Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 391
________________ 374 MILK-MIND 3 when eve cups of m. offerosperity, 44, 237 sq.; S consecration water, 41, 78 sq.; is 8, 263 sq.; 26, 54 sq.; there are two breath, 41, 245; 43, 200; laid in minds, immovable and movable, 8, the female, 41, 245, 311; sour m. 264; relation of m. and sense(curds, whey, dadhi) is life-sap and organs, 8, 268-70, 337; 38, 365 sq. ; belongs to Indra, 41, 374 sq., 389 sq.; m. and understanding, as husband 43, 201; fire-altar sprinkled with and wife, 8, 310; the five Pranas, sour curds mixed with honey and speech, m., and understanding make ghee, 43, 182 sq., sour m. repre- 11p the eight constituents of the sents cattle, 43, 203 ; is seed, the universe, 8, 336; the moon its deity, earth a womb, 44, 180; cups of m. m. is the moon, 8, 338; 43, 11,333; and Surâ, 44, 225, 228; is vital air 44, 31; when everything is aband food, and prosperity, 44,237 sq.; sorbed into the m., the pleasures cups of m. offered, 44, 240 n., 241. of worldly life are not esteemed, 8, See also Animals (e), and Parables (f). 341; the characteristic of m. is Milk-ocean, Vishnu in the, 7, 6 sqq.; tliought or meditation, 8, 348-50; a vision of the m., 22, 236 sq. the pole of the wheel of life, 8, 355 ; Milky Way, see Stars. the truth about m., understanding, Millenniums, see Ages of the World. senses, &c., must be understood by Mîmâmsâ, its two branches, pûrva the Sannyâsin, 8, 368; is the ruler and uttara, 34, ix; the word already of the five elements, 8, 385 sq.. employed in the Brâhmanas, 34, x; 385 n. ; relation between m. and invast literature connected with it, dividual soul, 8, 386; 34, 104, 107, 34, xi; its various means of proof, 18 sqq., 175; the pupil of the 34, xli; the Vedânta-sûtras as well Kshetragña, 8, 394 ; libations to M. as the Pûrvâ Mîmâmsâ-sûtras are and Speech, 12, 124-7 ; dispute bethroughout M., 34, xlv; the earlier tween M. and Speech, decided by part of the M. teaches works, the Pragâpati, 12, 130 sq., 130 1. ; m. latter part knowledge of Brahman, and speech are the two libations of 48, 5, 19; what it aims at, 48, 6 sq.; the Agnihotra, 12, 332; difference M.-theory, as opposed to the Ve- between m. and buddhi, 15, xiv, dântin view, 48, 148-53. See also xiv n.; the triad of m., speech, Philosophy. breath, 15, 93-7; Pradyumna idenMîmâmsa-sâstra, a short name for tical with it, 34, xxiii, 440; is the the Pûrva-Mîmânsâ-sâstra, 34, xi. abode of the power of cognition, Mîmâmsa-sûtras, different from 34, 105; abides in the heart, 31, other Sûtras, 34, xii; not intel- 175; is superior to the senseligible without a commentary, 34, objects, 34, 239; intellect is higher xiji sq. than the m., 34, 239 sq.; presupMind (manas, internal organ): medi- poses the existence of an aggregate tation on m. as Brahman (n.), 1, 53, of atoms, viz, the body, 34, 403 n.; 112, 152, 15, 65; 34, xxxiy sq., speech, breath, and m. presuppose 107-16; the subtilest portion of fire, water, and earth, 38, 78 sq.; earth becomes m, in man, 1, 96-8; has all things for its objects and 38, 366; breath as the causal sub- extends to the past, the present, stance of m., 1,99; 38, 366; speech and the future, 38, 81; on account is merged in the m., m. in breath of the plurality of its functions we at death, 1, 100 sq., 107 sq.; 38, find it designated as manas or buddhi 364-7; 48, 729; is the self, is the or ahamkâra, or kitta, 38, 81; has world, 1, 112; is difficult to restrain five functions, 38, 89 sq.; accomand fickle, 8, 71; Krishna is the m. panies the soul when leaving its among the senses, 8, 88; as the body, 38, 102; six and thirty thouinstrument of knowledge, m. is the sand different energies of the m. upholder of the body, 8, 261 sq.; identified with the fire-altars, the 41, 270 ; first words are produced, cups, &c., 38, 265; Lâo-zze deand the m. runs after them, 8, 262; scribes the m. of man, 39, 294 sq. ; whether speech or m, is superior, by the m. everything is gained here, of the plutur | 729; is 7207 sq.; 38 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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