230; 38, 114, 117, 117 n.: 41, 181, reward, 13, 190 sq.; good and evil 181 n.; 45, 15, 59 sq., 82, 140; 48, acts done in one's youth are annulled 321 sq., 324, 328, 428, 487 sq., 590 by living righteously in one's later sq. ; 49 (i), 149-51 ; the deed does not age, 14, 176; the eternal greatness perish, 2, 275, 275 n.; 8, 241; 10 of the Brâhmana is neither increased (ii), 123; 14, 116, 310; 38, 353 sq.; nor diminished by k., 14, 261, 274; 48, 149 sq., 722; outcasts are, after the good deeds of a man lost, if he death, deprived of the rewards of does not honour his guest, 15, 3; meritorious deeds, 2, 280; even as a what they said was k. (work), what they calf finds his mother among a thousand praised was k., viz. that a man becomes cows, an act formerly done is sure to good by good work, and bad by bad find the perpetrator, 7, 82 ; sinners work, 15, 127, 176 ; 48, 478; is the in hell are beaten with their deeds cause of renewed existence, 15, in a former existence, 7, 143; 176; 22, 29; 34, xxvii; 38, 105, released from the bonds of k. the 12; 45, 43, 260, 389 sq., 389 n., devotee is emancipated, comes to 393 sq., 398; 48, 259, 313: 49 (i), Krishna, 8, 47, 85, 101, 101 n., 246, 176 sq.; souls in the bonds of k., k. 370; proceeds from nature, not characteristic of souls, 15, 235; 34, from the soul, 8, 55, 104-6, 105 n., 159 sq., 269; 38, 367, 369; 48,193, 106 n.; five causes of the com- 209, 215,239, 280, 306, 313, 326,378, pletion of k., 8, 123, 123 n.; where 428, 459, 756-8; caused by desire, the acts of one who is released from 19, 176; 25, lxvii, 29; there could the body remain, 8, 235; beings be no good and evil works, if there cannot escape the effect of their were a God, 19, 208; if Self were own k., 8, 235, 239 sq.; 10 (i), 21 the cause of the world, there could sq., 34 sq., 37 sq.; 19, 236; 36,
be no evil k., 19, 212; the good or 101; 45, 18, 30, 42, 59, 292 sq., evil deeds follow us as shadows, 19, 349; the soul takes with itself the 234; punishments in future births, results of good and evil k. when 19, 263; 33, 262; 45, 375 sq.; he leaving the body, 8, 239 ; 38, 102; who has destroyed his k. reaches freedom from k. is not to be liberation, 19, 293 ; 45, 49, 106, attained in this world, 8, 239 sq., III sq., 119, 141, 159, 161, 166, 256 sq., 348, 348 n. ; 35, 12; ruin 289 sq., 297-301, 330-2 ; only connected with all k., 8, 245, 355; wisdom can consume the fuel heaped the body is tied down by action, 8, 307; up by the power of k., 19, 309; by k. beings remain apart from wishing gifts for which the donor the Brahman, 8, 315; as kinsmen expects a particular result in a future receive a friend on his return, birth, 20, 9 n.; shedding the blood so his good works receive him who of a Buddha is a k, which will work has done good, in the other world, out its effect in the immediate 10 (i), 57; a good work is pleasant future, 20, 246 ; five kinds of deeds in the hour of death, 10 (i), 79 ; on which bring about their effect in the saint's attaining the right view, the present life, 20, 246 n.; the conceit and doubt and all his k effect of causing a schism in the are left behind, 10 (ii), 38; to have Samgha endures for a Kalpa, 20, done good deeds in a former exis- 254, 267-71 ; 35, 163; the cause of tence, the highest blessing, 10 (ii), diseases, 21, 130; 33, 87, 87 n.; 35, 44; by work the world exists, by w. 152; accumulations of merits commankind exists, beings are bound by pared, 21, 316 sq., 317 n., 320-35 ; w. as the linch-pin of the rolling cart Gainas share the theory of k. with keeps the wheel on, 10 (ii), 117 ; tem- Buddhists and Brahmanic philosoporary effects of k., 11, 16 sq., 84; phers, 22, xxxiv ; chief tenets of a sufficient cause for the existence Gainisin with regard to soul and k., of an Opapâtika, 11, 214 n.; fire- 22, 1-3, 3 n.; knowing that misery worshippers and Gatilas hold the results from action a wise man doctrine that actions have their should destroy all k. and enter a
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