king, 25, 251 sg. See also Eating, the anus, and clysters forbidden to and Food.
Bhikkhus, 17, 77-80; Buddha allows Mean: king should set up the stan- store-houses to keep drugs in, 17, dard of the m. before the people, 3, 121; Mahâvîra never used m., 22, 88; the correct course of the due 86; Gaina monk must not take in. m., 16, 150, 219, 281, 304, 305 n., without asking leave of his superior, 307, 316, 320 sq., 331, 333 n.
22, 306; wisdom requisite for unMeasures, Persian, 5,98,98 sq. n.; of derstanding m., 24, 102; dead matter
distance, 37, 51 n., 56, 56 sq. 11., 67, used as m., 24, 336 ; rules about tak67 n.; span and cubit, the cubit is ing m., 27,114 ; 37, 48; storing of the arm, 41, 200; finger-breadth the medicinal herbs, 27, 271; treatment lowest m., 43, 300 ; measuring the of wounds, 35, 211; saving crimifire-altar, 43, 305-12. See also nals worthy of death for medical Weights.
purposes, 37, 53 ; curing defective Meat, see Animals (e).
sight, 37, 123; treated in the Nasks, Mecca, the sacred city of the Arabs, 37, 437, 447 ; urine as a cure for seat of the Kaabah, 6, xvi sq., xlv; scrofulous sores, 42, 19, 489; salve war between M. and Medinah, 6, as a protector of life and limb, 42, XXXV-xlii; turn (at prayer) thy face 61 sq.; urine, Rudra's m., 42, 138; towards the Sacred Mosque, 6, 20 use of m, forbidden to Gaina monks, sq.; the first House founded at M., 6, 45, 97; spells and roots as m., 45, 58; 'the mother of cities,' 6, 126; 103; knowledge of m. disclosed by 9, 205; Abraham prays that M. Zoroaster, 47, 75 sq. See also Parmight be a sanctuary, 6, 242 sq.; 9, ables (f), and Physicians. 124; the safe land, 9, 336, 336 n.; Medinah, the city of Yathrib, 6, pilgrimage to M., see 'Hagg; Sacred xxxiv; Mohammed at M., 6, xxxiv Mosque of M., see Mosques.
sq. ; war between Mecca and M., 6. Médârya Gotra, Udaka of the, 45, XXXV-xlii; the Muslims besieged by 420.
the confederate army at M., 9, 138Medhậganana, t.t., see Child (6). 42, 138 n., 140 n., 142 n. ; warning Medhâtithi Kânva, n. of a Rishi, to the infidels and hypocrites of M., author of Vedic hymns, 1,9; 32, 54; 9, 148, 284 sq. See also Yathrib. 46, 7, 35; Indra carries off M., 26, Meditation. 81, 81 n.
(a) M. on Brahman, the Lord, the Self. Medhâtithi, his commentary on the C) M. of Buddhist and Gaina monks. Manu-smriti, 25, cvii sq., cxviii- (a) M. ON BRAHMAN, THE LORD, THE cxxvi, cxxviii-cxxx, cxxxiv, a Kas- SELF. mîrian, 25, cxxiii sq., cxxiv n.; re- Two kinds of m., the brahmopafers to the Nârada-smriti, 33, xii, sana and the pratikopâsana, 1, 201; xviii.
rules about m., for the ascetic, 7, Medhyâtithi, n.p., 46, 32 sq., 35 sq. 281, 287-91; 15, 241 sq. ; 25, Ixix, Medicaments, see Medicine.
209-13, 211 n.; whatever he mediMedicine, origin of, 4, lxx, 225-7; tates upon, that is obtained by a man spells more powerful than the m. of (in a future existence): such is the lancet and drugs, 4, lxxx; three mysterious power of m., 7, 289; m. at (five) kinds of m. (holiness, the time of death, 8, 78, 390; a means Law), the knife, herbs, and sacred of attaining to Krishna, 8, 79, 84, spells, 4, 87, 87 n., 225-8; 23, 44; 100; silent m. superior to all sacrimen become skilled in m. in the age fices, 8, 89, 89 n.; some by m. see of Hûshedar-mah, 5, 233; on m. to the self in the self,by the self, 8, 105 ; be used by Bhikkhus, 13, 174 ; 17, leads to unity with Brahman, 8, 128; 41-61, 65 sqq., 68, 76 sq., 89, 97, 144 11, 201 sq., 201 n.; persons made to sq., 221-5; 20,77, 154 ; one should appear by mystic m., 8, 136, 150; by beget offspring through the applica- exclusive m., the devotee attains tion of m. and prayers, 14, 273 ; cas concentration of mind, 8, 248, 251; tration and surgical operations near by m, he reaches greatness, 8, 332; S.B, IND.
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