dagaba, 11, 133, 135; 19, 325-34 ; three greatest concerns of m., 5, establish a compact that whosoever 394 sq., m. were one nation once, did not welcome Buddha should 6, 30; soul of m. is enveloped in pay a fine, 17, 135.
six sheaths, three of which come Malli, n. of a Tirthakara, 22, 280. from the father, and three from the Mallikâ, the queen, the fame of her mother, 7, 171. n. ; Krishna is the good deeds reached to the gods, 35,
ruler of m. among in., 8, 89; action 172; a flower girl, became chief the characteristic of m., 8, 348; queen, 36, 146.
birth, growth, and death of m. are Mâlunkyâ-putta, his question not
proofs of resurrection, 9, 56 sq.; answered by Buddha, 35, 204-6.
creation, conception, birth, death,
and resurrection of m., 9, 65 sq., Mâlyaka Kula, of the Karana Gana,
196 sq., 312; lives even longer than 22, 292.
a hundred years, 12, 272 ; fifteen Mâlyavat, n. of a mountain, 8, 346.
parts of m., 15, 41; duty of m., in Mamaka, perhaps n.p., 46, 29.
what it consists, 15, 51 sqq. ; comMamatâ, Rishi Dîrghatamas, the
pared with a tree, 15, 149 sq. ; is blind son of, 46, 170, 171; sons of
the altar on which the Devas offer M., 46, 332; daughter of the
food, 15, 208; Heaven and Earth Maruts, 49 (i), 44.
and m., 'the three Powers, 16, Man (men, mankind), is a creature
351, 351 sq. n., 402, 402 sq. n., of will, 1, 48; is sacrifice, 1, 50 sq.,
423 sq., 424 n.; 28, 115, 115 11., 223; 38, 220 sq., 265; 44, 19 sq.;
300 sq., 301 n., 319, 319 n. ; 40, water in the fifth libation called
258-60; flesh of m. must not be M., 1, 77-9; consists of sixteen
eaten by Bhikkhus, 17, 84 sq. ; why parts, 1, 97_sq. ; 44, 19 sq.; the
m. are created, and what they abode of Brahman, 1, 205 sq. ;
ought to do, 18, 25 sq.; created as and in m. again the self develops
a guardian of the creatures, 18, 88; grailually, for he is most endowed with knowledge. ... By means of the mortal
three kinds of m., 24, 82 sq.; he desires the immortal--thus is he
dwelling of understanding, intellect, endowed, 1, 222 ; m. is the sea, rising
seed, and wisdom in m., 24, 89 sq. ; beyond the whole world. Whatever he
the chief of m. is he who is wise, reaches, he wishes to go beyond. If he religious, and true, 24, 107; four reaches the sky, he wishes to go beyond. capabilities in m., 24, 119; good If he should reach that (heavenly) and bad influences in n., 24, 133, world, he would wish to go beyond, 160 sq.; design in the organization 1, 223; is fivefold, i. e. consists of of the human body and soul, 24, the five elements, 1, 223; 43, 326 sq.; 143-5; Iblis refuses to do homage the body of m. represented as the to the first m., 24, 178, 178 n.; did whole world, 1, 249; most highly evil arise before or after or with endowed, noblest of all creatures, m.? 24, 187 sq., 194 sq.; punish3, 125, 476; 37, 238 ; receives body ments for stealing m., 25, 310; 33, and soul from Heaven, 3, 139 n.; 227, 362 sq. ; is impure by speaking all m. are good at first, 3, 234, untruth, 26, 8, 16; the highest of 410 sq., 411 n., 425 n.; 16, 356, animals, 26, 210, 407; 41, 402 ; 357 n.; as a microcosm, 4, 191 n.; consists of body, animal soul, and origin or creation of m., 5, 10; 8, intelligent soul, 27, 36; 28, 220-2; 387; 18, 197-9, 224 sq. ; 24, 58; 39, 21-3, 316, 316 n. ; 40, 251; 37, 25 sq. ; 41, 402; 43, 403; on stages of a m.'s life, and charthe nature and varieties of m., 5, acteristics of each stage from child52-9; varieties of human monsters, hood to old age, 27, 65 sq.; the 5, 59, 59 sq. n.; fire in m. and seven feelings of m., 27, 379 sq.; animals, 5, 61 sq.; how the black- likes and dislikes of m., 27, 380; skinned negro arose, 5, 87; three m. is the heart and mind of llcaven material, and eleven immaterial and Earth, and the visible embodiment things in m., 5, 355, 355 1.; the of the five elements, 27, 380-2, 382
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