xvi: 45. xiv: life of M. and life of ledge and faith, 45, XV sq., 27, 261, Buddha compared, 22, xvii sq.; story 301, 304; a doctrine of Pârsva of his birth, the removal of his ascribed to M. by Buddhists, 45, embryo froni the womb of the xxi; called an Aggivêsana, i.e. conBrâhmanî Devânandâ to that of the founded with Sudharman by BudKshatriyânî Trisalâ, 22, xxxi, xxxi dhists, 45, xxi; his Syâdvâda estabn., 189-92, 217-56; description of lished in opposition to Sañgaya's the austerities and the mendicant Agnosticism, 45, xxvii; relation belife of M., and his indifference to tween M.and Gosâla Makkhaliputta, pain, 22, 79-87; dwelling-places of 45, xxix-xxxii; forbade the use of M., 22, 82; travelled in Lâdha, 22, clothes, which Pârsva allowed, 45, 8459., 84 n.; meditated free from sin XXX ; his success in propagating his and desire, 22, 87; plucked out his creed, 45, xxxii; declared the hair in five handfuls, 22, 189, 199, twenty-two troubles which a monk 277, 259; reaches Nirvana, resp. must conquer, 45, 8-10, 15; when Kevala, and becomes an Arhat, a M. spoke, he was understood by all Gina, a Kevalin, 22, 189, 201 sq., creatures whatever their language, 217 sq., 258, 263 sq.; the five im- 45, 8 n.; describes the death of the portant events of his life happened ignorant man, 45, 21; addresses a in Uttaraphalgunî, 22, 189, 217 sq.; sermon to his disciple Indrabhûti, in Svâti he obtained final liberation, 45, 41-6; Pârsva and M., Svetâm22, 189, 218, 264 sq.; his various bara and Digambara sects, 45, 119 kinds of transcendent knowledge, n., 119-29; his disciple Gautama, i.e. 22, 190, 191, 200, 219, 229, 257, 263 Sudharman, 45, 120; preaches on sq.; his early childhood, 22, 192 sq.; the seventy-three articles by which his life as a prince of Videha, 22, final beatitude is reached, 45, 158, 193 sq., 256; his relations and family 173 ; on the fate of heretics, 45, connexions, 22, 193 sq., 256; gives 239; describes the hells, 45, 279; away his property and retires from praise of M., the omniscient great the world, thereby causing a great sage, 45, 287-92 ; how to become stir among the gods, 22, 194-200, a M., or a Great Hero, who is om257-9; resolves to neglect his body niscient, does not die, and is not for twelve years, 22, 200 sq., 260–3; born again, 45, 329-32; first wanteaches the five great vows, 22, 202- dered about as a single monk, and 10, 212; 45, 121 sq., +34 sq.; the then went about teaching his doclast of the Tîrthakaras, predicted trines to many people, 45, 409; by former Tîrthakaras, 22, 225 sq.; Gosâla compares M. with a merprisoners set free and great enter- chant, and is rebuked by Ardraka, tainments arranged in Kundapura 45, 413 sq. See also Gina. at the birth of M., 22, 252 sqq.; Mahâviyūhasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), wore clothes for a year and a month, 171-4. then went about naked, 22, 259 sq.; Mahâvrata, the Great Rite, the last the ideal ascetic, 22, 260--3; places day of the Gavâmayana, a sacrifice where he spent his rainy seasons, lasting a whole year, 1, xcii sq., 22, 264; became a Siddha, a Buddha, xcix, 157-99, 258, 260 ; 26, 427 11., a Mukta, finally liberated, 22, 264 429-32, 429 sq. n.; 43, XXV-xxvii, Sq.; events happening on the death 282-9, 282 sq. n., 342, 342 n., 346of M., 22, 265-7; his death in 9; 44, 165, 167, 167 n.; is for the Svâti, 22, 269; had nine Ganas and attainment of Brahman, 1, 162; beeleven Ganadharas, 22, 286 sq. ; was longs to Indra, 1, 167, 170; is of the Kâsyapa gotra, 22, 287; 45, Brahman, 1, 169; the Hotri priest xxi; how he kept the Paggusan, sitting on a swing at the M., 1, 17222, 296; declared the rules of 6; the most important day of the the Paryushanâkalpa, 22, 311; Soma sacrifice, 1, 224 11. ; restricthe Arhat Gñâtriputra, of Vai- tions as to teaching the M.ceremony, sâli, who possessed highest know. 1, 266-8; formerly one of the three
where he ascetic, 22, 222, 259 sq. Mht.
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