sacrificers, 48, 330 sq.; festival of setting up I.'s banner, 49 (i), 11, 11 n., 89; in heaven, honoured by Sukra and Angiras, 49 (i), 93. (b) 1. IN MYSTICISM AND PHILO
Meditation on I. as Prâna or life, 1, 219, 228 sq., 294; 15, 275; 34, 99; 48, 250-4, 256; is the sun, 1, 219; 15, 331; 43, 92; he who knows 1. as the lord of all beings, having departed, becomes 1. and shines in those worlds, 1, 231, 293 sq.; a name of the Self, 1, 242, 245; 15, 311; 1. is truth, 1, 293; the strength of an unchaste student goes to I., 2, 294, 294 n.; the devotee feels no attachment even to I. (or, is esteemed by I. himself), 8, 250, 250 n.; is one of the ten fires at the allegorical sacrifice of the sense-organs, 8, 261; not seen by one who does not attain to the Adhyatman, 8, 316; the presiding deity of the hands and of actions, 8, 338; Kshatriya caste (nobility) identified with I., 12, xvi-xviii, xvi sq. n., 419; 41, 3, 23-5, 89, 102; 43, 342, 344, 345 n.; the sacrificer is I., 12, xix n.; 26, 72, 97; 41, 13, 18, 56, 81, 88, 98 sq.; Trishtubh metre related to I., 12, 205 n.; 43, 262, 330; 44, 106, 358; is the highest light, 12, 328; identified with the Ahavaniya fire, 12, 338; is the sacrifice, 12, 356; is might and vigour, 12, 419; 26, 220 sq.; 41, 82, 102; 44, 217, 221; mystic doctrines of the sacred syllables and I., Agni, Vâyu, and Aditya, 15, 48 sq.; in the white eye-ball, 15, 106; is the thunder, 15, 140 sq.; 44, 116; the man in the right eye is 1., and his wife abides in the left eye, 15, 159, 344; 43, 369; a manifestation of Brahman, 15, 303; 34, 101 sq.; 48, 250-4, 256; identified with Purusha, 25, 513; out-breathing and in-breathing belong to I., 26, 210; Riks and Sâmans are 1., 26, 436; produced from Rik and Sâman, 26, 438; teacher says to pupil 1.'s pupil art thou,' 29, 306; the king represented as I., 33, 217 sq.; witnesses watched by I. and other gods, 33, 245; explained as a mystic
name meaning 'kindler,' 41, 143 sq.; deity and metre, 43, 53; the Virâg is the world of I., 43, 94; is Vâk or speech, 43, 134; 44, 16, 218; to 1. belongs the vital air of the centre of the body; 44, 121; 1.'s power bestowed upon the Sacrificer, 44, 181; connected with summer, 44, 247; is the mind, 44, 263; a term referring to the Highest Reality (Nârâyana), 48, 522. (i) I. (SAKRA, SAKKA) IN BUDDHISM AND GAINISM.
Gods, I., Asuras, &c., cried out against the injustice of killing cows for sacrifices, 10 (ii), 51; Buddha addressed as Sakka, 10 (ii), 58, 196, 202, 207 sq.; Buddha compared with 1., 10 (ii), 58; 19, 71, 78; 49 (i), 21, 52, 56, 69-71, 76; the wise man is Brahman and I., 10 (ii), 117; what I. said when Buddha died, 11, 117; by the sound of his trumpet I. makes all beings silent when Buddha preaches, 11, 142; sends Vissakamma to build a palace for the king Sudassana, 11, 264 sq.; comes to hear Buddha's preaching, 13, 123; does service to Buddha, 13, 125-7, 141 sq.; 35, 12 sq.; 36, 24; 49 (ii), 90 sq., 165; Suddhodana and his queen compared with I. and Sakî, Buddha with the son of I., 19, 1, 51, 94; 49 (i), 92 sq.; Sakra himself, and his attendants perish, 19, 275; Brahman and 1. scatter flowers, &c., at Buddha's birth, 19, 347 sq., 350, 352; has 20,000 gods as his followers, 21, 4; entreats Buddha to teach the law, 21, 55; I. and Brahma Sahâmpati honour Buddha, 21, 69 sq.; men may be reborn as Indras, 21, 125; seats of I. gained by hearing the Dharmaparyâya preached, 21, 332, 335; honours the preacher, 21, 349; Gadgadasvara preaches under the shape of 1., 21, 401; Avalokitesvara assumes the shape of 1., 21, 411; Mahâvîra refuses a robe given by 1., 22, 79 n.; causes the embryo of Mahâvîra to be removed from the Brahmanical to the Kshatriya part of Kundapura, 22, 190 sq., 225-9; honour done by 1. to Mahâvira, 22, 196-200, 223
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