sqq.; on his command, demons Indu, the moon, king of shining bring treasures to Siddhartha's bodies, 8, 346, 346 n.; invoked for palace, 22, 248; a parrot brought cows and horses, 29, 346; 30, 206. down 1. to wait upon him, 36, 6; See also Moon. length of life of the Bodisat as Industries: ceremonies at the preSakka, 36, 133 n.; the problem put paration of silk, 27, 36; 28, 223 sq.; by Sakka, 36, 249; the Bodisat silk and other i. regulated, 27, 265 chooses a boon of I., 36, 310; enjoys sq., 271; the wives look after the perfect bliss, 36, 322 ; feels no dis- silkworms, 28, 239; sacred beings content, 36, 323; I., in the guise of instruct Masyệ and Masyâñî in arts a Brâhmana, tries to persuade King and manufacture, 47, 7 sq. Nami to retain his royalty, but Infanticide, see Woman (g). finally applauds his determination to Inference, denotes Smriti, 34, 203, become an ascetic, 45, 36-41; Infidels, see Heresy, and Nâstikas. directs kings to renounce the world, Infinite, the, see Bhûman. 45,87; Mahâvîra is brilliant like I., Infinite Feelings, see Meditations, 45, 288; the faithful will become Informing, sin of malignant, 7, 135; like I., 45, 292; outdone by the 25, 106, 163, 441. glories of the Sâkyas, 49 (i), 2; Ingitamarana, see Itvara. takes the new-born Buddha, 49 (i), Ingitas (commotions), pain arises 5; makes gifts to Buddha, 49 (i), from the, 10 (ii), 140 sq. 166 sq.; a preacher of the Law Ingratitude: those who have reattains the throne of Sakra, 49 (i), turned evil for good, cannot be 185, 187; the pitcher of god Sakra, purified, 25, 469. 49 (ii), 173
Inherence (samavâya) : the distincIndra, the Daêva or demon, in tion of the Vaiseshikas between conAvesta, 4, 139, 139 n., 224; 5, 10 n. junction (sanıyoga) and i., 34, 389 See also Andar,
sq., 396 sq.; the connexion between Indrabhûti, of the Gautama gotra, the Lord and the soul and the the oldest disciple of Mahâvîra, 22, pradhana cannot be i., 34, 436. 265-7, 265 n., 286 sq.; 45, 41-6,41 n. Inheritance, law of, 2, xxi sq., 130-7, Indradatta, one of the sixteen vir- 302-10; 6, 25, 37, 72-5, 77, 96, 172 tuous men, 21, 4.
1.; 7, 45, 61-74; 14, xxvi, 76, 81, 84Indradatta, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 91, 93 sq., 179 sq., 224-31, 231 sq. n., 288, 292,
336 ; 18, 183–7, 194-6; 25, Ixi sq., Indradhvaga, 1. of a Tathagata, 21, lxi 1., lxx, cii sq., cv n., 254, 345-80, 178.
468 sq., 600 (s.v. partition); 27, 120, Indradyumna Bhâllaveya, n.p., 1, 120 51, n.; 33, xv, 62 sq., 127, 135
84, 87; 12, 206 n. ; 43, 393, 396. sq., 182, 188-202, 272 sq., 338, Indragalavidyâ, or magic art, 369-85; 37, 113, 147, 427, 485 sq.; trickery, 44, 368 n.
one should not take the heritage of Indraketudhvagarâga, n. of a an outcast, 2, 88 n., 282; liability Tathagata, 49 (ii), 100.
of heirs for debts, 2, 244, 25, 282 Indrânî, oblations to her at the sq.; 33, 41-9, 46 n., 329; making wedding and other domestic rites, a will, 6, 112 sg.; 37, 47; exclusion 29, 31 n., 32, 331 sq., 352, 424; 30, from participation, 7, 64 sq.; duties 114; poured love into the waters, incumbent upon the heir, 7, 65; 42, 105; the same as the person in partition of property, 7, 67 sq., 70-4; the left eye, 43, 369; is the beloved collateral succession, 7, 68 sq.; sucwife of Indra, 44, 474.
cession of females, 7, 69 sq. ; inIndrapuraka Kula, of the Vesavâ- divisible property, 7, 70, 74; law tika Gana, 22, 291.
of i. among Buddhist Bhikkhus, Indriyani, see Organs, Senses, and 17, 243-5; inherited property of a Spiritual sense.
minor or female to be protected by Indrota Saunaka, quoted as teacher the king, 25, 257 sq.; partition of i. on ritual, 44, 393, 396.
made once only, 25, 335, 335 1.;
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