Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 377
________________ 360 MARRIAGE marriage of castes, 2, 308 sq.; 5, 186; 33, 169 sq., 170 sq. n.; maiden 206; 7, 67, 106; 25, 75, 77-9, 83, allowed to choose a husband, in 86; intermarriage with idolaters case of her relatives neglecting to forbidden, 6, 33; in. with slave marry her, 2, 272 ; 7, 109, 109 n.; girls, 6, 75 sq.; the ancient Brahmanas 14, 91 sq., 314; 25, 343 sq.; 33, did not marry a woman belonging to 169; maidens married early, 31, another caste, nor did they buy a wife ; 92; child-m., 35, 74;-the order in they chose living together in mutual which brothers and sisters must love after having come together, 10 (ii), marry, 2, 230, 257 sq., 272; 7, 136, 49; intermarriage with outcasts, 14, 177 ; 14, 4, 103, 103 n., 217, 329; 58, 58 n., 68, 109; 25, 37, 105; sin of 25, 103 sq., 107 sq., 442 ; 44, 414; intermarrying with wicked people, m. of a younger sister, 16, 181 sq., 14, 130; 25, 384; an excellent 183 sq. n.; expiation for m. of a wife may be acquired from a base younger brother before an oider, family, 25, 72 1., 73; wives of dif 42, 164 sq., 521, 523-8;-number of ferent castes, their standing, 25, wives, 2, 126, 126 n.; 7, 106, IT 342 sq.; m. of cripples, idiots, sq.: 14, 5 sg. ; 29, 277; division of eunuchs, outcasts, 25, 373, 373 n.; inheritance among sons born by children from wives of different several wives, 2, 304 sq.; Shun's m. castes, 25, 402-5, 402 sq. n., 407-9, to the daughters of Yão, 3, 36 sq.; 412, 416-18, 416 sq. n.; confusion about accepting the child of a handof castes through m. with women maid, 5, 323 sq., 323 n., 344 sq.; who ought not to be married, 25, harem of King Sudassana, 11, 239, 407; rules about intermarriage, 28, 274, 276 sq.; position of a con63, 63 n.; the Khattiya the best in cubine improved by a son, 16, 170, the world of those who observe 171 sq. n.; feudal prince inarries exogamous m., 35, 229 n.; a wife nine ladies, one of them to be the to be given only to a Mazda-wor- proper wife, 16, 183 sq. n.; younger shipper, 37, 66 sq. ;-forbidden de- sister married off in a position grces, 2, 127, 127 n., 196 sq.; 6, ancillary to the real wife, 16, 334 75 ; 7, 106 sq.; 14, 42, 146, 146 n., sq., 335 n.; when the first wife dies, 216 sq. ; 25, 75-7 and n., 466, a man may marry again, 25, 198; 466 n.; 27, 203; 28, 297 sq. ; 30, wives and concubines, 27, 109, 161, 82; 33, 166, 287, 389; next-of- 164, 181, 189, 457, 471-3, 479; 28, kin marriage (Khvêtûk-das) in Zoro 44, 47-52, 47 n., 54 sq., 137-9, 380, astrianism one of the good works, 380 n.; the son of a concubine did 4, 98 sq., 98 n.; 5, 212 sq., 307, not preside at the sacrifices, 27, 388 sq., 389 sq. n.; 18, 225, 232, 223; 28,457; polyandry in the 387, 387 n., 391; 23, 332; 24, 26, Veda (?), 32, 277; want of harmony 26 n., 74; 31, 250; 37, 273 sq., anong wives and concubines, one 273 n., 288, 288 n., 392, 431, 445 ; of the troubles of common people, 47, x, XXV sq., 51-3, 166 sq.; m. 40, 195; she who is first taken to wife between blood-relations, 12, 238, is the consecrated consort, 41, 238: 238 sq. n.; texts on next-of-kin m., why a single man has many wives, 18, xxviii sq.; next-of-kin m. of 43, 230 ;-a man should not marry the first man and woman (mashya a girl who has no brothers, 2, 305; mashyôi), 18, 105, 105 n.; 37, 365; marriageable women to be sought 47, 6; origin of next-of-kin m. for wealth, 6, 76; fine for giving a 18, 199-201, 199 n.; meaning of blemished damsel in m., without Khvêtûk-das or next-of-kin m., 18, indicating her blemish, 7, 29; 389-430; breaking off a next-of- general advice as to choice of a kin m., a heinous sin, 24, 71; the wife, 7, 107; 14, 7, 42; 25, 76 sq.; youth given in m, to his kin, 31, 29, 21; 30, 186; vile men are to 342;--proper age of m., 2, 196, narry vile women, vile women vile 272 sq. ; 14, 314 ; 25, 343 sq., men, 9, 73, 76; Bhikkhus must not 344 n. ; 27, 65, 65 n., 478; 30, 82, give advice as to taking and giving Digitized by Microsoft ®


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