Madhuka Paingya, pupil of Yâ- Maggadesakas=Maggadesins, q.v. gñavalkya, n. of a teacher, 1, 280; Maggadesins, a kind of Samanas, 15, 214; 44, 122, 149, 162; wor- 10 (ii), xiii, 15 sq. shipped at the Tarpana, 29, 123, 220. Maggadûsins, a kind of Samanas, Mâdhuki, a teacher, quoted, 12, 10 (ii), xiii, 15 sq. 300.
Maggagghầyins = Maggadesins, Madhukkhandas Vaisvâmitra, au- 4.v. thor of Vedic hymns, 1, 162; 32, Maggaginas, a kind of Samanas, 10 441; 46, 2.
(ii), xiii, 15 sq. Madhuparka, Sk., t.t., honey- Maggagîvins, a kind of Samanas, mixture, see Honey
10 (ii), xiii, 15 sq. Madhura, a chief Gandharva, 21, 5. Magghima - Nikâya, a Tevigga Madhurasvara, a chief Gandharva Sutta in the, 11, 159; Ketokhila 21, 5.
Sutta in the M., 11, 221 ; quoted, Madhuvidyâ, the mystic doctrine 36, xxiii, 54, 83 sq.; Lomahamsana
of the sun as honey, communicated Pariyâya of M. quoted, 36, 331. by Dadhyak to the Asvins, 12, xxxiv; Magghima Sîlam, the middle para15, 113-17; 26, 277 ; 34, 216 sq., graphs on conduct, 11, 192-5. 256 sq. ; 38, 233; 44, 444 n., 471; Mâgha, Buddha converts him, 10 48, 335-7, 369.
(ii), 80-5. Mâdhyamas, the poets of the Mâghasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 80-5. second to the ninth Mandala of Maghavan, a king who became a the Rig-veda, 1, 215.
Gaina monk, 45, 85, 85 n. Madhyamâ Sâkhâ, founded by Maghavat (Can), see Indra. Priyagantha, 22, 292 sq.
Magi, or Magians, and magicians Mâdhyamikas, or Nihilists, believe confounded, 4, xxxix n.; forbidden that everything is void and nothing to cross the sea, 4, xl; the only whatever is real, 34, li, 5 n., 401 n.; true priests of Mazdeism, 4, Ixii: 48, 106, 514.
enforce the sacredness of water Mâdhyandinâyana, n. of a teacher, and earth, 4, lxxvii; God will decide 15, 186.
between Jews, M., and other faiths, Mâdhyandinîya - brâhmana-upani- 9, 58; insulter of a M. among the shad, 15, xxx.
evil-doers, 31, 318; gifts to M. Madhyântika, follows after Ânanda, men, 37, 397. 19, xi, xiv.
Magic (art), learnt from Hârût and Madman, excluded from inheri- Mârût, 6, 14, 14 n. ; Buddhist and tance, 2, 133; 14, 89 ; 33, 194; to Gaina monk should not practise it, be maintained by the king who 10 (ii), 176; 45, 105; hostile m., takes his property, 14, 100; not 25, 85; in a list of arts and sciences, responsible for criminal acts, 36, 35, 6; 44, xxxi ; developed in 18 sq.
modern Taoism, 39, xii, 42, 44 ; Madras, n. of a people, 15, 132. practised by the Traidhâtavî offerMâdrî, wife of Pându, 49 (i), 45. ing, 41, 140 sq.; m. is the Veda, Magadha, Buddha in, 10 (ii), u1, 44, 368, 368 n. See also Indragâ67, 188; people of M. annoyed at lavidyâ. Buddha and the Bhikkhus, 13, Magic rites, human blood offered 150 sq. ; fever delivered over to in, 2, 68 n.; penance for performthe M., 42, 2, 446, 449.
ing m. r. with intent to harm, 2, 85, Magandiya, offered Buddha his 295; 7, 178 sq.; m. powers of the
daughter for a wife, 10 (ii), 159-62; raven's feather, 23, 231, 241-3, finds fault with Buddha, 36, 183. 241 n.; making water round a runMâgandiyasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), away servant, 29, 350 sq.; to obtain 159-62.
different ends, 30, 306 sq.; m, veil, Magga - brahma - kariyam, the making invisible, 44, 70 n.; persystem developed in the Noble formed at the Asvamedha, 44, 368; Eightfold Path, 11, 16 n.
practised by heretical monks, 45,
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