intellect or consciousness, 45, 398405, 399 n.; Gainas must believe in realization and annihilation of k., 45, 407; Mahâvîra acquires no new k., 45, 413; through the taking eflect of the k. movable beings become immovable and vice versâ, 45, 424; Nescience in the form of k. good and evil, 48, 88, 147, 198, 306, 756-8; k. the root of Nescience, and Nescience the root of k., 48, 127, 259, 271; the world due to k., 48, 128 sq.; Apûrva, i.e. supersensuous result of k. which later on produces the sensible result, 48, 153-5; causes connexion of soul and body, and hence implies endless suffering, 48, 215, 239, 607, 609 sq., 616; in the Samsâra state the soul's bliss and knowledge are contracted owing to k., 48, 232; inequality of creation and the creatures' experiencing pain due to k.,48,478 sq.; the body's being ruled by the soul is due to the unseen principle in the form of good and evil works, and has for its end the requital of those works, 48, 523; the effect of k. exhausted only through complete enjoyment of their results, 48, 651; knowledge of Brahman destroys all k., good and evil, 48, 693; the fruits of good k. perish on the death of the devotee, 48, 724; only those good and evil works, the effects of which have not yet begun, are destroyed by knowledge, 48, 724 sq.; where there is action, there is death, 49 (1), 73; the results of k. are inconceivable, 49 (ii), 37; the obstacle of k. removed by meditation on Avalokitesvara, 49 (ii),183. See also Lêsya, Sin, Transmigration, and Works (c). Karma-yoga and Sankhya-yoga, 8, 105, 105 n. Karna, a Kaurava, 8, 38; 'the charioteer's son,' 8, 95 sq., 95 n. Karpans, opposed to Righteousness, 31, 63, 140; opponents of Zoroaster, 31, 65; gave the Kine to rapine, 31, 121; their angry zeal, 31, 158; are no friends to the creatures, 31, 177, 184; Haoma invoked against Kavis and K., 31, 236. Kârsakeyîputra, n. of a teacher, 15, 226, 226 n.
Karsêvaz, n.p., 5, 135. Karshipta, see Birds (b). Kârshnagini, quoted in the Vedantasûtras, 34, xix; 38, 119 sq.; 48,
591 sq. Karshvares, seven, of the earth, 4, 213, 222, 222 n. See also Geography. Karsipt, see Birds (b). Kârtavîrya, i.e. King Arguna, a descendant of Kritavîrya, 8, 293. Kartri, worshipped at the Tarpana, 30, 244.
Kartikeya, son of Bhava (Siva), 49 (i), 16. Karuzika, the 75th Tathagata, 49 (ii), 7. Kârvâkas (materialists), attack Vedas and Brahmanas, 8, 214; make no distinction between soul and matter, 48, 196. See also Materialists. Kâryâvasthâ, condition of an effect, 34, xxix. Kâsakritsna,quoted by Baudhâyana, 14, xl n.; quoted in the Vedantasûtras, 34, xix, xcix, 278-83; 48,
392, 394 sq.
Kasarmila (or Kasarnîra), a serpent, 42, 154, 607. Kashaka, initiated boy given in charge to, 30, 153. Kâshâyana, n. of a teacher, 15,
186, 186 n.
Kâsî, kings of, celebrate the death of
Mahavira, 22, 266. Kasibhâradvâga, the Brahmana, reproaches Gotama with idleness, 10 (ii), 11-15; Buddha refused an alms of K., 36, 37. Kasibhâradvâgasutta, t.c., 10 (ii),
Kâsikâ, the harlot of Kâsî, went to the heaven of the gods, 49 (i), 190. Kâsis, do not keep up the sacrificial fires, 44, 401.
Kâsîsvara, worshipped at the Tarpana, 30, 244. Kâsî-Videhas, n. of a people, 1,
300. Kassapa, n. of a Rishi, 11, 172. See also Kasyapa, Kâsyapa, Lomasa-K., and Purana-K. Kassapa, or Kassapabuddha, one of the seven Buddhas, 10 (ii), 40; 11, 163; 35, 4, 173; 36, 20-2; rain
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