their companion, 42, 554; 43, 134; for long life, 42, 49; performs the are the best of gods, 43, 41; 44, new and full inoon sacrifice for his 278; are the gold plate and the brothers Agni and Soma, 44, 16; gold man of the fire-altar, 43, was healed by the Asvins and Saras342 sq.; are two arms of the fire- vatî, 44, 216 sq., 248 sq., 252; altar, 43, 388 ; behind these two Agni, I., Sonia, Makha, Vishnu, and deities are all the other gods, 44, Visve Devâh perform sacrifice, 44, 128; Agni, the greatest of Indras, 441; Agni, I, Soma invoked 44, 489; Agni invoked to bring 1. together, 46, 213 ; I., Yama, to the sacrifice, 46, 153, 316, 377; Varuna, 49 (i), 197;-has created Agni identified with I., the bull glory for the Apsarases, 29, 316; among beings, 46, 186, 371; Agni tried to find out who Brahman on one chariot with I., 46, 237, 391; was, 1, 150 sq.; is Brahman, 12, cross the waters, 46, 263 ; display 211 11. ; runs away from terror of the lights of heaven, 46, 263; killers Brahman, 15, 21, 59; humbly of foes or Vritras, 46, 263 sq.; the approaches Brahman, 19, 188; 49 piousmen, kindling Agni, strengthen- (i), 107 ; I. and Brahman, deities ing I., 46, 318; has looked after of a Ritu-graha, 26, 320 n.; and Agni, 46, 367; Agni credited with Brahmanaspati, 42, 163, 213; the deeds of I., the conqueror of Brihaspati put the garment of imthe cows and of the waters, 46, 398. mortality on I., 29, 304; 1. and See also Agni (b).
Brihaspati invoked and worshipped (e) I. AND OTHER GODS.
together, 29, 315; 42, 160 ; 44, 402; The king or chief of the gods, 1, compact of Brihaspati with I. and 151 ; 8,3 47 ; 11, 142; 12, 449 sq., Brahman, 42, 127; his double 21, 4, 69 sq., 342, 387; 22, 222 sq.; Brihaspati, 42, 596; Brihaspati and 26, 93, +33; 35, 12 sq.; 36, 130; T., priesthood and nobility, 43, 228 44, 438 n., 464 ; 45, 48, 288, 292; sq.; Dhátri has shaven the head of 49 (i), 121, 187, 196; (ii), 42,90 sq.; 1., 29, 56; the Earth adheres to I., how he obtained pre-eminence 42, 203 ; pierces the Gandharvas among the gods, 1, 307; 10 (i), 10; with his inissiles, 42, 33 sq.; Krishna worshipped by the gods, 10 (ii), 52, is I. among the gods, 8, 88; the Lord 125; speaks for the gods, 12, 154; of the seat, the friend of I., 30, 161; represents all the gods, 12, 168 ; 44, 1, the king, the Maruts the people, 419; surrounded by crowds of 8, 346; 12, 334; 42, 663; 49 (i), 53, Devas, 19, 20, surrounded by the 81; calls the Maruts to his help Devîs, 19, 41; fills the gods with against Vritra, 12, 334 ; 32, 329; joy, 36, 322 ; in a list of gods, 42, 41, 34,84; invoked and worshipped 80, 160, 221; the gods, dispatched with the Maruts (Marutvat), 12, by I., disturb the sacrifice of an 335, 399 ; 26, 93, 332-8, 347; 29, enemy, 12, 90; by his brahmakarya, 314; 30, 157 ; 32, 14 sq., 134, 136 he brought the light to the gods, sq., 143, 159, 167, 210, 272 sq., 289, 42, 217; gods draw together round 310, 375; 42, 132 sq., 183, 188, 207, 1., 13, 127; is equal to all the gods, 663; 44, xxii sq., 207, 255 1., 382; 13, 140; the gods are the people of 46, 44, 154, 237, 378; assisted by King Dharma I., 44, 370; I., enter the Maruts in battle with Vritra, ing heaven, saluted by the immortals, 12,416 sq., 417 n., 452 ; 26, 334 sq.; 49 (i), 16;-I., Agni, and Vậyu, are 32, 14 sq., 36 sq., 44, 46, 392 ; 4, above the other gods, 1, 151 ; l., 255; dialogue between the Maruts Maghavat, and Purandara as three and I., 32, xii-xxi, xxiii, 179-208, gods, 8, 347, 347 n.; I. combines 286-8; rivalry between I. and the with Adityas, Vasus, Maruts, and Maruts, 32, xxiii, 286-90 ; the Visve Devâh, 12, 264; 26, 241; 44, eldest among the Maruts, 32, 67 ; 479 sq.; 46, 154 ; Agni, I., and the Maruts left I. alone in the killSûrya superior gods, 26, 402-4; ing of Ali, 32, 180; Maruts an. I., Agni, Savitar, Brihaspati invoked nounce the arrival of I., 32, 209,
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