the sun to the m., from the m. to 8, 101 sq.; 15, 11; classification of the lightning, 1, 68, 80, 80 sq. n., sins, sinful dispositions, good works, 273 sq. ; 8, 240; 15, 272 sq.; 34, and virtues, 8, 166-70, 181-5; one cvii, 108, 110, 112, 114, 121-5; 48, should ever and always be doing 593; can a man, after he has been good, 8, 191; rules of conduct for in the m., be born again ? 1, 83 n.; the four asramas, a system of m., is the door of heaven, 1, 274 ; 42, 8, 358-68; 14, 49 ; sixfold mode of 646; from the m. the seed was life of a Brâhmana, 8, 359 sq., 359 n.; brought, gathered up in an active good conduct more important than man, and brought to a mother, 1, study of the Veda and sacred rites, 274 sq.; by the Kandrayana penance 14, 34 sq.: rules of conduct for a Brâhmana goes to the world of the Brâhmanas, 14, 38-40 ; moral prem., 2, 302; 14, 326; Yagus guides cepts for the householder, 14, 138, to the m. world, 8, 20; path to the 237; cling to the good, do not m. from which the souls return, 8, choose the pleasant, 15, 8 sq.; moral 81; the gate of the world of the duties of man, 15, 51-3; why fathers, 12, 267 n.; the light of the spiritual merit should be accumufathers, 12, 361; the world of the lated, 25, lxviii, 166 sq.; means of fathers, 15, 209; a vision of the attaining supreme bliss, 25, Ixxjii, m., the beloved of Rohini, 22, 234 501-9, 511; merit and demerit sq. : the world of the m. attained distinguished at the creation, 25, 13; by gifts and penance, 25, 165, 475; moral conduct of the ascetic, 25, the heart (of the earth ?) that dwells 207; the tenfold (moral) law, 25, in heaven, in the m., 30, 212; the 215, 21; n.; abstention from injuring soul's ascent to, and descent from (creatures), veracity, abstention from the m., 38, 101-32; the body of unlawfully appropriating the goods of the soul in the m. consists of water, others), purity, and control of the organs, 38, 114, 115, 127 ; one of the six Manu has declared to be the summary doors to the Brahman, 44, 66 sq.;
of the law for the four castes, 25, 416; evil-doers do not, after death, ascend
remembering the results of deeds in to the m., 48, 592-6; those who
future life, one should always be die during the southern progress of
good in thoughts, speech, and action, the sun, go to the Fathers and the
25, 477, 483-5; why people conm., 48, 741-3.
found good and bad, 26, 228, 228 n.
See also Karman, and Qualities. Morality.
(6) IN BUDDHISM AND GAINA RELI(a) In Brâhmanism.
GION. () In Buddhism and Gaina Religion. (c) In Zoroastrianism.
Moral precepts, especially for (d) In Chinese Religions.
Bhikkhus, 10 (i), 3-95; (ii), 24 sq., (e) In Islam. See also Good Works, Righteousness, Sin,
28, 54 sq., 65 sq., 175-80; 11, 6-11, and Virtue.
28, 38 sq., 61 sq., 84, 91, 188, 210,
218, 221-34, 303-6; do to others (a) IN BRAHMANISM.
as you would be done by, 10 (i), 36 Neither right nor wrong would be
sq. ; 22, 50 ; not to commit any sin, to known, if there were no speech, 1,
do good, and to purify one's mind, that 111; what is right and what is is the teaching of all the Awakened, wrong, we understand by under- 10 (i), 50: Buddha's definition of an standing, 1, 115; moral laws, common outcast, 10 (ii), 21-3; the exemplary to all castes, 7, 13; by forgiveness life led by the ancient Brahmanas, of injuries the learned are purified, 10 (ii), 48-50 ; great is the fruit, by liberality, those who have done great the advantage of earnest contemplaforbidden acts, 7, 97 ; moral pre- tion when set round with upright cepts, especially for Snâtakas, 7, conduct, 11, 11, 111., 12, 15, 24, 28, 224-31; 25, 150 sq., 153-8; Lakshmi 34, 65 sq., 70; the Küla Sîlan, the resides in good and pious men and Magghima Silam, and the Mahâ women, 7, 300 sq. ; moral conduct Silam, 11, 189-200, 1891. ; sis Preleads to tranquillity and immortality, cepts of King Sudassa na, 11, 253;
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