a, 32, affer
Lokaraksha, translated the Sukhâ- 215 sq., 222, 343, 363-5; 43, XX, vatîvyûha, 49 (ii), xxii.
118 sq., 368; Agni found on a l.Lokasundara, the 76th Tathâgata, leaf, 41, 360; 1.-leaf in the centre of 49 (ii), 7.
the altar-site, 41, 363-5; 43, xx, 44, Lokầyata, philosophical system not 374 ; is the immortal light, 43,
allowed to the Bhikkhus, 20, 151 sq. 365-8; beings living in 1.-flowers Lokâyatikas, adepts of Lokayata in Sukhâvati, 49 (ii), x, 62-5; 1.or worldly philosophy, 21, 263; flowers made of gen, in Sukhâvati, 34, 14.
49 (ii), 36 ; 1.-lakes in Sukhâvati, 49 Lokendra, 1. of Tathậgatas, 49 (ii), (ii), 93 sq.; L. of the True Law, 6 sq.
see Saddharma-pundarîka. See also Lokesvararâga, the last in the list Avakâ plants, and Parables (e). of eighty-one Tathagatas, 49 (ii), Love, Krishna is L, which generates, ix, 7-10.
8, 74, 89, 89 n.; hatred never ceases Lomapâda, King, sacrifice of 36,17n. by hatred, but by I. only, 10 (i), 4 sq.; Lomasa Kassapa, the Bodisat, let us live happily then, not hating killed animals at the Vakapeya
those who hate us! among men who sacrifice, 36, 16-19.
hate 11s let us dwell free from hatred! Longevity, see Immortality, and Life. 10 (i), 53; grief comes from l. and Lopamudrâ, wife of Agastya, 32,
affection, but those who love 288; 49 (i), 44, 44 n.
nothing, and hate nothing, have Loqmân, the Aesop of the Greeks, no fetters, 10 (i), 56 sq.; (ii), 3, 61; 9,131 n.; his advice to his son, 9,
his due to his son 9 19, 222; so long as the l. of man to132 sq.
wards women, even the smallest, is not Lord (îsvara), see God (d).
destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage, Lord of Beings, Vaisvadeva offering
10 (i), 69; the dangers of 1. and to, 29, 320.
friendship, 10 (ii), 6 sqq. ; cultiva
tion of 1, towards all beings, 10 (ii), Lord of the Forest, see Trees. Lord of the Seat, invoked at the
24 sq. ; 11, 161, 163, 201, 273 ; 36, beginning and completion of a
329, 356 ; thoughts of L., the first of
the Kânda of the Veda, 30, 161.
infinite feelings,' 11, 201 sq., Lord of Treasures, invoked at the
273; the feeling of l. towards all house-building rite, 29, 347.
beings, as a kind of magic power Lo-sung and his grandson, Tâoist
warding off dangers, 17, 136; 20, teachers, 39, 247; 40, 282.
76,249 sq.; 35, 279-83, 282 sq.n.;
for not by hatred is hatred ever apLot, a chosen (prophet) of God, 6,
peased; by not-hatred it is appeased ; 125; 9, 51, 173; story of L, and
this is an eternal law, 17, 298-305, the destruction of Sodom, 6, 148,
307; the remedy against pain, 19, 213 sq., 248 sq. ; 9, 51, 96 sq., 104,
265, 265 n.; by ). Sabbakami I 20 sq., 173, 176, 242, 257; the
reached a high old age, 20, 404 sq.; people of L. called him liar, 9, 61;
the fundamental subject, 27, 389 ;
the 4. wife of L. punished for disobedience, 1. of man the great thing in the 9, 292.
practice of government, 28, 264, Lotus : 1.-leaf not tainted by water,
268; 1.-charms, 30, 269 sq.; 42, 998, 64, 64 n.; 36, 189, 189 n., 222
105, 274-7, 311-13, 356-9, +59 sq., sq., 295 ; 1.-ponds made by King
512 sq., 534-6, 539 sq., 546 sq.; as Sudassana, 11, 261-4, 261 sq. n.; 1.
the tree gives shadow to everybody, of the heart is the same as ether,
so the Bhikkhu should love friend 15, 306; Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
and foe, 36, 355 ; 1.-charms to allay in 1.-flowers, 19, 222; 21, 248, 49
jealousy, 42, 18, 106 sq., 467 sq., (ii), 178 sq.; compared with Brah
547 sq., 559 : quitting your former man, 34, 348 ; not defiled by mud,
connexions place your affection on 36, 119; 49 (ii), 57 ; 1.-flowers pre- nothing; a monk who loves not even sented at the Dasapeya, 41, 115-17, those who love him, will be freed from 115 n.; l.-leaf as symbol of the sin and hatred, 45, 32, 264. See also womb, of speech, of the waters, 41, Ahinsa, Kâma, and Woman (c).
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