Law-books, see Dharma-sâstras, 10 n., stories from L. in Kwang-zze's Dharma-sûtras, and Smriti.
books, 39, 150, 160; 40, 15 n., 16 Law courts, see Witnesses.
1., 20 n., 41 n., 53 n.; L. and the Law suits, see Judicial procedure. warden Yin, 39, 150; 40, 12-14, Lay-devotees, see Buddhist laymen. 12 sq. n.; surnamed Lieh Yü-khâu, Learning, see Knowledge.
when he lived, 39, 160 ; 40, 53 ; Legends, ancient and modern,' in frightened at the respect shown to the Brâhmanas, 12, xxiii-xxv; pur- him by the soup-vendors, L. is pose of 1. recorded in the Vedanta- warned by Po-hwăn Wî-zăn, 39, texts, 34, lxxv ; 38, 305 sq. ; the 160 sq.; 40, 202-4, 322 sq.; exhibits Pâriplava Akhyâna, revolving or his archery to Po-hwăn Wû-zan, cyclic I. recounted every ten days 40, 53 sq. ; though reduced to during the year of the horse-sacri- extreme poverty, he refuses a gift fice, 44, xxxi, 361-71. See also of grain from the ruler, 40, 155 sq. ; Tales, and Veda (a).
not great, because he had someLei-thing, sprites haunting dust thing to wait for, 40, 274. heaps, 40, 19.
Lien Shû, conversation between him Lêpa, n, of a rich householder and and Kien Wû, 39, 127, 170 sq. Gaina layman, 45, 420.
Life: how to obtain longevity, 1, 50 Lepers, see Diseases.
sq. ; 39, 23-5; 40, 270-2 ; a Lêsyâ, Gaina t.t., a subtile substance
Snâtaka should not imperil his 1., 2, accompanying the soul, produced by
99, 222 ; 14, 63; the worshipped Karman, 45, 196 n., 196-203, 230 sq. Letters, meditations on certain
ancestors grant long I., 3, 326, 344
sq., 366-8, 370 ; 1. and death, 5, classes of, 1, 257, 258, 263-5; A the first among I., 8, 9o.
314; parable of human I., 6, 195 Levirate, see Niyoga, and Widow.
sq. ; transitoriness and misery of
human l., birth, old age, disease, Lî, and Khung made an end of the
death, 7, 78 sq., 281 sq.; 8, 79, 103, communication between earth and heaven, 3, 257, 257 sq. n.; mis
109, 170, 201 1., 245, 247; 10 (ii),
106-8, 147, 154 ; 21, 77 sq., 25, government of King L., 3, 407 sq.,
500 sq. ; 35, 273, 275-8; 36, 196410, 417; meaning of the term, 27, 9-11; Kings Yû and L. corrupted
201, 302 ; 37, 201 sq.; 40, 64, 174 the ways of Kâu, 27, 372; sprites
sq. ; 45, 18-20, 41-4, 81 sq., 90 ;
the three objects of 1., i. e. virtue, haunting mountain tarns, 40, 19;
love, and wealth, 7, 194; 19, 117 = Po-yü, q. v. Liar, see Truth.
sq. ; 49 (i), 98, 108 sq., 119 sq.;
Asvattha tree a symbol of worldly Libations, see Ordeals, and Sacrifices.
1., 8, 111, 111 sq. 1. ; he who properly Liberality, see Charity, Gifts, and
perceives pleasure and pain to be incon.
stant, the body to be an unholy aggregate, Râta.
and ruin to be connected with action ; Liberation, see Emancipation, and
and who remembers that whatever little Nirvana.
there is of happiness is all misery; he Lie, see Truth ; demon of L., see will cross beyond the fearful ocean of Demons.
worldly l., which is very difficult to Lich Vũ-khâu, see Lie-ze.
cross, 8, 245; worldly l. allegorically Lieh-zze, a Taoist teacher, 39, 5, 85; represented as an impassable place,
quotes Lâo-zze, 39, 116 sq.; a semi- 8, 284; the sustentation of ). imsupernatural being, example of the possible without taking 1., 8, 291; 'spirit-like man,' 39, 127, 168 sq., by what entities live, and what is 168 1. ; L. and the wizard Ki-hsien, the limit of their 1., 8, 311 ; the 1. 39, 137, 262-6, 263 1. ; did not leave of this world like the plants that his house for three years, did the spring up and perish, 9, 19; the l. cooking for his wife, and fed the of this world is but a sport, 9, 124, pigs, 39, 137, 265 sq.; on the trans- 232, 268; long is ). to the foolish rotation of births, 39, 150; 40,9 sq., who do not know the true law, 10
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