Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 354
________________ KUTSA-KWAN LUNG-FĂNG 337 tribe, 26, 64 .; K. Argirasa, 391 sq.; a skull appears to him in a author of Vedic hymns, 32, 424; dream and tells him of the happi46, 110, 115, 120, 126, 127. ness of death, 39, 149; 40, 6 sq. ; Kutsayana, his hymn of praise to his style, 39, 156, 158; 40, 142-4, the Lord of the Universe, 15, 303. 275, 279, 283-5, 288 ; how he Kuvera, see Kubera. cured King Wan of his love of the K'ù-yung, attending spirit of Yen sword-fight, 39, 158 sq.; 40, 186-91, Tì, 27, 268, 268 n., 272, 276 ; a 186 n.; the greatest teacher of primaeval sovereign, 39, 287. Taoism, 39, 162 sq. ; 40, 226 57., K'wang, duke of Lû, 3, 342; 27, 228 11.; his writings translated, 39, 127 sq., 165, 188, 198. 164-392; 40, 1-232; instructs Tang Kwang, music-master of Duke about Benevolence, 39, 346-8; his Phing, 27, 179 sq. vast superiority to Kung-sun Lung, Kwang Kâu, see Kwang-sze. 39, 387-90; offered by the king of Kwang Khăng-xze, explains the Khû the charge of all within his Perfect Tâo to Hwang-Tî, 39, 24 territories, he declines, 39, 390; in sq., 142 sq., 297-300, 297 n. ; 40, tattered clothes, &c., he tells the 286 ; the Yin Fû King attributed to king of Wei that he is poor but not him, 40, 255 sq. in distress, 40, 36 sq. ; in the park Kwang kiang, complains of the of Tiâo-ling, 40, 39-41, 290 ; his bad treatment she received from interview with Duke Ai of Lû, 40, her husband, 3, 433. 49 sq., 49 n.; instructs Tung-kwo Kwang Shû, assisted Duke Khång, Zze about the Tâo, 40, 66 sq. ; 28, 252, 253 n. passing by the grave of his friend, Kwang Thung, duke of Lû, Hui-ze, 40, 100 sq., 100 n.; asks 22 sq. the loan of some rice from the Kwang-sze of Kbăn, his death, 27, Superintendent of the Ho, 40, 132 150 sq. sq.; rebukes Zhao Shang for pank'wang-jze, translations, editions, dering to the king of Sung, 40, 207, and commentaries of his works, 39, mentaries of his works, 39, 207 11., 211 sq.; about his burial, xviii-xxi, 9 sq.; believes in an early 40, 212 ; invited by a ruler, comstate of paradisiacal Taoism, 39, pares himself to a sacrificial ox, 40, 2 sq.; importance to Taoism of his 212; analyses by Lin Hsi-kung of books, 39, 10 sq. ; division of his several of the books of K., 40, 273books into three parts, their general 97; list of narratives, apologues, title, 39, 11 sq. ; on the death of his and stories in the writings of K., wife, 39, 22, 149; 40, 4 sq., 5 n.; his 40, 298-310; where and when he books are not historical, 39, 33 sq.; lived, 40, 320 sq.; a sacrificial hall Sze-mâ Khien's accounts of K., 39, erected to K., 40, 320-3; not his 34, 36-8; notices on the writings object to deride Confucius, 40, 321 of K., 39, 127-63; dreamt that he sq. was a butterfly, 39, 129 sq., 197, K'wan-hsü, divine ruler of winter, 197 n.; an Agnostic, 39, 129 sq., 27, 296, 296 1., 302, 306 ; sacrificed 179 n., 194-7; disputations between to by sovereigns, 28, 201 sq. ; Hui-ize and K., 39, 134, 172-5, deserves ancestor worship, 28, 208; 172 n., 234 sq.; 40, 98-100, 137 sq., got the Tâo, 39, 244 sq., 244 n. 144; difference between the first Kwan I-wû, see Kwan Kung. and the other parts of his writings, Kwan Kung, or Kwan-zze, was 39, 138; spurious parts of his books, extravagant in sacrifices, 27, 402; 39, 144-7, 149 sq., 152, 155-60, a worthy great officer, 28, 165; 163, 322 n.; 40, 8 n., 37 n., 49 n., originated the practice of old ser132 n., 134 1)., 207 1., 212 n., 228 n., vants mourning for a great officer, 285, 290, 295-7, 322 sq., 323 n.; 28, 168 ; chief minister of Hwan, compares himself to a phoenix, 39, 40, 7, 7 n., 18 sq., 101 sq., 177. 149, 391; knows what constitutes Kwan Lung-făng, killed by Kich, the enjoyment of fishes, 39, 149, 39, 205; 40, 131, 1311). S.B. IND. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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