256, 354, 357 sq.; those who preside Heavenly or H.-given seat,' 16, 218, over criminal cases are the shepherds 218 n., 223 n. ; diminishes the full of H., 3, 259; accordance with the and augments the humble, 16, 226, will of H., 3, 260, 379; 16, 261; 226 sq. n.; 'the procedure of H.,' allows us to make use of punish- characterized by change, 16, 229, ment, 3, 260; is impartial, but men 229 n.; progress proceeding from ruin themselves, 3, 264; prosperity correctness is the appointment of sent down from H., 3, 306; 16,286, H., 16, 234, 234 n.; sincerity is the 318, 322, 323 n.; the ordinances of response of man to H., 16, 263, H. are deep and unintermitting, 3, 264 n.; in its motion, is a symbol 314, 357; 16, 251, 251 D.; 28, 322; of strength, and of untiring activity, made the lofty hill, 3, 316; its ap- 16, 267, 268 n.; divination is "help pointment is not easily preserved, 3, extended to man from H.,' 16, 351; 329 sq., 330 n.; inspects all our the sage rejoices in H. and knows doings, 3, 330; does not weary in its ordinations, 16, 35+; produced its favour, 3, 335; sends infictions, the spirit-like things, and the sages is charged with injustice and cruelty, took advantage of them, 16, 374, 3, 351-3, 353 n.; the calamities of 374 n.; he whom H. assists is obserthe lower people do not come down vant of what is right, 16, 375 sq.; from H., 3, 357; the angry terrors the great man,' the equal of H., of compassionate H. extend through 16, 417, 418 n.; 28, 327; sends this lower world, 3, 358; bad officers down rain, 27, 201; decision in law do not stand in awe of H., 3, 358; courts according to the judgewhat H. confers, when once lost, ment of H.,' 27, 236; the most foris not regained, 3, 359; who art lorn of H.'s people, 27, 244, the called our parent, 3, 361; azure H. blessing of H. secured by cereinvoked against slanderers, 3, 361; monies, 27, 371, 376, 376 sq. n.; offerings made to the ancestors, that the author of all things, 27, 377 11., their descendants may receive the 430 ; produces the seasons, 27, 378; blessings of H., 3, 370, 370 n.; the rules of ceremony have their origin way of H. is hard and difficult, 3, in H., 27, 388; the border sacrifice 376; the doings of high H. have an illustration of the way of H., 27, neither sound nor smell, 3, 379 sq., 430 ; harmony of H. and man, 28, 380 n.; model of action afforded by 210; 39, 144, 332 sq. ; 40, 257-64; H. to men, 3,380 n.; 16,414, 415 n.; by ceremonies and music man be39, 146, 161, 365-7; 40, 208; en- comes H.-like, 28, 224; the supreme lightens the people, 3, 409, 409 n.; Decider, 28, 233, 233 n.; a filial son gave birth to the multitudes of the serves his parents as he serves H., people, 3, 410, 425; great H. is 28, 269; commands of superiors intelligent and clear-seeing, 3, 410, taken as if froni H., 28, 288; 416; it is not H. that flushes your accordance with the nature of H.is face with spirits, so that you follow the path of duty, 28, 300, 301 n.; what is evil, 3, 411; those whom H. the superior man does not niurmur does not approve of sink down in against H., 28, 306 sq., 338; 40, ruin, 3, 414; is letting down its 242 ; perfection of nature characnet of crime in which are many teristic of H., 28, 317; the superior calamities, 3, 428 sq.; mysteriously man knows H., 28, 325; the Taoistic great H. is able to strengthen any- idea of Thien or H., 39, 15-18, 154, thing, 3, 429, 429 n.; filial picty is 196, 1961). ; 40, 112 sq., 112 n.; the method of H., 3, 473, 479; H. a great sage called 'H.,' 39, 17 sq., in the midst of a mountain,' sym- 299, 299 n., 301-3; the full possessor bolical of great accumulation, 16, of Tâo is like H., 39, 60; the work 37, 300, 300 n., will set its seal to of the Taoist like that of H., 39. the virtue of him who restrains him- TU1 sq.; is lenient, but does not self, 16, 155, 157 n.; symbolic mean- allow offenders to escape, 39, 116; ing of H., 16, 213 sq., 214 n.; "the though H. hates the ill-doer, yet its
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