Kokâlika, or Kokâliya, a follower of Krafstar,Phl., t.t., 'noxious creature, Devadatta, 10 (ii), 118-21 ; 20, 251, 5, lxxiii. See also Animals (b). 258 sq.
Krafstra-men, and Daêvas, 31, 260, Kokâliyasutta, t. c., 10 (ii), 118- 260 n. 24.
Kraivya, the Pâîkâla king, perKökharêd, Av, Kahvaredha, son of formed horse-sacrifice, 44, 397.
Aêshm and Mânûsak, 47, 143, 143 n. Kratu, a sage and a Pragâpati, 15, Kolassa, see Samana-Kolañña. xlvii ; 25, 14 Kolita, other name of Moggallâna, Kratusthalâ, a nymph, 43, 105. 13, 149 sq.
Krauskikîputrau, n. of teachers, Kolivisa, see Sona K.
15, 226. Koliyas, of Râmagama, claim relics Krikkhra, see Penances. of Buddha, and erect a dâgaba, 11, Kripa, a Kaurava, 8, 38. 132, 134.
Krisânu, a guardian of Soma, 12, Komârabhakka, see Gîvaka K. 183 n.; 26,72; the footless archer, Kondaima (Aìmậta-K.), Buddha's aimed at Gayatri, 26, 78 ng; 42, first convert, 11, 153-5, 155 1. ; 13, 401. 97-9.
Krisâsva, or King Lui’-ma, reborn Kong-mang-tsiang, translator of in heaven, 19, 234, 234 n.
the Kung-pen-K'i-King, 19, xxiv. Krishna, son of Devakî, instructed Konika, see Kûnika.
by Ghora Angirasa, 1, 52, 52 n.; Korah (Qarûn), swallowed up by son of Vasudeva, 1, 52 n.; Vishnu is the earth for his pride, 9, 116 sq., K., 7, 296; 34, cxxvi; dialogue be116 n., 121, 192.
tween K. and his friend Arguna, 8, Kosala, Brâhmanas of, come to
3 sq., 40-131, 97, 197 sq., 229 sq., Buddha, 10 (ii), 48; Buddha's family 254, 310-12, 393 sq.; four classes in the country of K., 10 (ii), 68; of devotees of K., 8, 1; is dear to the beautiful city of the K., Sâvatthi, the man of knowledge, and he is 10 (ii), 184, 186; Buddha journey- dear to K., 8, 12, 75, 129 sq.; K. ing through K., 10 (ii), 74; 11, 167; says : even those, who being devotees of K. and Videha, 12, 104 1., 106; other divinities worship with faith, kings of Kâsî and K. celebrate the worship me only, (but irregularly. For death of Mahâvîra, 22, 266; gener- I am the enjoyer as well as the lord of osity of the K, king, 36, 148. See all sacrifices, 8, 12, 67, 84 sq.; none also Videha.
hateful, none dear to him, 8, 12, 85; Kosambî, n. of a great town, 10 (ii), how men become dear to K., 8, 12,
188; 11, 99, 247; 17, 285-308, 370- 99-102, 128 sq. ; receives the sin or 6; 20, 233-6.
merit of none, 8, 13, 65; also called Kosavignâna, Sk., the knowledge of Hrishîkesa, hero in the Kurukshetra the chest (name of Khând, Up. 3, battle, 8, 38 sq.; destroyer of Madhu, 15), 1, 49 n.
8, 40, 42, 231; the Deity, 8, 42 sq., Kosha, the, a priestly race, 43, 392, 49 sq., 52-131; creator and lord of Koshthavat, one of the princes of all things, god of gods, lord of the mountains, 8, 346.
universe, 8, 58, 67, 86 sq., 90, 93-8, Kotigama, Buddha at, 11, 23 sq. ; 97 n.; though unborn, is born age 17, 104-8.
after age for the protection of the Kotika, other name of Susthita, 22, good, 8, 58 sq.; created the castes, 288.
8,59 ; not defiled by actions, 8, 59; Kotivarshîyâ Sakhâ, of the Godása is not the cause of actions, 8, 65; Gana, 22, 288.
the friend of all beings, 8,67 ; those Kotthita (Maha K.), a principal wlio worship, meditate on K., are Thera, 17, 317, 359.
united with K., he is the final goal Ko Yuan (or Hsüan), a worker of of the Yogin's devolion, 8, 69, 79 sq., miracles, 40, 248; supposed author 84-6, 97, 100, 127 sq.; the devotee of the Khing Kang King, 40, 248 sq., secs K. in everything, and every254.
thing in K., 8, 71, 74 sq. ; worship
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