Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 387
________________ 370 MEDITATION the Sannyasin who wishes to attain six auxiliary means of m., 48, 17, to final emancipation, should medi. 261, 284 ; true mode of m., 48, 363; tate on one point, 8, 368; some as a mental sacrifice on the altars of Brâhmanas recommend m., others mind, speech, &c., 48, 668-73; at sacrifice and gifts, 8, 376; purifies the time of m. the Self of the devofrom sin, 14, 128; the results of tee is of the nature of the released practising m. or Yoga, 15, 242 ; Self, 48, 673-5; the Upakosala, the discussions as to whether certain m. Sândilya, the Vaisvânara m., the m. (vidyâs) have to be combined or to on the Self of bliss, on the Imperishbe kept apart, 34, Ixvii sq., lxx, lxxiiable, and other ms., 48, 679: a purisq., 1xxv; 38, 184-96,216-22, 240-9, fication of the sacrificer's mind, 48, 277-9, 281-4, 303-5; m. on con- 686 sq. See also Brahman (b), Cogstituent parts of sacrifices, are not nitions, Knowledge, Worship, and to be considered as permanently Yoga. requisite parts of the latter, but are (6) M. OF BUDDHIST AND GAINA valid for all Sâkhâs, 34, lxxiv ; 38, MONKS. 252-6, 272-4; 48, 629 sq., 675-7; Without knowledge there is no m. on the Self must be repeated m., without m. there is no knowagain and again, 34, 1xxvi; 38, 331-7; ledge, 10 (i), 87; Buddha on the is to be carried on in a sitting relation of upright conduct, m., and posture, 34, lxxvii; 38, 349 sq. ; 48, intelligence, 11, 11, 11 n., 12, 15, 24, 720 sq.; may be carried on at any 28, 34, 65 sq., 70; four Ghanas or time, and in any place, favourable to stages of m., 11, 61, 62 sq. n.; 36, concentration of mind, 34, lxxvii; 143; nine stages of m. preceding 38, 350 sq.; ms. are to be continued Buddha's Nirvana, 11, 114 sqq., 115 until death, 34, lxxvii; 38, 351 sq.; . ; 19, 307; m. (samadhi) in Bud48,72 1 sg.; is an action, knowledge dhism, corresponds to Faith in Chrisis not, 34, 35; the threefoldness of tianity, 11, 145; the four Appam., 34, 102-6, 272; 48, 253 sq.; m., as maññas or Brahma-vibâras, 'infinite taught in the Vedanta-texts, is pos- feelings of Love, Pity, Sympathy, sible only if the soul is an agent, 38, Equanimity, 11, 201 sq., 201 n., 52 ; presentation before the mind 272 sq., 273 sq. n., 285, 285 n. ; the of the highest Self is effected through ecstasy of contemplation, one of the m., 38, 171 sq.; as a means of the conditions by which a Bhikkhu obknowledge of the highest person, 38, tains his desires, 11, 210-18; the 204 sq.; twofold m. on the oneness “Great Complex' a kind of m., 11, of the Self, 38, 244 sq.; ms. are 267 n.; stages of mystic m, or themselves acts, but not subordinate superhuman conditions (gbâna, vimembers of the sacrifices, 38, 256, mokkhas, samâpattis), 13, 235 sq., 348; owing to the might of the m. 245 sq.; 19, 138 sq., 138 n.; 35, on the unity of pranava and ud- 52; 49 (i), 128 sq.; Bhikkhus walk githa, the Hotri sets right any mis- up and down when meditating, 17, take he may commit in his work, 6 sq., 17, 17 n. ; 36, 9; list of ms., 38, 282; ms. subserve the end of 21, 420, 424 sq.; its characteristic man, not of sacrifice, 38, 283; ms. marks, 35, 60 sq.; the advantages of priest and sacrificer, the fruit be- of m., 35, 196-8; compared with a longs to him who carries out the m., state of dream, 36, 161 ; subjects for 38, 320 sq. ; in. and knowledge m., 36,21250.; Buddha's 'jewelofm.,' identical, 38, 332; 48, 715 sq. ; on 36, 222 sq., Bhikkhus addicted to m., the udgîtha viewed as the sun, 38, 36, 238; emancipation the flower of 333; by the application of m. the m., 36, 312; enjoined for the Bhiksoul departs by the vein passing khu, 36, 372; the Bhâvanâs (Gaina through the skull, 38, 377 sq.; en- t.t.) ms. conducive to the purity of joined by Vedanta-texts, 48, 13 sq., the soul, 45, 69, 69 n.; purem. 179 sq., 681; the term explained on the law, the sixth kind of in48, 14 sq. ; abstention and the other ternal austerities, 45, 179 sq.; the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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