Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 334
________________ KAYANS-KEVALIN 317 34. dynasty established by Kaî-Kobâd, Kesakambali, see Agita-Kesakam47, 12. bali. Kâyasthas or scribes, see Caste (a). Kesânta, see Hair. Keh, called Zze-yû, brother of Sû Kesaraprabandhâ, the she-goat of, Shih, 40, 320 n. 42, 170, 432 sq. Kekitâna, n. of a warrior, 8, 37. Kesarin, the 65th Tathagata, 49 Kelaka Sândilyâyana, quoted, 43, (ii), 7. 364. Kesava (Prakrit Kêsava), n. of Kena - Upanishad, or Talavakâra Krishna or Vishnu, 7, 7; 8, 40, 49, upanishad, 1, Ixvi, lxxxix-xci, 145- 52, 87, 96; son of King Vasudeva, 53 ; belongs to a Sakhâ of the Tala- 45, 112; asked Râgîmati in marriage vakâras of the Sâma-veda, 1, lxxxix; for Arishtanemi, 45, 13; Râma and works on the K., 1, xci; a text of K, pay homage to Arishtanemi, 45, the K. belonging to the Atharva- 115. See also Krishna, and Vishnu. veda, 1, xci; quoted, 8, 416; 38, Kesavapanîya, see Hair. 425; 48, 775. Kêshmak, the whirlwind demon, 47, Keniya, a Gatila ascetic, pays honour 28, 28 n.; the Karap K. attacks to Buddha, 10 (ii), 96-105; 17, 129- Zoroaster, 47, 63. Kêsi, leader of Pârsva's sect at the Ken Khin, on sacrifices, 27, 35. time of Mahâvîra, 45, xxi sq., 119Keresâni, dethroned by Haoma, 31, 29. 237 sq., 237 n. Kesin, Krishna the destroyer of, 8, Keresaokhshan, n.p., 23, 205. 121; Rudra casts down the car of K., Keresâspa (Keresâsp, Kerêsâspô, 42, 157, 620 sq.; the king of the K. Garshâsp), the Sâmân, or Sâm whose samrâg-Cow was killed by (Sâhm), and Knãthaiti, 4, 6, 6 n.; a tiger, 44, 131-4. killed Azi Srvara (Sruvar), 4,259; 18, Kesinî, n. of a giantess, 21, 374; 217 n., 370 sq., 374; 24, 268, 268 n.; a demon harassing children, 30, slays Az-i Dahâk, 5, 119 n., 235, 211. 235 n.; 18, 78,111, 372; 24, 110n.; Ketâ, identified with Agni, 29, 348. 37, 203 n.; 47, xiii, 114, 163 n.; Ketaka, king of Vaisâlî, patron of brother of Aûrvakhsh, 5, 137, 137 n.; Gainas, 22, xii sq. legends of the soul of) K., 18, xxviii, Ketas, Devadatta, born as a king of 39, 39 n., 369-82; 37, 198 sq., 452; the, 35, 287. aided in the renovation, 18,78; full Ketiyas, or shrines, 11, 4, 66, 40, of strength, 18, 90; 23, 326; war 58. See also Holy places. bis husbandry, 18, 173, 173 n.; Ketokhila-Sutta,treatise on Barrensacrificed to Anâhita, and overcame ness and Bondage, on the Buddhist the Gandarewa, 23, 63 sq. and n., Order of Mendicants, 11, X, 219-34. 256 n.; protected by the Fravasbis, Ketubha, a branch of learning, 10 23, 194 sq., 195 n.; Fravashi of K. (ii), xiii, 98, 189. worshipped, 23, 223; killed Hitâspa, Ketumatî, a palace in heaven, 35, to avenge his brother, 23, 255, 255 n.; l sq. worships Vayu, 23, 255 sq.; seized Kêvâd, Khûsrô son of, 5, 193, 201. the Glory that lad departed from Kevala, Gaina t.t., highest knowYima, 23, 295; his deeds of valour, ledge and intuition, 22, 189, 201 sq., 23, 295-7; 24, 63, 63 n.; 47, 12, 217 sq., 258, 263, 271, 273, 277, 12 n. ; where his body lies, 21, 110; 283; 45, 380, 418. or Sâm Narîmân, 24, 268, 268 n.; Kevalin (possessed of Kerala), title the dragon-slayer K., son of Thrita, of Mahavira, 22, 201, 263; the rank 31, 234; ruler of Iran, 37, 28; of the K, higher than that of the gods, exhorted by Tûs, adopts the religion, 45, 30 n.; both the nun Râgîmati 37, 225. and the monk Rathanêmi become Kerêsâspô, see Keresâspa. K., 45, 119; even a K. possesses the Keresavazda, or Kêrsêvazd, killed four remnants of Karman, 45, 168, by Husravah, 23, 304, 304 1.; 47, 14. 168 n., 170 sq. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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