213; not even I. can injure the Visvakarman, 11, 264 sq.; 2 bounty of the Maruts, 32, 210; sq., 431 n.; 41, 188, 190. Maruts know the manly deeds of f) 1. AND THE DEMONS. I., 32, 210; I., in the assembly of After having killed Vritra, I. became the Maruts, 49 (i), 53 ; identified great, 1, 157; his struggling with with Parganya, 42, 235; prayer to and slaying of Vritra, 1, 167, 170; I. and Parvata, 26, 450 ; was a 12, xix, 20-2, 52 sq., 164-9, 175 sq., pupil of Pragapati, 1, 134-42 ; 34, 177 n., 180, 182, 379, 416 sq. and 199; 48, 321; I. and Pragâpati, n., 449 sq., 452; 26, 15 sq., 15 n., door-keepers in the world of 62, 265, 333-5, 399 n., 400; 29, Brahman, 1, 275 sq., 277 ; Pragâpati 334, 367; 32, 127, 133 sq., 144, has given victory to I., 29, 280; I. 180, 182, 198, 392; 41, 45 sq., and Pragâpati on the path of the 87 sq., 138 sq., 141, 178 n., 179, gods, 38, 386; is the left arm of 332 n., 365; 42, 18, 63, 79, 81, Pragâpati, 43, xx ; enters Pragâpati 91 sq., 95, 126, 129, 382, 401; 43, with food, 43, 92 ; created out of 275; 44, 6 sq., 11, 380 sq.; 46, 34; Pragâpati, 44, 15; Pragâpati per- 49 (i), 81, 113; slew Visvarûpa, forms new and full moon sacrifice Tvashtri's three-headed son, 1, 293, for I., 44, 16; Pushan has shaven 293 n.; 14, 32; 41, 130-2, 134; the beard of I., 30, 217; 1. and 42, 522; 44, 213 sq., 48, 251, 253; Pûshan praised and worshipped delivered the Arunmukhas to the together, 41, 54 n., 55 ; 44, xxv, xliv; wolves, killed the people of Pra46,154; I. with the Ribbus invoked hlada, Puloma, and Kâlakanga, 1, in the Arbhava hymn, 44, 381; at 293, 293 n.; struggle between I. the head of the Rudras, 1, 41 sq.; and the Asuras or Dasyus, 1, 307; Rudras united with I., 44, 382, 12, 286 sq. and n.; 15, 342; 26, 479 sq. ; Sarasvati distilled Soma 399; 29, 342; 42, 79, 83, 118, 137, for the sake of I.'s strength, 44, 233; 215, 222 sq., 500, 627 ; 43,192 sq.; Soma's relation to I., 26, xvi-xx, struggle between I. and Ahi, Atar 22 ; Soma praises 1., 26, 247; offer- and Azi, 4, lii; the waters his coming to I. and S., 41, 54 n., 56 ; Soma, panions in the battle against Vritra, Ii's faithful companion, 44, 226; 12, 22; Trita slew Visvarûpa for I., Speech, the goddess, uttered by I., 12, 47 sq. and n.; 44, 250 n., drives 29, 51; the sun (Aditya, Sûrya) is of the Raksbas, 12, 128 ; 42, 9, 66 ; I., 12, 181 sq., 350 ; 26, 96 sq., 407, 44, 464 ; Indrasátru,' foe of 1.,' and 419, 438; 1. and Sûrya invoked for Indrasatru,'having I. for a foe,' 12, offspring, 29, 287 ; protected by 163 sq. n., 166 ; perhaps Vritra Trishamdbi, 42, 127 sq.; tries to would have slain I., 12, 166; 44, conquer Usbas, 32, 145 ; Varma 250 n.; by slaying Vritra 1. became opposed to I., 42, 370; is the lasu a Brâhmana-murderer, 14, 32 sq., of the gods, 12, 176, 176 n. ; with 32 n.; destroys all enemies, 30, 169; the Vasus, 26, 122, 241; 32, 244; knows the demons, 30, 212; Trita 42, 116; 44, 479 sq. ; Soma libations smote Ahi before I., 31, 233 11. ; for I. and l'ayu, 26, 265-9, 277 sq., guided past his enemies the Rak362, 418-21; 32, 440 ; 46, 154, 156; shas, 41, 73 sq.; I. and Namuki, 41, I. and Vayu (Wind) identified, 26, 92; 42, 256 sq., 583; 44, 222 sq.; 269; 44, 479 sq.; Virág became I., helps to destroy the demons, 42, the ruler, 42, 216; I. and Vishnu 65 ; an ally against sorcerers and divided a thousand cows into three spells, 42, 77 sq., 80 sq.; the Asurî parts, 26, 62, 62 n.; Vishnu, friend allured I. away from the gods, 42, of I., 26, 171 sq.; 32, 127,133 sq.: 103,547; conquered the Sâlâvrikas, 41, 138 sq., 396 ; offerings to I. and 42, 138; the serpent slain by I., 42, V., 41, 54 sq., 54 n., 138-42; 44, 146, 154, 349; the earth sides with 402 ; share bestowed on I., lordship I., not with Vritra, 42, 203; lives on Vishnu, 43, 68; I, encompassed with the Asuras, 42, 268; slays Vishnu, 44, 443, 451 sq.; I. and Arbuda, 42, 633 sq. ; the repeller of
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