(i), 20, 20 n.; a 1. of one day is better if a man is virtuous, than he who lives a hundred years, vicious and unrestrained, 10 (i), 33; that 1. is best which is lived with understanding, 10 (ii), 30; the best 1. according to Buddha, 10 (ii), 30 sq.; the Âsava of 1., one of the Âsavas, 11, 297 sq., 300 sq.; one does everything for 1., 15, 154; is where there is a living spirit in the soul's body, 18, 53; misery of worldly 1. as compared with a religious (houseless) 1., 22, 15-27; Mânîchaean doctrine of 1., 24, 245 sq.; different length of 1. in different ages, 25, 23, 23 n.; the differences between rich and poor, low and high, &c., caused by Karman, 35, 100 sq.; eight conditions (gain and loss, &c.) to which men are subject, 36, 257, 257 n.; worldly existence subordinate to spiritual 1., 37, 8 sq., 14; precautions in depositing or handling things injurious to 1., 37, 124 sq.; men come forth and live; they enter (again) and die, 39, 92 sq.; how the Tâoist sage shows his love of 1., 39, 114 sq.; is a dream and a delusion, 39, 129 sq., 194-7, 254 sq.; dangers to 1. from sensual desires, 39, 150; 40, 17 sq.; full understanding of the 1. of the body, and the 1. of the spirit, 39, 150 sq.; 40, 11-26; is 1. worth living? 39, 180 sq. and n. ; how the Tâoist looks upon 1. and death, 39, 238, 242 sq., 246-55; 40, 59 sq., 85 sq., 279, 291-3; is the root of death, and death is the root of 1., 40, 262; the great elixir, 40, 271, 283; 1. of gods longer than men's, 41, 344; 1. (vital power) and vital air, 43, 141, 143; man has a 1. of a hundred years, 43, 299, 323-6; 44, 220, 261, 287, 298, 311, 313, 353, 357; 1. and immortality, 43, 327, 357 sq.; the meritoriousness of sacrificing one's own l., 49 (ii), 125 sq., 129. See also Ahimsâ, Breath, Death, Pain, Samsâra, Suicide, and Transmigration. Life-winds, see Prânas. Light, which shines above heaven, is the same which is within man, 1, 47; on the road beginning with 1. the departed soul proceeds, 1, 68,
So; 38, 382-4, 386-9; sun and knowledge the highest 1., 1, 141, 141 n.; the endless and sovereign, 4, 221, 221 n.; 23, 177; 1. or deity of 1. not seen but by those who attain to the Adhyâtman, 8, 316; the entity, connected with the self called eye, with objects colour, its presiding deity the sun, 8, 337, 340, 348, 350, 352; sound, touch, and colour are the three qualities of 1., 8, 384; Svar, the realm of 1., the gods, 12, 270 sq.; by the 1. of Brahman everything is lighted, 15, 20, 37; 34, xxxvi, 192-5; sun, moon, fire, sound, and the Self, are the 1. of man, 15, 162 sq.; Brahman is the light of lights, 15, 178; 34, 193 sq.; between the earth and the region of infinite 1. there are the star region, the moon region, and the sun region, 23, 73 n.; the heavenly Is. oppressed by Daêvas, and helped by Fravashis, 23, 194; endless ls., highest Paradise, 23, 317, 344; is the highest Brahman, 34, xxxiv, xxxviii, 87-97, 185, 191, 231 sq.; 48, 247-9, 256; the firstborn 1. which has not yet become tripartite, 34, 88 sq.; the highest 1. identified with the gastric fire within man, 34, 89; 1. of Brahman is the cause of the manifestation of this entire world,34, 194; the prâgña Self is the universal 1., 34, 195; the 1. into which the soul enters is the highest Self, 38, 407; is immortality, 41, 383; 43, 238; three Is., viz. Agni, Vâyu, and Sûrya, produced, 44, 102. See also Luminaries, and Sun. Lightning, the person in the, is Brahman, 1, 66, 151 sq., 152 n.. 303; 15, 68, 101, 192; a station on the soul's road to the sun or Brahman, 1, 68, 80; 38, 386, 389; 48, 747 sq. its red, white, and black colours, 1, 95; the presiding deity of air (skin, touch), 8, 337, 340; no impurity for those killed by 1., 25, 185; lows like a cow, 32, 81, 91 sq.; Is. go in quest of the rain, 32, 98, 103; with gory teeth, 32, 209, 222; is the spear of the Maruts, 32, 272, 274; laughing or smiling Is., 32, 280, 284, 312, 315; 46, 205; the red apple shaken from the firma
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