Arabian tribes, 6, xii sq.; the Mandikaputra, n. of a Sthavira,
divinity of M. recognized and again denied by Mohammed, 6, xxvi sq. Mânatantavya, n. of a teacher, quoted, 30, 28, 28 n. Mânatta, t.t., penance, when unlawful, 17, 270 sq.; regulations about the m., 17, 397-418, 420-39. See also Samgha (disciplinary proceedings). Mânava, Saryâta, the, 26, 273. Mânava Dharma-sastra, see Manusmriti.
Mânava Dharma-sûtra, converted into our Manu-smriti, 25, xix sq., xxii-xlv, lxv-cvi. Mânava-gâmika, n. of a god, 36, 55. Mânava Gana, founded by Rishigupta Kâkandaka, 22, 292. Mânava-Grihya-sûtra, and Kâthaka-Grihya-sutra, 7, xxvi, xxvii n.; M. and Manu-smriti, 25, xxiii, xxxviii-xl; on marriage by purchase, 25, xciii.
Mânavâkârya, author of Mânavasûtras, 25, lxiii, lxiii n. Mânavas, home of their school, 25, xlv.
Mânava Srâddhakalpa, and Manusmriti, 25, xl-xliv.
Manâvî, wife of Manu, 12, 29 sq.; 25, lx.
Mandâkaka, n. of a demon, 30, 220. Mândalikas, mothers of, wake up after seeing one of the fourteen auspicious dreams, 22, 246. Mandapâla, married Sârangî, 25, 331, 331 n. Mandarava, see Flowers. Mândârya, son of Mâna, Rishi of hymns to the Maruts, 32, 181, 183 sq., 203, 206, 211, 273, 280. Mândavya, n. of a teacher, 15, 227; 29, 141; worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 122, 220; declared a thief by unjust trial, 33, 16, 16 n., 285; pupil of Kautsa, 43, 404. Mandha, see Mândhâtri. Mândhâtri (Mandha), miraculously born from the forehead, 19, 3; 49 (i), 6; obtained the half of Sakra's throne, and was not satisfied, 19, 118, 122; 49 (i), 113; typical great king, 19, 221, 275; went up to heaven, even in his human body, 35, 172; 36, 146; bow of M., 49 (i), 108.
22, 286. Mandikukshi Kaitya, n. of a park, 45, 100.
Mandu, worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 122; honoured as teacher, 29, 141.
Mandûka, a god, conversion of, 36,
Mândûkâyani, n. of a teacher, 15, 227; 43, 404. Mândûkâyanîputra, n.p., 15, 225, Mândûkeya, n. of a teacher, 1, 247 sq., 251, 252; two teachers, father and son, 1, 248; Hrasva M., 1, 253, 257, 265; quoted, 29, 25, 28, 83; worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 123, 220. Mândûkîputra, n.p., 15, 225. Mândûkya - upanishad, quoted, 8, notes to 79, 247, 251, 259, 324, 376.
Manes, see Ancestors, Fathers, Fravashis, Souls, and Spirits. Man-fû, of 3âu, his mother told Confucius the grave of his father, 27, 124.
Măng Hsien-ze, his excessive mourning, 27, 129 sq.; mourning rites for him, 27, 154; quoted, 28, 167, 167 1., 423. Măng-hû, uncle of Wan, 27, 152. Măng King-jze, on funeral rites, 27, 174.
Mango Grove, at Pâvâ, 11, 70, 82 sq.
Măng Phi, nephew of Văn, 27,
Măng-sun 3hai, how he behaved on the death of his mother, 39, 253-5; obtained the Tão, 40, 283. Mangudhvaga, n. of a Tathagata, 49 (ii), 99. Mangughosha, see Magusri. Mangushakas, see Flowers. Mangusri, or Mangughosha, a Bodhisattva Mahâsattva, 21, 3 sq., 8-29, 248-50, 363; 49 (ii), 90, 161, 161 n.; taught the daughter of the Nâgaking Sâgara the Lotus of the True Law, 21, 250-4; Buddha explains to him the rules of conduct for a Bodhisattva, 21, 262-80; the prince royal, 21, 394, 396 sq., 399, 404. Mangusvara Mangusrî, 21, 16; Tathagatas, called M., 49 (ii), 71.
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