pot purposeless. 38 4:;
ill, 14, 14 n. 1
39, 377; the pursuer of the Tao, a all sins by pure k., 8, 355 ; is the child who has no k., 40, 32, 35; highest happiness, 8, 378, 380; when to know to stop where they cannot arrive the sage has departed, there is no k., by means of k. is the highest attainment, as there is no duality, 15, 112 sq., 40, 83; is in not knowing, 40, 268, 84 sq.; 34, 280 sq.; even by k. and 291, 293: the nature of the Tao, wisdom one cannot contend with and the use of k., 40, 275-9; all k. destiny, 24, 54 ; purifies the intelis of the Real, 48, 119–24 ; is lect, 25, 187 sq.; property acquired different from mere cognitions of by learning, 25, 374, 374 n.; a man sense, 48, 692.
dying in the possession of true k., (e) RESULTS OF K.
shakes off his good and evil deeds, No evil clings to him who possesses
34, lxx; 38, 119, 225-30, 294 sq., true k., 1, 67; 7, 96 sq.; 36, 370; 357 sq.; even beings who have the goal of emancipation or immor
reached true k. may retain a body tality (union with Brahman, with for the discharge of certain offices, Vishnu) reached by k., 1. 106 sq., 31, lxxii; 38, 235-8; the weapon 107 sq. n.; 7, 291; 8, 59-63, 103,
of a Bhikkhu, 36, 328 sq.; true k. 106 sq., 109, 154, 164 sq., 391 sq.;
is not purposeless, 38, 64; alone 10 (ii), 206 sq.; 11, 14, 14 n.; 14,
effects the purpose of man, 38, 285, 137 sq. ; 15, 96, 273, 301; 25, 501,
290-306; mere k. cannot effect the 501 n., 502 n., 503 sq., 508; 34,
purpose of man, 38, 288 sq.; its lxxx sq., 229, 281, 283, 291; 38,
fruit does not manifest itself at a 101, 232, 235-8, 285-330, 369-78,
later time only as the fruits of 400, 419; 45, 152, 417 sq.; 48,
actions do, 38, 294; it is impossible 100; the effect of true k. compared for any one who has not reached with the ordeal of the heated iron,
true k., to refrain from all actions, 1, 108 sq., 108 n.; is the throne of 38, 399; through true k. the expanse Brahman, 1, 277; k. as an object of of names and forms which Nescience contract, 4, 45 sq., 45 n.; to make superimposes on Brahman is disthe ignorant learned, one of the solved, 38, 401; rewards for esoteric greatest concerns of men, 5, 394 sq.;
k. of sacrificial rites or terms, 44, 5, sins destroyed by k., 8, 62, 65; 48, 7, 11, 14, 21, 23, 26, 28, 35, 38-45, 722-4; fire of k. burns up all action, 48, 50, 56, 66-8, 82-7, 112, 117, 130, 8, 62, 279, 279 n.; 38, 237; the 140, 144, 155-7, 159, 165, 170, 177, excellent sword of k. with which the 82, 236, 239, 246, 249, 251, 253, tree of worldly life is cut, 8, 63, 313, 264,271 sq., 335, 337, 370, 403, 406, 371; with the brilliant lamp of k. 443, 455, 507-10; a king presents Krishna destroys the darkness of gifts of cow's to the most learned in ignorance in his devotee, 8, 87;
sacred k., 44, 113, 115; heretical both piety and sin destroyed by k. belief in the inefficiency of k., 45, 8, 158; 48, 724 : those who have 83, 83 n. ; wrong k. the root of all eyes of k. see the soul going and pain, 48, 9; through the power of coming, 8, 239; pure, highest k. is k., the subtle body persists, even the wealth (given as sacrificial fee) when the works have passed away, at the allegorical sacrifice of the 48, 650; whatever he does with k., sense-organs, 8. 261: he who under- with faith, with the Upanishads, that stands the qualities of darkness and is more vigorous, 48, 682-4, 688 sq., passion gets rid of all dark and
691. passionate qualities, 8, 323, 325 ; Ko, earl of, punished by Thang, 3, he who knows the names of Prakriti
88, 88 n. is released from all qualities, 8, 331; Ko
Kodála, Rishabhadatta of the gotra rewards of possessing k. of transcen- of, 22, 190 $9., 218, 223, 220 dont things, 8. 323there is no end kodanâvatthu, Buddha at, 13, 267. for k. Therefore one whose self is tran- Kodinya, disciple of Mahâgiri, 22, quil, whose senses are subjugated, who 290. is devoid of ... egoism, is icleased from Koka, his father King Sona, 44, 400.
worldly life is cut,
of k.
43. H
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