Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 393
________________ 376 MIRACLES-MITHRA 195–202, 257-9; dry passage over a all-happy mountain, 4, 218; of the river, 23, 72 ; no m. in the Gâthas, rolling country-side comes to meet 31, xxvi; happening at the birth of the departed soul, 4, 373 ; all violets Nâgasena and other events of his are his, 5, 104; the lord of wide life, 35, 14 sq., 22, 29; 36, 373; two pastures, invoked and worshipped, 5, reasons why Buddhas do not work 228 sq., 232, 402, 405; 23, 5, 5 n., 14, m., 36, 24 sq. ; why there are m. 36, 38, 86 sq., 166, 294, 350 sq. ; 31, at the graves of some Arhats, 36, 319 ; 37, 183, 183 n., 210; watches 174-6; the double m. at the foot of over promises, and is an account. the Gandamba tree, 36, 247; the m. keeper of sin and good works, 18, of the manifestation to the world, 33, 33 n., 66; 37, 155, 155 n.; of 36, 248 ; worked by Ko Yüan, 40, the wide pastures, of the thousand 248; in the legendary history of ears, and of the myriad eyes, 23, Zoroaster, 47, xi, xiv sq., xxi-xxiii; 9, 17, 119-22, 130, 141-58; 31, at the birth of Zoroaster, 47, 17-33, 196, 204, 209, 215, 219, 223, 256, 35, 122, 139-43; connected with 271, 276, 324, 326, 337, 340, 346, the childhood of Zoroaster, 47, 35- 351, 379-81; lord of wide pastures, 46, 122 sq., 145-51; birth of apostles opened a wide way to Tistrya, 23, from a maiden, 47, 105 sq., 111, 115; 95, 103; expiatory rites connected on Buddha's departure from home, with the worship of M., 23, 119, 151 49 (i), 60 sq., 68 sq., 85 sq.; during sq., 151 n.; Mihir Yast, devoted to Buddha's battle with Mara, 49 (i), M., 23, 119-58; the god of heavenly 141; Paramitâs, miraculous powers, light, 23, 119, 122 sq., 131 sg., 136, 49 (ii), 12; appear on Buddha 143 sq., 157; guardian of truth, prefinishing his description of Sukhâ- server of contracts and oaths, 23, vatî, 49 (ii), 72; the six supernatural 119 sq., 124-6, 128-30, 135, 137, faculties, 49 (ii), 193. See also 139 sq., 146 sq. ; means 'contract, Flowers, Iddhis, and Omens. 23, 120 n., 149 sq.; is truth-speakMîrak the Aspiyân, and Zîyânak ing, 23, 121; as a god of the battle Zardâhim, the first pair, 5, 131,131 n. field, 23, 122, 128-31, 145, 148 sq.; Miriam, sister of Moses, and the not identical with the sun, 23, 122 Virgin Mary confused, 6, 50 11. n., 143 ; eight friends as spies of M., Mirror, the person in the, as Brahman, 23, 130, 130 n.; makes the waters 1, 304; does not manifest the face, flow and the plants grow, 23, 134; 48, 67 ; M. of Truth, see Truth. See drives along on his chariot drawn also Parables (f). by four steeds, 23, 136, 138, 152-5, Misbelievers, rebuked, 6, 2-4, 22; 157 ; invoked by all beings, 23, 140 are fellows of the Fire, 6, 40 ; no sq.; swinging in his hands a club, repentance accepted from m., 6, 57 23, 144, 154 ; guards and maintains sq. See also Faith. the creation of Mazda, 23, 145; the Miscarriage, see Child (b). warrior of the white horse, 23, 145; Misfortune, see Nirriti. his virtue and wisdom, 23, 146 sq.; Mithila, kingdom of Ganaka, 8, 304; the weapons of M., with which he Mahâvîra at M., 22, 264; Nami, smites the Daêvas, 23, 154 ; lord king of M., 45, 36. of all countries, 23, 157 sq.; M., Mithra (Mitrô, Mihir), the danhu- Rashnu, and Spenta-Armaiti, accompaiti of all dahyus, 4, xlix; Avestic pany Mazda, 23, 181; a worshipper M. and Vedic Mitra, 4, lii ; an Aryan of M. shall become a mighty ruler, God, 4, Ixiv; the Sun, making the 23, 184; the Fravashis, along with earth fertile, 4, 23, 23 n.; a lie unto M. and Rashnu, help in battle, 23, M. a heinous crime, 4, 49; Rashnu, 191; Fravashi of M. worshipped, M., and Sraosha, the three judges of 23, 200; the lord of wide pastures, the departed, 4, 89 n., 23, 168 ; 24, increases the excellences of coun18, 18 n., 258, 280, 361; invoked by tries, 23, 202 ; Verethraghna goes Zarathustra, 4, 214, 258; the god along with M. and Rashnu, 23, 244 ; with beautiful weapons, reaches the brother of Ashi Vangubi, 23, 274 ; Digitized by Microsoft ®


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