though it be against yourse 'ves, or Kâd, n.p., 5, 145. your parents, or your kindred, be it Kadambavâlukâ, n. of a river in rich or poor, for God is nearer akin Hell, 45, 94. than either, 6, 91; enjoined, 6, 98; Kadân, epithet of Karsêvaz, 5, 135. j. and wisdom, 18, 11 sq.; a prin- Kâdraveya, see Arbuda K. ciple of Zoroastrianism, 24, 329 ; Kadrû, queen of serpents, 12, 301 king created for the attainment of n.; legend of Suparnî and K., 26, j., 25, 217; where j. is destroyed by 52, 149 sq. and n.; is the earth, 26, injustice, or truth by falschood, while lo the judges look on there they shall also be Kaeshman
De Kaêshman, see Hvare-kaêshman. destroyed. J., being violated, destroys ;
S: Kaeva, n.p., 23, 217. j., being preserved, preserves, 25, 255;
: Kahoda or Kahola Kaushitaki, grand minister of j., and minister of
quoted, 12, 370 ; questions Yâgñacrime, 27, 109 sq. ; true j. better
valkya, 15, 129 sq.; 38, 242 sq.; than other good works, 37, 73, 327; 48
2,347 48,657; worshipped at the Tarpana, administration of j., see Judicial pro
29, 123, 141, 220. cedure. See also Rashnû.
Kahộs = Kâûs, q.v. Kahrkana, n. of a family, 23, 219.
Kahrkatâs, see Birds (b). K
Kahvaredhas, prayer for the dis
lodgment of, 31, 312 sq. Ka, or Who,' a name of Pragậpati, Kahvusi, n. of a demon, 4, 234. 1, 59 n. ; 12, 8, 8 n.; 26, 410; 32, Kai, see Kavis. 3, 11-13; 41, 173, 175, 221, 346, Kaî-Apîveh, see Aipivanghu. 368; 43, 265, 265 n., 334 sq. ; 44, Kaî-Arsh, king of Iran, 5, 136, 86, 393; is Brahman, 1, 65, 65 n.; 136 n. ; 47, 13. cake offerings to Ka, 12, 395, 403; Kâidhya, Sraosha, the conqueror 44, 75 n., 76; purified by means of of, 31, 301. a purificatory rite other gods, 14, Kaî Gustâsp, taught by Zoroaster, 331; produced everything holy, 14, 24, 170 sq. 331; the Creator, 43, xiv ; 49 (i), Kaî-Kabâd, see Kavâd. 25; the sacrificer consecrated to Kaî-Kâûs, see Kâûs. K., 44, 254 n.; worshipped at the Kaî-Kavad, see Kavad. horse-sacrifice, 44, 291 n., 292, 392, Kaikeya, see Asvapati. 392 n., 394.
Kaî-Khûsrôî, see Khûsroî, Kaabah, the chief shrine of the Kaikitâneya, see Brahmadatta K. Arabian faith, 6, xiii; history of the Kaikitâyana Dâlbhya, n.p., 1, 15-17. K. in Mecca, 6, xvi-xviii; the point Kaî-Kobâd, see Kavâd. to which Mohammed turned in Kailaki, see Gîvala K. prayer, 6, xxxv, lii; Mohammed Kaî-Lôharâsp, see Lôharâsp. takes possession of the K., 6, xlii ; Kaî-Pisân, see Pisanah. contained all the gods of the different Kais, see Kavis. Arabian tribes, 6, xlv; universal Kaisar, Byzantine emperor, 47, xviii, reverence for the K. made use of 103, 103 n. by Mohammed, 6, liji; worship of Kaisorya Kapya, n. of a teacher, the K., 6, lxxiv sq., II; rebuilt by 15, 119, 187. Abraham and Ishmael, 6, 17 sq.; Kaî-Spendâd, see Spentô-dâta. 9, 59; God has made the K., the Kaitanya, or pure intelligence, 34, sacred House, to be a station for xxiv. men, 6, .
Kaitraratha forest, Yayâti in the, Kabandha, Atharvana, became a 49 (i), 45. Gandharva, 15, 132.
Kaitraratha Abhipratârin, a Kabandhin Kâtyâyana, n. of a sage Kshattriya, 34, 226 sq.; 48, 341 sq. 15, 271.
Kaitya, see Holy Places, Kâbul, Indian religions in, 4, 2, 6, Kai-îs (Av. Kava Usan), created 6 n.
immortal, misled by Aharman, 24,
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