Farbha's” shado 3.
27; bhämhai
no man grantets one for i.,
våra, 10th, or i, ekath of 1, % 487 2
offspring thou art born again, that, 18, 172; gates of i. opened by mortal, is thy i., 2, 159 ; Zoroaster Buddha, 19, 178; 21, 185; resurasks Aứharmazd for i., 5, 1 sq., 192, rection and i., 23, 290-2, 307; 194 sq.; the seven immortal rulers, brought by Saoshyant, 23, 308; 5, 117-19, 118 n. ; 18, 79 sq., 255-8, Allharmazd reserves it for himself, 258 n.; means for attaining i., 8, 24, 5; of the righteous in heaven, 99-102, 165 sq. ; 43, 357; 48, 395 24, 30, 81, 122; how to become fit sq.; by transcending the three for i., 25, 209; the sacrificer prays qualities, 8, 109 sq.; depends on for i., 26, 348 sq.; of the sacrificer, self-restraint, abandonment, and 26, 449 sq. ; 43, 256; 44, 119, 204, freedom from heedlessness, 8, 152, 261 sq.; Aditi, the navel of i., 30, 168, 182; delusion I call death, and 174; prayer for i., 30, 212; the freedom from delusion I call i., 8, 152; two eternal gifts Universal Weal 48, 23; depends on truth, 8, 170; and I., Haurvatât and Ameretât, 31, there is no death, hence there can 52, 76, 88, III, 119 sq., 123 sq., 127, be no i., 8, 191; the Brahman is the 129, 177, 181, 181 n., 308, 320; the highest goal, where one reaches i., Daêvas beguile mankind of i., 31, 8, 255; he who in the moment of 54, 59; the souls of the righteous death becomes equable even for the in the eternal i., 31, 128; Universal space of a single exhalation, be- Weal and I. worshipped, 31, 196,256, comes fit for i., 8, 372; when the 259, 325, 330, 348, 380; Hiranyaquality of goodness predominates in garbha's shadow is i., and death, the unperceived, that fits one for i., 32, 1, 7; bhûman is i., 34, 163, 168; 8, 373; no man granted i., 9, 48; i. of all effected things is a merely earnestness is the path of i., 10 (i), relative one, 34, 169; prepared by 9; Amrita, or i., explained as Nir. Yim, 37, 177; through good works, vâna, 10 (i), 9 n., 43; the immortal 37, 338 sq.; hope of i. the basis of place, 10 (i), 33; the true Brâhmana religion, 37, 361 sq.; given to the has reached the depth of the Im- Mazda worshipper, 37, 387: i. of mortal, 10 (i), 93; attained by ether is to be understood, like that Buddha, 10 (ii), 13, 37; Buddha's of the gods, as a relative i. only, 38, disciples merged into i., 10 (ii), 38; 17; he who dies and yet does not perish, no prospect of i. for men, 12, 290, has longevity, 39, 75 sq.; the reward 295, 311; obtained through a son, of good deeds, 40, 238, 238 n., 267 14, 84; 25, 346, 354, 354 n. ; Naki. sq. ; attained to by the Taoist who ketas asks for i., 15, 4; 48, 361; has his thoughts constantly fixed on i, in heaven, secured by the fire absolute Purity, 40, 270-2, 319 n.; sacrifice, 15, 4; when all desires that light is i., 41, 383; 43, 238; gold dwell in his heart cease, then the mortal bestows i. on the fire-altar, 43, 146 becomesimmortal, and obtains Brahman. sq. ; is man's highest form, 43, 147, When all the ties of the heart are severed 177 sq.; the highest thing of all this here on earth, then the mortal becomes universe, 43, 148, 181; laid into immortal, 15, 23; death is unreal, i. Agni, 43, 177 sq.; the gods make is real, 15, 84; Yâgñavalkya instructs their bodies boneless and immortal, Maitreyî on i. as the absorption in 43, 178, 180; vital airs are i., 43, the Self, 15, 108-13, 181-5; 48, 178, 220 ; obtained by those who 387; he who is free from desires, live a hundred years or more, 43, obtains Brahman, is inmortal, 15, 299, 323 sq., 327; gained through 176 sq.; how the creatures are made fire-building rite, 43, 299; is the immortal, 18, 85; provided by the light that shines yonder, 43, 322; Creator, 18, 91 sq. ; succession of the immortal element distributed by mortals by offspring preferable to Savitri, the sun, 43, 322 sq.; no one i., 18, 92 sq. and n.; through the shall be immortal with the body, 43, renovation of creatures, 18, 111, 357 ; founded on death, 43, 366 sq. 114, 118, 160, 165; men become and n.; he who knows the mystery immortal through the sacred fire, of the Fire-altar being Death,
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