great rites of the Sattra, 44, 139 n., Mâhesvarî, or Pârvati, or Umâ, the 144, 159 sq., 167.
chief of all females, 8, 219, 347, Mahâvrishas, n. of a people, 1, 57 347 n. n., 58; 42, 1 sq., 446, 448.
Mahî, n. of a river, 10 (ii), 3. Mahâvyûha, n. of the age of the Mahî, a goddess, invoked in Aprî
Buddha Rasmiprabhâsa, 21, 142, hymns, 46, 8, 11 Sq., 154, 377 Mahâvyûha, the 57th Tathâgata, Mahidâsa Aitareya, author of the 49 (ii), 7.
Aitareya-brâhmana and Aranyaka, Mahayagña, see Sacrifice (b).
1, xciii-xcV; lived 116 years, 1, 51; Mahâyâna, school of Buddhism, its quoted, 1, 212 sq., 231. doctrineon the person of Buddha, 21, Mahiddhi, Brâhmans pray to, 11, xxviii; the Saddharma-pundarîka an 180. exposition of the M. system, 21, Mahikerus, n. of a family (?), 46, xxxii; the distinguishing features of 42 sq. the M. system from the Hinayâna Mahiman, cup of Soma, 44, 391, doctrines, 21, xxxiji sq.; why victori- 394. ous over the Hînayâna, 21, xxxvii ; Mahinda, son of Asoka, Buddhist the instrument of the Law of the missionary in Ceylon, 10 (i), xiii, perfect Buddha, 49 (i), 134; Bud- xxiv sq. See also Mahendra. dhist M. texts, Vol. 49 (ii); tenets Mahishî, t.t., the king's first wife, of Mahâyâna metaphysics, 49 (ii), 41, 238; 44, 386 sq. xiv-xix.
Mâhissatî, n, of a town, 10 (ii), 188. Mâh-ayâr, n.p., 5, 147.
Mâhitthi, n. of a teacher, 15, 227; Mâh-bôndak, n.p., 5, 147.
41, 175; 43, 105-8, 271, 404. Mâh-bûkht, n.p., 5, 147.
Mahopanishad, quoted, 48, 522. Mâh-dâd, n.p., 5, 145, 194.
Mahosadha, Amara, the faithful Mahendra, 11. of a mountain, 8, 346. wife of, 35, 294-7. Mahendra, god, Sânnayya offered Mahraspand, see Mathra Spenta. to, 12, 182; 30, 337; the special deity Mahrkûs, a wizard, destroyed by of a gatasrî, 12, 183 n. i oblations the Dâhmân Afrîn, 47, xii, xxxi, to M., 12, 408 n., 419; 30, 123; 44, 108, 108 n.; the winter of M., 47, 76 n., 77; Soma libation (Mâhendra- 9 sq. ; a devastator, 47, 126. See graha) for M., 26, 338, 404; 41, 13, also Mahrkûsha. 17 sq., 41, 81, 113; Indra became Mahrkûsha, the demon who sends M. after slaying Vritra, 26, 338; the deathly winters, 4, 251, 251 n. worshipped at the new and full See also Mahrkûs. moon sacrifices, 29, 173, 392; 30, Mâhvand-dâd, quoted, 5, 215 sq., 37; Mahendras enjoy themselves 216 n. on Mount Meru, 45, 288.
Mâh-vindad, copied the Dînkard, Mahendra, prince, his invasion of 37, xxxiv-xxxvi, xxxviii. Ceylon, 8, 223.
Mâhya, the monthly festivals, worMahesvara, fell in love with the shipped as deities, 31, 198, 205, 210
daughter of Himâlaya (Umâ, Pâr- sq., 216, 220, 224, 368, 379. vatî), 19, 150; announces to the Maiden, see Marriage, and Woman Devas the birth of Buddha and (a, b, e). admonishes them to pay homage to Maidhyâirya, worshipped, 31, 198, him, 19, 361 sq. ; Isvara and M., 205, 210, 216, 220, 225, 335, 338, two gods, each followed by 30,000 368, 370, 372. gods, 21, 4; M. and Isvara entreat Maidhyô-mâh, the Spitâma, a folBuddha to teach the law, 21, 55; lower of the law of Ahura, 31, Brahma, Isvara and M., and Indra, 186. 21, 349; Avalokitesvara assumes Maidhyô-maungha, first disciple the shape of M., 21, 411; worshipped of Zarathustra, 23, 203; his son before the ordeal by poison, 33, Ashastu, 23, 209; the younger, 23, 260. See also Siva.
219. Mâhesvaras, see Saivas.
Maidhyô-shema, worshipped, 31,
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