has piercing rays, 23, 327, 329 ; M. invoked in a medical charm, 42, 10, and Rashnu Razista, 23, 342; follows 237; saves from premature death, the sun in its course, 23, 349 ; Mihir 42, 50 sq. ; invoked to remove evil Nyâyis, prayer to M., 23, 349, 353- bodily marks from a woman, 42, 5; will smite the demons, 24, 33; 109; in a list of gods, 42, 126, 160 ; angel of the sun's light, 24, 96; worshipped at the Mitravindâ sacribrcach of promise called M.-drug, fice, 44, 62-6; lord of the Kshatra, 24, 287 sq.; the province-ruler, wor- bestows noble rank, 44, 63 sq.; expiashipped, 31, 199, 205, 210, 216, 220, tory oblation to M., 44, 207; Agni is 225; Ahura and M. worshipped, 31, like M., 46, 38, 46, 100, 186, 193, 202, 199, 199 n., 205, 210, 216, 220, 225; 333, 341 sq., 371, 373, 389, 401; M. prayer to M. to defeat Wrath and and Aryaman invited to the morning Lethargy, 37, 219; at the renova- service, 46, 38; Agni is M., friend tion of the universe, 37, 235; pun- of the gods, 46, 109, 112, 119, 240 ishes the sinner, 37, 278. See also Sun. sq., 371; is glorious through Agni, Mîtôkht, the liar, evil spirit, 5, 107 46, 148; 'human clans going to sq.; 18, 95 sq., 95 n.
settle M.,' 46, 202, 204 ; Agni brings Mitra, in Veda, and Avestic Mithra, M. to the sacrifice, 46, 316; Agni 4, lii ; in the Anugitâ, 8, 219 sq.; announces man's sin to M., 46, 325; the emancipated sage is M., 8, 220 the laws of M., 46, 335; M. and sq., 345 ; one of the ten fires at the Varuna, see Varuna (c). allegorical sacrifice of the sense- Mitrâtithi, n.p., 46, 36. organs, 8, 261; the presiding deity Mitravindâ, see Sacrifice (j). of Apâna and the organ of excre- Mitrô, see Mithra, tion, 8, 338; when the flame of the Mitrô-aîyyâr, son of Mahmâd of fire gets lower and lower it is M., Ispahân, 24, xxvi, 122 sq. and n.; 12, 341; prayers and offerings to questions of M. answered, 24, 162 n. M., 14, 247 ; 15, 45, 53; 26, 24; Mitrô-akâvîd, n.p., 5, 146. 29, 274 ; 41, 125, 244, 244 1. ; 44, Mitrô-ápân, n. of a scribe, 37, 281, 385; 46, 13, 418; protects him xxxviii. who performs thetwilight devotions, Mitrô-khûrsheid, Dâdistân-î Dînîk, 14, 249 ; identified with the excre- a reply to an epistle from, 18, xxii, 3. tions of the Atman, 25, 512 ; obla- Mitrô-tarsah, n.p., 5, 137. tion to M. at the wedding, 29, 32; Mitrô-varâs, n.p., 5, 146. the firm, powerful eye of M., 29, Mlekkha,see Barbarians, and Caste(e). 61; 30, 148; the Brahmakârin Mo and Yang have not hit on the identified with M., 29, 64; wor- proper course, 39, 329. shipped at the hospitable reception Mobeds or Parsi priests, see Priests of a friend, 29, 88, 198 ; invoked at (d). the house-building rite, 29, 214 ; of Moderation, secures long life and truth, invoked for protection, 29, success, 39, 102 sq. 280; "M. art tliou by rights,' says Moggalâna or Mahâ-M., Sk. Maudthe teacher to the pupil, 30, 151; galyâyana, or Mahâ-Maudgalyâyana, invoked at the Upanayana, 30, 151; died at Kusinârâ, 11, 238; procures, Agni and M., 32, 94 ; 46, 158, 387; with the help of a Nâga, cdible invited to the Soma, 32, 408 ; sacri- stalks of lotuses for Sâriputta, 17, fice to M. and Brihaspati at the Rî- 76 sq.; questions Buddha about the gasûya, 41, 66-8; is the Brahman, behaviour in case of schisms, 17, and the sacrifice, 41, 67; is every 317; an Arhat, and foremost disone's friend, 41, 68; offering to M. ciple of Buddha, 17, 359, 20, 79; Satya, 41, 71; is the breath, 41, 21, 2, 98 sqq., 144 sq. ; 49 (ii), 9o, 230 sq.; a Vası, 41, 231 ; 42, 164 sq., 201; relates the early his116; the worlds are protected tory of Buddha, 19, xviii; his conby M., 41, 245 ; husbandry bene- version, 19, 196; the spirit of Kaficial to M. and other gods, 41, kudha thie Koliyan appears before 329 ; sun, the eye of M., 41, 408; M. telling him the thoughts of De
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