Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 392
________________ MIND-MIRACLES 375 41. 100; 44, 507; gods created 122-4; Buddha understands the from union of M. and Speech, 41, thoughts of others, 13, 124 sq.; 17, 149 ; m. is Sarasvat, speech is Sara- 192; supernatural power of sudsvatî, 41, 398; the first of vital airs, denly disappearing, 14, 309; worked 41, 402 sq. ; 43, 337; 44, 504; by Buddhist saints, 17, 2-4, 64 sq., fashioned from the wind, 43, 6; 76 sq.; 19, 189; 20, 7 sq., 394 ; 21, speech, daughter of the m., created 396; Buddha's miraculous appearby the m., 43, 11, 376 sq.; as a ance and disappearance, 17, 7, 9; Gandharva, 43, 233; the ultimate miraculous powers possessed by cause of the universe, 43, 374-80; Mendaka and his family, 17, 121-4; created, 43, 402 ; libation to M., 44, a person poised in the air by super28, 32, 33, 35 sq.; m. and speech, natural power, not to be considered while being one and the same, are as completing a Samgha, 17, 269 sq.; distinct from each other, 44, 46 sq.; attending the birth of Buddha, 19, Hotri and Adhvaryu priests are xix, 2-7, 13, 344-64; 49 (i), 4-8; speech and m., 44, 136. See also on Buddha's reaching Bodhi, 19, Manas, Organs, Prânas, Psychology, 146 sq., 156, 163 sq. ; 21, 160 sq. ; and Senses. 49 (i), 155-7; converts suddenly Mindfulness, or sati, 11, 145; part transformed into Bhikshus, 19, 197, of the higher wisdom, 11, 306; its 197.n.; flying through the air, crosscharacteristic mark, 35, 58-60. ing a river without a boat, 19, 260; Minerals, origin of, 5, 183. celestial beings open the gate of the Ming, the correlate of Heaven at Sitavana for Anathapindika, 20, 181 border sacrifices, 28, 202, 202 n.; sq.; Revata, by the divine ear, hears deserves ancestor worship, 28, 209. what people at a distance say, 20, Minôkihar, see Mânûskîhar. 396; apparition of the sevenMin-zze, a disciple of Confucius, jewelled Stûpa in the sky, 21, xxx, 232. 227-40; Abhigiâs or inagical powers Miracles, worked by holy men, 2, of Arhats, 21, 1 sq. n.; there are 158; Hûshedar makes the sun stand always m., when Buddhas are about still, 5, lij, 231 sq., 233 n.; at the to preach, 21, 16-29, 223, 225; birth of Vahrâm the Vargâvand, 5, miraculous powers (indriyas, balas), 221; Christian m., 6, 113 sq.; constituents of Bodhi, 21, 79; men God could send a sign if He who possess transcendent faculties pleased, 6, 119; worked by Moses, and the triple science, compared to 6, 157; 9, 35 sq., 92 sq., roo, ; small plants, 21,125; saints endowed people ask for signs, 6, 195; 9, 46; with magical powers, emitting rays, the splitting asunder of the moon, 9, 21, 126 sq.; a ray darts from Bud255 n., Buddha on m., 10 (i), 63 n. ; dha's brow, and Buddhas appear in 21, 421; worked by Buddha, 10 (ii), myriads of worlds, 21, 231-6, 393; 14, 101; 11, xviii, 18, 21, 48 sq., 74 Bodhisattvas rise into the sky on losq. ; 13, 105-7, 019-22, 127-31, 133 tuses, 21, 248 sq. ; rain of heavenly sq. ; 17, 83 sq., 95, 104, 219; 19, flowers, &c., and heavenly music in 185, 185 n., 222, 222 n., 240, 251 sq. ; honour of Buddha, 21, 313, 315 sq., 20, 243-50; 21, xxx sq., 237 sq., 378 ; performed by the Act of 281-6, 364-8; 49 (i), 167, 170, 194, Truth, 21, 384 sq.; 35, 180-5, 180 n., 196-9; in connexion with Buddha's 185 n.; two princes convert their death, 11, 44, 86 sq., 123 sq., 128- father by performing m., 21, 42 1 sq. 30; 19, 268 sq., 307 sq.; in Bud- 426 ; performed by King Subhavyúdhism, 11, 46 sq. and n., 155; Nâga ha, 21, 426, 428; displayed on the King Mukalinda protects Buddha, arrival of Samantabhadra in the 13, 80; gods render service to Saha-world, 21, 431; attending the Buddha, 13, 83, 125-7 ; at the birth of Mahâvîra, 22, 189-92, 217foundation of the Kingdom of 56; produced by the gods when Truth, 13, 97 sqq.; the gods come Mahâvîra retired from the world to hear Buddha's preaching, 13, and reached highest knowledge, 22, Digitized by Microsoft ®


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