14, 292; having become a bird, the whole sacrifice, 44, 212; when handed the Parikshitas to Vâyu, 15, his vital powers left him by the 128; in the shape of a Brahma- magic of Tvashtri, animals and plants kìrin interprets a dream, 19, xxi; and metals flowed from the limbs love affairs of I., 19, 43 ; 25, 273 n.; of his body, 44, 214--16; when I.'s 26, 81, 8, n.; 33, 99, 99 n.; 49 (i), energies departed from him, the 44; Mandhâtri and Nahusha occu- gods restored them by means of pied I.'s throne, 19, 118, 122; 49 the Sautrâmani, 44, 231; the (i), 113; first council held in Adâra-plants are I.'s might, 44, 451
Sakra's cavern,' 19, 335; delivers sq.; 1. and the other gods perish the cows, 23, 141 n.; has laid down and are created again, 48, 331 sq. ; in the tree the embryo of the sterile Dasaratha, friend of 1., 49 (i), 90; cow, 30, 200, created light, 32, 14; I., the lord of the winds, went to fights for the bright cows (days, heaven through sacrifices, 49 (i), clouds), 32, 14, 37, 44; whets his 110 ; his arm paralysed when raising red weapon, 32, 18; cut off the his thunderbolt, 49 (i), 142, 142 n. mountain tops, 32, 101; the treasure See also below (f). (rain) conquered by I. from the (d) I. AND AGNI. clouds, 32, 115; has made the Offerings and prayers to them waters to flow freely for man, 32, conjointly, 2, 299; 12, 162 n., 176, 180; found the head of the horse 237 sq., 350, 369, 371, 375, 377 sq., at Saryanâvat, 32, 398; a version 377 n., 380, 393 sq., 402, 408 n., of the Code of Manu ascribed to I., 419; 14, 216 ; 26, 199 sq., 199 n., 33, xii; offered the Vâgapeya, 41, 3; 221, 225, 296 sq., 313, 322 sq., 428 the doer of mighty deeds, 41, 105; sq. ; 29, 17 n., 84, 88,98 n., 132, 136, mighty through the people, 41, 109; 161, 203, 229, 337, 337 n., 392, 415; excluded from Soma, 41, 130 sq. ; 30, 37, 93, 175, 183 sq., 337; 41, 12, when the Soma was flowing through 12 n., 45 sq., 383; 42, 24, 49, 55, him, lion, wolf, and tiger sprang 58, 75, 126, 139, 173, 195, 211, 221, from him, 41, 132 sq.; makes 231, 454; 43, 198, 274-8; 44, 75 Vasishtha his Brahman priest, 42, sq. and n., 81, 392, 392 n. ; 46, Ix; puts strength into the magic 263-5, 420; when the fire is in full plant, 42, 38 sq., 71, 280; disease blaze, it is I., 12, 340; are all the shut out by I.'s command, 42, 39; gods, 12, 378; 26, 225; 41, 154, 2 12, was wounded, 42, 48, 310 sq. ; frees 285, 375; 43, 278; 44, 392 ; prefrom evil sorcery, 42, 51; wore a served the Soma for the production talisman, 42, 80; fastened the of creatures, 26, 151; are this All, amulet on for strength and heroism, 26, 292, 292 n.; preserved the 42,85; grants husbands to maidens, Akhavâka priest for the production 42, 94, 324 ; heaps together goods of creatures, 26, 317 sq. ; Agni, with a rake, 42, 95, 503 ; chose the Mitra-Varunau, I. win in the race waters as his goddesses, 42, 146, of the gods, 26, 327 n.; lay down 350; stored away the airita in the the third layer of the altar, 41, 188, waters, 42, 162; protects the Brâh- 190; 43, 41 sq. ; Agni (fire) belongs mana, 42, 169 sq., 433; though to, or consists of, I. and A., 41, 212, requested by I., Bheda did not pre- 253, 285, 375; I. takes the Soma sent the sterile cow, 42, 179; pro- juice in Agni, 41, 304; Agni is like tects the earth, 42, 200 sq.; together 1., 41, 325; are the two arms of with the Rishis, 42, 231; the sun Pragậpati, 41, 374 sq.; they went freed by I. and Atri, 42, 294 ; his to the heavenly world, 41, 381-3; misdeeds, 42, 522 sq. ; 43, 345 n.; grant life and well-being, 42, 53; cut off the head of Makha, 44, Agni seizes the wizards, and I. xlviii; from out of 1. the gods destroys them, 42,64; protect from formed the Visvagit, 44, 139; all evils, 42, 81; poured love into Vasishtha taught 1. the Virâg, and the waters, 42, 105; deposited in 1. taught Vasishtha the expiation for the ukkhishta, 42, 226; Brihaspati,
58, 1964; 43, 1903,392 n.;
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