rd, 9, 253; the Buddha, 21, 4 a m., 23, 341;
137, 137 n. ; annoyed and disobeyed 14, 230; offspring, the secret union by the people, 9, 149, 281; was of m. and father, 15, 46 sq.; naming given the guidance, 9, 195; the people after their m.'s name, 20, Book of M. before the Qur'ân, 9, 125 n.; two princes crave the per225; fulfilled his word, 9, 253; mission of their m. before they join revelation in the books of Abraham the Buddha, 21, 420-3; prayer for and M., 9, 329; Jesus not come to the protection of a m., 23, 341;
destroy the law of M., 24, 242 sq. student first to beg food of his m., Mosques, the Muslim places of wor- 25, 39; how the student salutes ship, 6, lxxii; injustice of prohibit- maternal relations, 25, 54; reverence ing God's m., 6, 16; men are to go due to m., 25, 57, 71 sq., 154, 157; to m. decently clad, 6, 140; im- prayer to expiate the sin of one's munity for those with whom a league m., 25, 330 sq. and n.; 30, 227; was made at the Sacred M., 6, 173; father more important than m., 27, giving drink to the pilgrims and re- 315 sq. ; without being taught ms. pairing to the Sacred M, not equal know the wants of their infants, 28, to professing Islâm, 6, 175, 175 n.; 417; a son who does not support it is not for idolators to repair to his m. to be punished, 33, 368; a the m. of God, 6, 175 sq. ; the M. m. being guardian of her son's father, of Quba preferred to the M. built 37, 148 ; a m. bears her son in her by the Beni Ghanm in opposition to lap, 41, 232 ; hymns containing the
Mohammed, 6, 188 sq., 188 n.; names of the ms., 42, 518 sq.; m. . those who prevent men from visit- and child, see Child. See also Family, ing the Sacred M, will be punished, Parents, and Woman (b, e).
9, 58; the m, are God's, 9, 305. Mo Tì, or Mo-zze, a great heresiarch, Mother: he who desires the world 39, 270, 270 n., 287, 360; his fol
of the ms., by his mere will the ms. lowers, the Mohists, 40, 99 sq.; a come to receive him, 1, 127 sq. ; truly noble scholar, 40, 177; his the student who returns home shall system, 40, 218-21, 218 n. See also give everything to his m., 2, 27; Mih-zze. a m. does very many acts for her son, Mountains (hills), worshipped, 3, therefore he must constantly serve her, 39, 39 n., 70 sq., 74, 134 sq., 317 sq., though she be fallen, 2, 88; is chief 318 n.; 27, 225, 407; Shun raised among all venerable persons (Gurus), altars upon twelve hills, 3, 40 ; 2, 192; of female relations only m. spirit sent down from the m. to saluted by embracing her feet, 2, produce the birth of Fû and Shăn, 209; the m. only impure on the 3, 423 sq. and n.; creation or origin birth of a child, 2, 251; 14, 28 sq., of m., 5, 29 sq., 174 sq.; 18, 213 n.; 180; 25, 178, 178 n.; right of in- on the nature of m., list of m., 5, heritance of m., and after m., 2 34-41, 34 n.; the water protecting 306; 7, 73; 14, 89, 230; 25, 371, m., 5, 67, 67 n.; the chief of n., 5, 378 ; love rendered to the m., re- 89, 91; fires formed on m., 5, 186: verence to the ruler, both to the prayers for blessing from m, and father, 3, 470 ; highest amercement hills, 5, 392 ; idols standing on m., for insulting a man by using bad 6, xjii; Mount Qâf, the abode of language regarding his m., 7, 28; the ginn, 6, 1xx; Zafâ and Merwah, son not to pay debt for m., nor m. m. near Mecca, may be compassed for son, 7, 45; girl may be given in by pilgrims, 6, 22, 22 n.; are auspimarriage by the m., 7, 109 ; pleasant cious places for Sraddhas, 7, 260; in the world is the state of a m., 10 Meru and Himalaya, first of m., 8, (i), 79; all creatures exist through 88 sq., 222, 354; lists of m., 8, 222-4, the protection of their ms., 14, 44; 346; 49 (ii), 60; oath by Mount does not become an outcast for her Sinai, 9, 336; the symbol of a m., son, 14, 67; sons born without ms., 16, 216 sq., 217 m. ; symbolical of 14, 180; an outcast m. must be resoluteness, 16, 271; fabulous m., supported without speaking to her, 18, 117; 23, 174 sq.; Ushi-darena S.B. IND.
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