283 nare-laeshman, n..., 23, 216, 219, Kwang Koăng: zeabout government, 220 n.
39, 24, 142 sq., 297-300, 297 n.; 40, Hvarekithra, son of Zarathustra, 286; a Tâoist sage, got the Tâo, 39, 4,21 1. ; 23, 204, 204 n.
193, 244, 244 n., 256, 295, 295 n., Hrarenô, see Aryans (glory of the), 3U1 sq. ; 40, 58, 60; describes the Kings (glory of the), and Priests Perfect Music of Hsien-khih, 39, (glory of the).
348-51, 348 n.; 40, 218; how he Hvareza, n.p., 23, 218.
ruled the world, 39, 359 ; deterioraHvaspa, 1.p., 23, 217, 217 n. tion going on under his rule, 39, 370; Hvembya, see Parsadgâ H.
buried at Khwăn-lun, 40, 5; the Hvôbo, see Hvôgvi.
garden of H., 40, 73; the first to Hvôgvi (Hvôbo, Hvôv, Hvôvi), wife disturb the primaeval paradisiacal
of Zarathustra, 5, 143 n., 144; 23, state, 40, 171-3; the Yin Fû King 77 n., 195 1., 224, 224 n., 266 sq.; attributed to him, 40, 255; reasoned 37, 297, 297 n.
with Knowledge and Heedless BlusHvôv, see Hvôgvi.
ter, 40, 291. Hvôva (or Hvôgva), family of, 23, Hwang - {ze Kâo - âo tells Duke 77, 77 n., 207 ; 31, xxvi, xxviii, 92, Hwan all about ghosts and sprites, 94, 133, 142 sq., 185; 37, 97, 97 n. 40, 19 sq., 19 n. Hvôvi, see Hvôgvi.
Hwan-tâu, minister of Yâo, 3, 34 ; Hvyaonas, tribe conquered by Vîsrebel against Shun, 3, 41, 54 ; 39,
tâspa, 23, 117, 117 n., 280, 306. Hwan, minister of war, had a stone Hwan Twan, a sophist, 40, 230.
coffin made for himself, 27, 149. Hwâ-ize, officer of King Yung of Hwan, duke of Zhâo, funeral rites Wei, 40, 119. for him, 27, 186.
Hymns, see Prayers. Hwan, duke of Khî, introduced the Hypnotizing, an evil practice punuse of tablets and torches, 27, 323, ished in hell, 45, 366 sq. 420, 420 n. ; stories of him, 39, 145, 150, 233 sq., 343 sq., 343 n.; 40, 79,7 n., 18-20 ; Kwan Kung counsels him about the choice of a minister, 40, 101 sq.; Duke H., called Hsiaopo, killed his elder brother, 40, 177. I (aham, ego): relation of the Self Hwan, duke of Lû, his three sons and the I, 1, xxx; 15, 85; 48, 57 put to death, 27, 421 sq., 421 n., sq., 61; I am all this, 1, 124; I am 422 n. ; rites introduced by him, 28, thou, 1,275; I am Brahman, 1, 278; 10, 168.
15, 88; I am what He (the person Hwan, a man of Kang, becomes a in the sun) is, 1, 313 ; escape from Confucian scholar, 39, 161 ; 40, 204 the I, true deliverance, 19, 139; sq.
Buddha preaches on the I, 19, 190Hwân, n. of a hexagram, 16, 191-6, 2; Ego and Non-Ego, the spheres 261 sq., 341, 384, 438, 442.
of the object and subject, 34, 3; Hwang-fû, leading minister of Yû, the I is unreal, 48, 36-8; conscious3, 355 sq., 356 n.
ness of the I in sleep, 48, 37, 53, 67Hwang Liâo, a sophist, debated 9; conscious subject unreal, due to with Hui Shih, 40, 231.
the I, 48, 61-7; conscious I persists Hwang-Ti, title of the emperor of in the state of release, 48, 69-72 ; China, 3, XXV-xxix; ancient sove- is a special effect of the Unevolved, reign, 3, 27; 39, 338; 40, 28, 55, 48, 72. See also Aham, Ahamkâra, 96 sq., 96 n. ; what H., Yao, and Egoism, and Individuality. Shun did for civilization, 16, 383-5; 1, n. of rivers, 3, 66, 69, 74. 40, 7; divine ruler of a month, 27, I, prince of Khiung, 3, 78 sq. 280; held the place of honour at Î, n. of barbarous tribes, 3, 150, 150 sacrifices, 28, 201 sq.; deserves an- n.; 28, 30; 40, 220. cestor worship, 28, 208 ; questions Î, two elementary forms, 16, 12;
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