the highest Being than Atman or 210; who is a great 1. or Muni, 10 Brahman, 1, ci, 314. See God. (ii), 34; for what reason did they Isaac, son of Abraham, a prophet, 6, sacrifice, 10 (ii), 75; forest called 57, 125; 9, 30, 51, 120, 172; angels after the Isis, 10 (ii), 125; 1. and announce his birth, 6, 213; 1. and men, Khattiyas and Brâhmanas, offer Jacob were of the elect, 9, 180; sacrifices to the gods, 10 (ii), 192. brings wine from paradise which Isibhatta, n. of a Thera, 17, 237. Abraham offers to God, 24, 225 sg. Isidâsa, 11. of a Thera, 17, 237. Isad-vâstra, or Isadvâstar, or Isat- Isigili mount, at Râgagaha, 11, 56 sq. vâstra, son of Zarathustra, represent. Islâm, birthplace of, 6, ix; monoing the priestly class, 4, 21 n.; 5, theism the key-word of 1., 6, xlix ; 123 n., 142-4; 23, 204, 204 n.; its monotheistic idea not new, 6, 1; 47, 106, 111, 115; Fravashi of 1., means 'resignation,' 6, li, lxv, 15 n.; worshipped, 31, 273, 273 n., 278. pre-eminently a proselytizingreligion, Isâf, an idol on Mount Zafâ, 6, xiii. 6, li; its originality, 6, liii sq.; sketch Îsâna, carries the thunderbolt, 2, of the creed of Mohammed, 6, Ixv298; Brâhmans pray to him, 11, lxxvi; moral code of 1., 6, lxxi sq., 180; a name of the Self, 15, 311; 24 sq.; 9, 3-5, 89, 301; there is no Sakra and 1. fan Mahâvîra with compulsion in religion, 6, 40; the chowries, 22, 198; oblation to I. for true or best religion, 6, 48 sq., 57, the bridegroom, 29, 32; n. of Rudra 89 sq.; schism and disbelief in 1. (Agni), 29, 256; 41, 160; 43, xx; reproved, 6, 58-61, 136; sincere with his companions, invoked at the believers and hypocrites, 6, 91 sq.; house-building rite, 29, 347; worship the faith of Abraham, 6, 137; who of I., his consort and his son, 29, are the true believers, 6, 163; the 352; 30, 221 sq., 289-91; invoked Muslim believes in God and the last for success in trade, 30, 178; is the day, is steadfast in prayer, gives alms, Sun, 41, 160; a created god, 48, 461; and fears only God, 6, 175; God sent alone indeed there was Nârâyana, His apostle to make I. prevail over not Brahmâ, not I., 48, 522.
every other religion, 6, 177; the Îsânabali, see Sacrifice (b).
religion of the 'Hanif, the standard Isat-vâstra, see I sad-vâstra.
religion, 6, 204 ; 9, 127 sq., 338; Îsâ-upanishad, forms part of the the conquests of 1., 6, 237; the Samhita of the White Yagur-veda, religion of the prophets of old, 9, 1, lxvi, c sq., 309-20; quoted, 8, 53 sq. and n.; Judaism and Christi415; 38, 424 ; 48, 775.
anity treated as sects of 1., 9, 68 sq. ; Isfendyar, son of Gustâsp, made in- broken up into sects, 9, 206; provulnerable, 47, xxiji.
fession of faith, 9, 237 n.; by beIsha Atreya, author of Vedic hymns, coming Muslims, you do not oblige 46, 383, 386.
God, but God obliges you by directÎ-shih, a Taoist teacher, 39, 247. ing you to the faith, 9, 241; exhortaIshmael: images of Abraham and I. tion to believe in God and His in the Kaabah, 6, xiii; Abraham Apostle, and to give alms, 9, 266and 1. restored the Kaabah, 6, xvi, 8, 281 sq.; prophecy that men 17 sq.; Abraham's proposed sacrifice shall join I. by troops, 9, 343; of I., 6, lxxiv; a prophet, 6, 57, 94, Musulmans hostile to Persian next125; 9, 31; was patient, and entered of-kin marriage, 18, 424 sq. ; alluded into the mercy of God, 9, 53; was to, but hardly ever mentioned of the righteous, 9, 180.
in Pahlavi writings, 24, XXV sq., Ishukara, a king, turns monk and 127 n., 169 n.; 47, xviii. See also reaches perfection, 45, 61-9.
Morality (e). Ishukâra, n. of a town, 45, 62. Island, is neither earth nor water, Isi, Pali, i.e. Sk. Rishi, a sage, 10 44, 497 sq. (ii), x; Buddha called a perfect, Isle of Jewels, parable of, 21, 181 sq. a great or divine I., 10 (ii), 13, 28, 59, Isopanishad, see Isâ-upanishad. 79, 127, 174, 189, 194-7, 201, 208, Israel, children of, preferred by
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