191 sq., 231 sq., 256, 265; the name nunciation of a saint, 45, 114 sq. ; Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra was attend the meeting of Kesi and given by the g., 22, 193, 256; Gautama, 45, 121; conjuring a god, Mahâvîra's parents, after living as a means of extorting alms, employed ascetics, were born as g., 22, 194, by bad monks, 45, 133 n.; carnal 256; the Kundaladharas, the Lau- love towards divine beings, 45, 139; kântika and Maharddhika g., 22, 195; from desire of pleasure arises the miracles performed by the g. when misery of the world, the g. included, Mahâvîra retired from the world, 45, 187; duration of Lềsyâs of g., and reached the highest knowledge, 45, 202; classification and descrip22, 195-202; orders and numbers tion of g., and duration of their life, of g., 22, 222 sq.; 45, 183, 183 n.; 45, 225-9, 381; why people are disputes occurring in the assemblies born as Abhiyôgidêvas, Kilvishadêof g., men, and Asuras, 22, 268; vas and Asuras, 45, 231 1.; the sages who though no g. have obtained world created by the g., 45, 244; the powers of g., 22, 268; state of even g. must suffer for their deeds, the g., one of the happy existences, 45, 250; the Suparna g. reside in 22, 268 n.; saints born among the the Sâlmalî tree, 45, 290 ; tlie Lavag. in their former existence, 22, saptamas, the highest of those g. 271, 281; 45, 35; the body of who live very long, 45, 291; do not monks who fast longer than four reach final beatitude, 45, 331; some days is inhabited by a deity, 22, pious men become liberated saints, 300 n.; Mahâvîra surrounded by g. others g., 45, 331 sq., 352; commit and goddesses, 22, 301; the pious sins, 45, 356; Gainas should believe monk will be honoured by g., that g. and goddesses exist, 45, Gandharvas, and men, 45, 8; pious 408. See also Vimânas. monks reborn as g. of great power (1) ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS IN and small imperfections, 45, 8; men ZOROASTRIANISM. born as g. according to their actions, A. assist the Mazdayasnians 45, 15, 30 sq., 57, 61, 84, 259, 384, against demons and demon-wor415, 417; to the highest regions, in shippers, 5, li sq., 224-30; how dne order, to those where there is no each of the archa. can best be prodelusion, and to those which are full of
pitiated, 5, Ixii, 372-9; thirty a. light, where the glorious (& dwell)
and archa., 5, 103-5, 103 sq. n.; no who have long life, great power, great
a. come to the body of him who lustre, who can change their shape at will, who are beantiful as on their first
does not perform ablution, 5, 299; day, and have the brillianty of many
all worship reaches either the a. or suns-10 such places go those who are
the demons, 5, 310; a. and archa. trained in self-controi and penance, invoked, praised, worshipped, 5, monks or householders, who have ob- 312-14; 18, 324, 357; 37, 34 sq., taineid liberation by absence of passion, 168, 232-4, 277, 293 sq., 298, 303, 45, 23; the life and pleasures of the 315 sq., 438, 444 sq., 463 ; 47, 51, 8. surpass human pleasures a thou- 95; the activity of the seven archa., sand times and more, 45, 29 sq.; 5, 357, 357 n.; archa, are intangible the state of the Kevalin higher than spirits, but must be worshipped, 5, that of the g., 45, 30 n.; shower 372 sq. n.; the thirty a. and archa. down a rain of perfumed flowers presiding over the days of the and water, and heavenly treasure, month, 5, 401-6, 406 n.; 23, 3; at the conversion of a Brahmana, heavenly and earthly a. invoked, 18, 45, 54; a monk should not be 3; spiritual life and glory for the frightened by voices of g., 45, 72; soul owing to the a., 18, 22 sq.; pay homage to a chaste monk, 45, they dwell in heaven, 18, 57, 275; 77; long life of the g., 45, 84, 84 n.; Srôsh to be reverenced separately calamities produced by g., animals, from all the other a., 18, 61, 61 p.; and men, 45, 110, 181, 255; descend archa. assemble in the middle of the from heaven to celebrate the re- sky, 18, 87; d. vanquish wizards
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