and Christians not the sons of tion of j., 6, 27; 25, 383 n.; 33, God,' 6, 100; to be judged by the 360 sq.; the true j. is like AllharQur'ân, 6, 103 sq., 9, 106; some J., mazd and the archangels, the false guided in truth, act justly, 6, 157 j. like Aharman and the demons, 24, sq.; dispersed, 6, 158; rebuked for 79; one quarter of the guilt of an saying that Ezra was the son of unjust decision falls on the j., 25, God, 6, 177, 177 n.; God will 255; unjust j. fined, 25, 383; kings decide on resurrection day between and j., 25, 383; 37, 422 sq.; punishJ., Sabaeans, Christians, Magians, ment of j., illegal action of plaintiff, and Idolators, 9, 58; believe in the 37, 46; wicked and just j., 37, 73, Qur'ân, 9, 98; Moses received the 146, 289 sq., duties of j., 37, 78 sq., Book, a guidance for the J., 9, 137, 102; j. and guardians, 37, 250. See 195 ; defeat of the Qurâithah J., 9, also Judicial procedure. 142, 142 n.; believers and un- Judicial procedure: the constitubelievers among the people of the tion of a Parishad or legal assembly, Book, 9, 269 sq.; the J. who fought 2, 44 n.; 14, 20, 144-6; 25, lii, against the Muslim denounced, 9, liin., 509-11; modes of proof, 2, 274-7; chastisement of the J. who 170 sq.; 33, 58-65, 96-120; law would not believe in the Qur'ân, 9, about j.p., 2, 237, 237 n.; 14, 78-83; 274, 274 n.; rebuked for unbelief, 25, xcix, 254-90, 382 sq. and n., 594 compared to an ass bearing books, sq.; 27, 235-8, 271, 275, 275 n., 9, 283, 337 sq.; a Jewish sect called 285, 295, 356, 359, 359 n. ; 33, xii,
the hill-serpent of the J.,' 24, 241; 5-40, 233-63, 274 sq., 282-319, 386– reference to the J. as a tribe, 47, 90; 37, 36-8, 46 sq., 49-51, 53-65, xiii, 129 sq. See also Israel (children 67, 70-3, 80 sq.; mode of inflictof), and Judaism.
ing punishments, 3, 261-4; place, Job, an inspired prophet, 6, 94, 125; ordeal, and time of appointment was saved, 9, 52 sq.; and his wife, proffered to the plaintiff, 4, 254 ; how he was cured, 9, 179, 179 n. judge and witness in a circle of three John, the glad tidings of, 6, 51; a steps, 4, 257, 257 n.; the guilt of an prophet, 6, 125; birth of J., the son offender falls on king, judge, and of Zachariah, his accomplishments, witnesses, if he is not punished, 14, 9, 27 sq.
203 ; an arrow brought to the court Jonah, or Jonas, or DHu'nnûn, in civil cases, thirty pounds of gold saved in the fish's belly, 6, cvi, 203; in criminal cases, 16, 103 n. ; 9, 53, 53 n., 173 sq.; an inspired deciding doubtful legal questions, prophet, 6, 94, 125; the chapter of 25, lxxiii, 509-11; courts of justice, j. (Qur'an), 6, 192; the fellow of 25, 254; 33, 36-40, 277–82; cerethe fish,' 9, 295 n., 297 sq.
monies on entering a court of Joseph, his story told in proof of justice, 29, 362 sq.; 30, 178 sq., revelation, 6, xci, 219-31; a prophet 295 ; plaint and answer, 33, 17, 24or apostle, 6, 125; 9, 193.
34, 235-+2, 288-94; arrest, 33, 17Joshua = DHU' Kif, 9, 53 n. 19; the judgement, 33, 34 sq., 297 Judaism, and Zoroastrianism, 4, sq.; 37, 371; disputes about parlvii-lx; in Arabia, 6, xiv sq.; its tition of property, 33, 198 sq., 2017 relation to Islâm, 6, xlvii-lii, lxix; how to find out thieves, 33, 224 Jewish influences in the Qur'ân, 6, sq.; the trial, 33, 294-7; the king 5 n.; criticism of Jewish account of decides about punishments, 36, creation and fall of man, 24, 178 sq., 266, 266 n.; decision of acquittal 200, 208–29; Zoroastrian converts or conviction, 37, 329. See also from J., 47, xiii sq., 120 n. See also Judge, Justice, Ordeals, and WitJews.
nesses, Judge(s), who is fit for the office of, Jugglers, practices of, are the cause 2, 170 ; 4, 255; 25, 254-6, 507; of bad births, 45, 230, 231 sq. evils befalling the country through Justice: Oye who believe! be ye steadtrusting a false j., 5, 323 ; corrup- fast in j., witnessing before God
34, the judge disputes
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