rently the consequence of k., 35, 32 sq.; if there is no individuality, there are no results of good and evil k., 35, 41; it is one name and-form which has its end in death, and another name-and-form which is reborn. But the second is the result of the first, and is therefore not set free from its evil deeds, 35, 71-5, 112 sq.; Samkhâras, sorts of k., 35, 77 n.; eye, forms, sight, touch, sensation, longing, k., eye: a circle, 35, 80 sq.; the five Âyatanas caused by different k., 35, 100; he does not die until that evil k. is exhausted, 35, 103-6; good deeds are like the boat carrying stones, 35, 124; worms are born in animals by the power of evil k., 35, 151; good and evil k. bear fruit, whether he to whom they are done consents or not, 35, 152 sq.; problems of k., 35, 164 sq.; not all pain is caused by k., 35, 191-5; Pirit is a protection for those who restrain themselves from the evils of k., 35, 214, 218; the Bhikkhus who were harmed in consequence of Buddha's preaching, suffered, not through Buddha, but through their own deeds, 35, 234-7; the thief is not punished on account of some injunction of the Buddhas, but through his own deeds, 35, 256 sq.; k. more powerful than Iddhi, 35, 262 sq.; Bhikkhus who are free from evil k. can become Arhats at once, others have to perform meritorious acts, gifts, &c., 36, 92-6; beings exist either through k., or as the result of a cause, or produced by the seasons, 36, 103, 107 sq.; the k. of evil deeds made known in this life, good deeds generally rewarded in future births, virtue more powerful than vice, 36, 144-51; how k. works as a cause of death, 36, 162-6; k., the price offered in the bazaars of Buddha's 'City of Righteousness,' 36, 213, 213 sq. n., 216 sq., 220, 222, 229 sq.; evil, lust, and k. rooted out, 36, 219; wrong views of k., 36, 362; 45, 245; there is no confusion of k., because there is no extension of the acting and enjoying Self, 38, 68; souls find in the moon complete requital of their k., 38, 115; definite fruits
religious life, 22, 28-31, 40 sq., 75, 81; preventing the propensity to sin destroys former actions, 22, 33 sqq.; Asrava is that by means of which k. takes effect upon the soul, parisrava that by which the influence of k. is counteracted, 22, 37 n.; those who abstain from cruelty relinquish k. and are flesh-subduing, 22, 39; diseases, death, and births, the fruit of former acts, 22, 53 sq.; a Gaina monk should neither be pleased with nor prohibit the action of another which produces k., 22, 186-8; eight kinds of k., 22, 258; 45, 165, 165 n., 167, 172, 192-6; Mahâvîra exerted himself for the suppression of the defilement of k., 22, 262; Mahâvîra recited the fiftyfive lectures on k. before he died, 22, 269; when their fourfold k. had been exhausted, Mahâvîra and other saints died, 22, 269, 275, 278, 285; k. alone follows a man to the next world, 25, lxviii, 166 sq.; ascetic makes over his gcod actions to his friends, his evil deeds to his enemies, 25, 212 sq.; the good k. of an ascetic or an Agnihotrin, if he dies without paying his debts, goes to the creditor, 33, 44 sq.; meritorious deeds of false witnesses lost, 33, 245; the reward of works is not the independent result of k. acting through the apûrva, but is allotted by the Lord, 34, lxv, 357-60; 38, 180-3; the shaking off of the good and evil k. takes place at the moment of the soul's departure from the body, 34, Ixx sq.; 38, 225-31; even he whose k. is entirely annihilated, is yet connected with some kind of body, 34, lxxi; different degrees of pleasure the mere effects of k., 34, 27; final release not the effect of k., 34, 27 sq.; Brahman is not, like the embodied Self, subject to fruition of k., 34, 114-17, 119; not even the embodied soul is really subject to it, 34, 116; fruition of k. is the figment of false knowledge, 34, 116; Pubba-yoga k., 35, 4; Makkhali Gosâla denies the doctrine of k., 35, 9 sq.; an impulse, the result of a previous k., 35, 18; renunciation of the monks, appa
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