Buddhist m., and the classification the most powerful prayer is that of offences in the Vinaya, 13, xxiy recited to renounce evil thoughts, sqq. ; ten precepts for novices, 13, evil words, and evil deeds, 23, 313 ; 211 sq. ; the fivefold loss of the 31, 361; Ahura Mazda, the inspirer wrong-doer, and the fivefold gain of of good thoughts, 31, 108, 113 ; the well-doer, 17, 99 sq. ; Buddha good thoughts, words, and deeds are gives an exposition of his moral thought, spoken, and done with teaching, 17, 110-16; 19, 234-6; intelligence, 31, 390 ; the weak man moral conduct, the source of all that should be good, 37, 105; good is good, 19, 259-65; 21, 427 sq. ; thoughts, good words, good deeds35, 52-4 ; following the moral pre- the food of Allharmazd, 37, 242 sq. ; cepts as taught by Buddha is one -- the three best things: worship of way leading to enlightenment, 21, Ahura, worship of the fire, and 49; the ten (moral) conditions of respect shown to the righteous, 4, heart, 35, 173 sq. ; moral conduct, 292 n., 293 ; of two men, the wiser the root and essence of Buddha's and more truthful is chief, 5, 90; teaching, 35, 187-90; list of twelve the earth pleased by moral conduct, kinds of men who pay no respect, 35, displeased by sin, 5, 376 sq.; moral 250 ; good men live for the benefit purification for the sacred cereof gods and men, 35, 274 sq. ; monial, 18, 166, 172 ; men misled motives for moral conduct, 35, 295; by demons, 18, 271; do by others difference between breach of moral as you would be done by, 18, 271; law and offences against Rules of 37, 51; moral precepts for the the Order, 36, 98-100; ten sorts of preservation of body and soul, 24, individuals who are despised in the 9-16, 25 sq. ; the ten happiest lands, world, 36, 139 sq. ; right conduct 24, 27 sq., 27 n.; the ten unhappiest (sila) for Jaymen, Bhikkhus, and lands, 24, 28 sq., 28 n.; the highest Arhats, 36, 220 sq. and n.; Gaina pleasures, 24, 41; who is truly rich, ethics based on primitive animism, and who is truly poor, 24, 70 sq.; 45, xxxjii; moral conduct, one of the moral rules and precepts, 24, 77four roads to final beatitude, 45, 9; man's own fiends: greediness, 152, 158-61, 163, 169-72; moral wrath, lust, disgrace, discontent, 24, conduct produces destruction of 82; spiritual armour and weapons Karman, its five subdivisions, 45, requisite for attaining to heaven 157 ; orthodox Gaina views about and escaping from hell, 24, 83 sq.; m., 45, 406-9; the five and eight the man most conversant with good precepts of Buddha, 49 (ii), 162, and evil, 24, 106 sq.; the man who
162 n., 192 sq., 196. See also Pâra- is chief over his associates, 24, 107; mitâs.
prayer that the soul may advance (C) IN ZOROASTRIANISM.
in good, 31, 326; best and worst Practical m. of Zoroastrianism, 4, actions, 37, 107; necessity of scruIxii; the three perfections, good tinizing actions, 37, 121 sq.; the thoughts, good words, good deeds, utilizers and misusers of life, 37, 4, 197, 199, 246 sq., 287-9, 357 (the 177; five storeholders of perfect best sacrifice), 375 sq.; 5, 54, 226, excellence, 37, 180; advice to man226 n. ; 18, 12, 14, 18, 33 sq., 54-6, kind, 37, 244 sq.; let no one practise 121, 125, 172, 179, 285, 384 sq., ill-perpetrated deeds, even though in a 387; 23, 22, 266-8, 312 sq., 316-18, wilderness when far from publicity, nor 342-5; 24, 20, 30, 42, 78, 118,270, in distress, 0 Spitâ min! because 321; 31, 213 sq., 213 n., 223, 243,
Anharmazd, the observer of everything, 247, 265 sq., 282 sq., 285, 321, 342, is aware of them, 37, 266; under359 ; 37, 20, 174, 196 sq., 229, 265, standing good and evil through 270, 273, 308, 415 sq., 460 sq. ; 47, Vohûman, 37, 320 sq.; virtuous 157, 159 ; think of the hour of death conduct advances religion, 37, 323-7; in doing what is good and abstaining all excellence is both root and fruit, from what is bad, 18, 275, 275 n.; 37, 351 sq. ; happy is he from wlroin
on: 223, 243, An distress, o Strom publicity,
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