Măng-ze, a eunuch, composed an ode of the Shih, 3, 295. Măng 3ze, record of her death, 28, 298.
Măng 3ze-fan, n. of a Tâoist, 39,
250, 250 n.
Mânî, doctrines of, criticized, 24, 243, 243 n. Manibhadra, disciple of Sambhûtavigaya, 22, 289. Mânichaeans, see Manicheism. Manicheism, a heresy of Zoroastrianism, 4, xlvi; of a mixed law are those of the Sinik congregation (M.?), 5, 296, 296 sq. n.; criticism of its doctrines, 24, xxv, xxviii, 170, 243
Mânih, a heretic, 37, 278 sq., 278 n.; 47, 88 n., 126, 126 n. Manikara, n. of a demon, invoked, 29, 364. Manikúlaka, a village headman, asserts that gold and silver was not allowed by Buddha, 20, 391 sq. Mân Kâu-teh, and 3ze-kang converse together on right conduct, 40, 176-80.
Mankind, see Man. Mankura, attendant on Milinda, 35, xix, 47 sq. Manmatha, god of love, 42, 311. Manobhirâma, n. of a Buddhafield, 21, 150. Manogia, a chief Gandharva, 21, 5. Manogйasabdâbhigargita, n. of the aeon in which Ananda is to be a Buddha, 21, 206. Manogñasvara, a chief Gandharva,
21, 5.
Manota, a deity, offering to, 26, 203, 393.
Man-sacrifice, see Human sacrifice. Mânsarspend, see Mathra Spenta. Manslaughter, see Homicide. Mantha, or mash offering, a rite, performed to obtain greatness, 1, lxxv sq., 75 sq.; 15, 209-15. Manthalagautama, a Bhikshu, seduced by Bâlamukhyâ, 49 (i), 38 sq. Manthin, is the moon, 26, 278 sq.; Soma libations for Sukra and M., 26, 278-88, 316, 332, 409; 41, 111 sq.; 44, 209 sq. Mantî, one of the eight Brahmans who took note of the marks on Buddha's body, 36, 44.
Mânti, n. of a teacher, 15, 119, 187. Mantra-Brahmana, and GobhilaGrihya-sûtra, 30, 3-11. Mantrapatha, and ApastambîyaGrihya-sûtra, 30, 249. Mantras I know the M. only, the sacred books, I do not know the Self,' 1, 110; are contained in a name, 1, 112, 114; M. for the funeral oblations, 1, 83, 83 n., 84, 84 sq. n., 86; sacraments for women without M., 7, 114; 25, 330, 330 n.; only the flesh of beasts that has been consecrated with M. may be eaten by Brahmanas, 7, 169; M. for the Srâddha ceremonies and oblations, 7, 232-7 and notes, 239, 240, 250 n.; sacrifices without M. are no good, 8, 119, 119 n. ; how to know where a M. ends, 29, 375; the M. used at Grihya ceremonies, their date and metre, 30, ix-xiv, XXX, XXX 11., XXXV; M. used for rites for which they have not been composed, 30, 114 n.; how the M. have to be recited, 30, 318-20; definitions of M. and Brahmanas, 30, 323-5; rules about the recitation of M. at sacrifices, 30, 325-9, 345, 350 sq., 353, 359 sq.; certain M. and Brahmana passages met with in the beginning of some Upanishads, do not belong to the brahmavidyâ, 34, Ixx; 38, 222-5; M. and arthavâdas as authorities on the gods, 34, 198, 203, 217, 219 sq., 223, 304, 348, 355; do not constitute an independent means of authoritative knowledge for anything, 34, 218; though subserving other purposes, are also independent means knowledge, 34, 220-2; have occasionally to be explained in a secondary sense, 34, 318; Nâgasena wants Rohana to teach him the best
Mantra,' 35, 19 sq.; stories about men who obtained new bodies, in M. and arthavâdas, 38, 235; M. which are enjoined in one Sâkhâ or Veda are taken over by other Sâkhâs or Vedas also, 38, 273 sq.; on the non-return of the released soul, 38, 418 sq.; relation between M. and sûtras, 42, 480; the thoughtful men find the hidden Agni by reciting M. or spells, 46, 61; Veda
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