, xxviii; his 7, 1; will intercede for the bemarriage with Zainab, the divorced lievers, 6, 81; whoso obeys the prophet Wife of Zaid, 6, xxix; 9, 139 n., he has obeyed God, 6, 8; ; inspired 144, 144 n.; his flight to Tâ'if, 6, like other prophets before him, 6, xxx; his negotiations with the in- 94 sq.; a witness, a warner and Digitized by Microsoft ®


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