reaches i., 43, 374; secured by gift the sacrificer rids himself of his of gold to the priest, 44, 350 ; Yim enemy, 44, 192; against enemies, made men and cattle immortal, 47, 44, 266, 438, 501; Agni, a protector 9; Upanishads refer to i., 48, 7; an of sacrifices against i., 46, 96. See attribute of the highest Self only, 48, also Curse, Incantations, Oath, and 280 ;- draught of i., Hûsh, 5, 65, 70, Prayers. 126; 18, 112, 112 n., 165 n.; pre- Impurity: rules about i. caused pared from the Gôkard (Hôm) tree, by death and childbirth, 2, lvii sq., 5, Ioo ; 24, III, I n ; Hồn, the 249-54 ; 7, 87-94; 14, 27-30, 53, immortalizer of the living, 5, 177; 177 sq., 180-2, 298; 15, 312; 24, Airita or nectar, draught of i., 8, 339-41; 25, 146, 162 sq., 177-87; 62, 88 sq., 126, 391; water an elixir 29, 355, 357-9; impure persons of i., 26, 374; 44, 87; Soma, the should not salute, nor be saluted, 2, nectar of i., 26, 385 n.; 43, 251 sq., 52 sq.; causes of i., 2, 55-63, 60 sq. 253 sq.; sacrificial food baked by n., 74 sq., 181 sq., 220 sq.; 7, 94fire is immortal (or ambrosia), 41, 106; 14, 22-4, 30, 71 sq., 120, 171, 164; drink of. i. bought for a chariot, 174, 182 sq. ; 30, 19; 42, 186; and stored by Indra in the waters, children are not defiled before 42, 162; nectar of i. recovered by initiation, 2, 139 sq. ; the touch of the gods, 43, 255 sq.; the threefold a child cannot defile, 2, 186; is a divine Amrita, 43, 365. See also cause of interruption of Veda-study, Amerôdad, Emancipation, Imperish- 2, 260 sq., 264 ; 29, 115-17; of a able, and Nirvana.
corpse, 4, 26-8; 7, 91; 11, xxxix, Impediments to the attainment of 125 n. ; 37, 256 sq.; defiling fire or Ghânas, 13, 243, 245 sq.; false doc- earth with dead matter involuntarily trine about them, 17, 377 sqq. is no sin, 4, 49-51; the defiling Imperishable, the, Sk. Akshara, is power of a corpse differs according immaterial, unseen, by the command to the rank of the being that dies, of it everything is, in it the ether is 4, 50, 58; a corpse when dried up woven, like warp and woof, 15, 137- does not contaminate, 4, 105, 105 9; 34, 140 ; is Brahman, 34, xxxv, n.; of menstruous women, 5, lx, 16, 138, 169-71; that element in Brah- 248, 251, 261, 265, 270 sq., 276-85, man, from which the material uni- 304, 333, 341 n.; 14, 32 sq., 33 sq. verse springs, 34, cxix; the higher n.; 18, 447; 24, 270, 296, 302-5, knowledge is this by which the I. 330, 332-4, 340, 353; 25, 179, 183; is apprehended, 34, 135-8; the In- 37, 162, 187, 432, 446; caused by destructible is higher than the high death, 5, lx, 245-76, 310, 319 I., 34, 136, 137, 140; the I. is sq., 332; 33, 373; 37, 153 sq.; Brahman on account of its supporting caused by a serpent, 5, lx sq., 254; all things up to ether, 34, 169-71; caused by bodily refuse and dead cannot be the embodied soul, 34, matter, 5, I, 204 sq., 378; 18, 171; meditations on the I., 38, 238- 35, 39-43, 52 n., 161, 161 n., 283, 40. See also Akshara.
292 sq. and n., 431, 455-8; 24, 111, Impermanence, of all things, see 335-7, 339-41, 353-5; 37, 149 sq., World (a).
153-60; caused by sexual interImprecations, at the recitation of course, 6, 78, 98; 7, 94 ; 25, 179, the Veda, 1, 251; one may curse 194; caused by the funeral rites, 7, an enemy, but not a Brâhmana, 1, 76, 94; as long as his relatives 251, 252; by means of breath, the remain impure, the departed spirit beam, 1, 252; one should not utter finds no rest, 7, 80; exemption from i., 12, 159; 40, 241, 243; i. against i. in cases of unnatural death, &c., an adulterer, 15, 218; after repeat- 7, 92 sq.; caused by shedding tears ing an i. one should touch water, for a deceased person, 7, 93; food 29, 31 ; against a sacrificer, in the rendered impure, 7, 155; penances case of mishaps during sacrifice, 44, for being defiled by various causes, 179, 186, 190 sq., 201 ; i. by which 7, 175, 176; when thy impurities
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