Abys- Nadi-Kâsyants who are 09 (ii), 2.
different notes, 40, 99 sq., 99 n.; cultivated by Confucius, 40, 193; Mo- ze wrote a treatise Against M.' Nabhas, n. of one of the three and denounced m., 40, 218 sq.; Agnis, 26, 118, 118 1. began to be practised when the Tào Nabhasaspati, the lord of the cloud, was laid aside, 40, 284 sq.; m. and 42, 141, 499. ceremonies in the age of perfect Nâbhi, patriarch, father of the virtue, 40, 312; drums beaten at Arhat Rishabha, 22, 281 sq. sacrificial rites, 41, 23 sq., 26; spell Nada Naishadha, carried King Yama put in the drum, 42, 77; hymns to the south, 12, 338, 338 n. and verses to the battle-drum, 42, Nâdapit, Sakuntalâ conceived Bha117, 130-3, 204, 436-40; lute- rata at, 44, 399. playing at the horse-sacrifice, 44, Nadhr ibn al' 'Hareth, purchased 285-7, 356 sq., 359, 362-0, 372; Persian legends and preferred tliem lute-player, flute-player, and other tothe Qur'ân, 9, 131 sq., 131n.; chalmusicians sacrificed at the Purusha- lenges the truth of Islam, 9, 300 n. medha, 44, 417.
Nadi, brother of Kâsyapa, converted Muslim, title adopted by Mohain- by Buddha, 19, 185-7. med, 6, xvi; their flight to Abys- Nâdika, n.pl., Buddha at, 11, 24-8. sinia, 6, xxv sq.; God made a cove- Nadî-Kâsyapa, one of the five nant with them, 6, 98 sq. ; believe bundred Arhats who are to be future in the faith of Abraham, 9, 65; Buddhas, 21, 2, 198; 49 (ii), 2. quarrels between parties of the M. See also Kâsyapa. 9, 239 sq.
Nâdîs, Sk., t.t., veins or arteries, see Muspar, the thievish (comet?), 5. Arteries.
22, 22 n. ; leader of planets, 5, 113 Nâga, a n. of Buddha, 10 (i), 77 n. ; sq., 113 n.; comet considered as a (ii), 195; an eminent man, an witch, 24, 132, 132 n.
Arahat, 10 (ii), x, 90, 106; 1. of Mutanebbî, 'the would-be prophet' Sthaviras, Arya N. of the Gautama and poet, 6, xly sq.
gotra, 22, 290, 294. Mûtazalîk, Mohammedan schis- Nâgâbhibhû, n. of Tathagata, 49 matics, 24, 195, 195 n.
(ii), 6, (6. Mû-yê, a famous sword, 40, 84, 84 n. Nâgabhùta, a Kula of the Uddeha Myazd, Parsit.t., sacred feast, 18, 155. Gana, 22, 290. Myazda, the lord, worshipped, 31, Nâgaputra, disciple of Mahậgiri, 22, 351.
290. Mysticism, mystic powers, mystic Nâgara, father and mother of, condoctrines, mystics : Hari or Krishna, verted by Buddha, 19, 245. the lord of the possessors of mystic Nâgârguna, founder of the Mahapower, 8, 93, 131; early Buddhist yâna school of Buddhism, 35,xxv sq.; m., 11, X, 207-18; the answer of wrongly identified with Nâgasena, early Buddhism to the mystics, 11, 35, xxv sq., xxvi n. 207; a mystery for the Bodhisattvas, Nâgas (snake-gods, dragons), Ananta 21, 58; try to understand the mystery chief among, 8, 89; have relics of of the Buddhas, the holy masters of the Buddha, 11, 135 sq.; the N. Mukaworld, 21, 59; the doctrine of the linda protects Buddha, 13, 80; 49 one Buddha-vehicle not to be taught (i), 164 sq. ; Buddha conquers the to everybody, 21, 91 sq., 95-7; the fire of the N. in Kassapa's room, inystery expounded by the Tathagata 13, 119-22; 19, 183-5; a N. prois difficult to understand, 21, 121 cures edible stalks of lotuses for sq.; the Saddharmapundarîka is the Moggallâna, 17, 76 sq.; pay homage transcendent spiritual esoteric lore, to the new-born Buddha, 19, 4 sq., 21, 219, 221. See also Iddhis, Secret 350; rejoice at Buddha's escape Doctrines, and Tâoism.
from the palace, 19, 58; Gods and Myths: worship derived from mythic N. rejoice on Buddha's reaching conceptions, 4, Ixxjji-lxxv.
Bodhi, 19, 146 sq., 163 sq.; friends
Chiefs (snaz
line aha, 11,
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