the attributes of, 27, 59; 28, 465 game caught in h., 16, 190, 192 n.; sq.; is the root of right, 27, 390; a vice of kings, 25, 223; rules about h. and righteousness rooted in cere- h., 27, 106, 220 sq., 265, 270 sq., 294 monies, 27, 413 sq.; the virtues of sq., 425 sq.; 28, 230; tribute of h., 28, 333-7, 337 n.
deer to the ruler, 27, 433, 433 n. ; Human life, see Life.
the autumnal hunts, 28, U. See also Human sacrifice, as a penance, 2, Animals (f). 83, 83 n.; to procure rain, 3, 91 n.; Hunus, smitten by Keresâsp, 18, of ancient Arabs, 6, 132 n.; Manu's 370 sq., 370 n., 371 n.; n. of a peowife slain as victim, 12, 29 sq.; ple ), 23, 205, 205 p. ; Vîstâspa Purushayagña, man - sacrifice, 38, took the kingly glory from the H., 220-2; in China, 39, 220, 220 n.; 23, 306. practised amongst the Aryans of Hû Pû-kieh, a worthy, but not a India, 44, xvii sq.; the Purusha- True Man, 39, 239, 239 n. medha, and h. s. in ancient India, Husband and wife, see Family, Mar44,xxxii-xlv, 403-17; Purushamedha riage, and Wife. is everything, 44, 404 sq., 406, 410, Hûsh, see Immortality (draught of). 412 sq.; the symbolical victims of Hûshêdar, see Allshedar. the Purushamedha, 44, 413-17; men Hûshêdar-mâh, see Allshedar-mâh. sacrificed at the Sarvamedha, 44, Huskyaothna, son of Frashaostra, 419; using skulls as drinking-vessels, 23, 207 sq.. and other cruel rites of Saivas, 48, Husravah (Kai Khosrav), legends 521. See also Man.
of, 23, 7 n., 64 n., 65 sq.; King H. Humâyaka?), worshipper of the invoked, 23, 7, 7 n., 15, 358; killed Daêvas, conquered by Zairi-vairi, Franghrasyan, 23, 114 sq., 278, 304, 23, 80.
307, 307 n.; worships Drvâspa, 23, Humility, enjoined, 4, 293; 8, 326; 115; united the Arya nations into 9,5; 39, 52 sq., 96 sq.; is the most one kingdom, 23, 115, 278; Fravaexcellent thing in propriety,' 16, shi of King H. worshipped, 23, 222; 80 n.; is the road to success, 16, Aurvasara flees from him, 23, 256 sq.; 89 sq., 90 sq. n.; 39, 104 sq., 109 worshipped Ashi Vanguhi, 23, 278 ; sq. ; the virtue of the superior man, the kingly glory of H., 23, 303 sq.; 16, 226, 226 sq. n., 286 sq., 287 n., went alive to Paradise, 23, 327 sq., 344, 362 sq.; 28, 287-90, 339 sq.; 327 n. satisfaction follows from h., 16, 434, Hutaosa (Phl. Hûtôs), wife of Vis440; a virtue of kings, 25, 222; 39, tậspa, 23, 77 n., 116, 116 n., 224, 96 sq.; the scholar distinguished by 257, 279 ; 37, 300, 300 n.; 47, 71 sq. h., 28, 409; enjoined by Taoism, and n., 80 n. characteristic of the man of Tâo, Hûtôs, see Hutaosa. 39, 65, 67, 71,76 sq., 119; 40, 101-4, Huvâsp, n. of a high-priest, 5, 115. 226 sq.; true strength in weakness Huyazata, n.p., 23, 214. and h., 39, 118 sq.; weakness is Hüzavárak, n.p., 5, 140, 140 n. true strength, example of water, 39, Huzzâ, El 'H., Arabian tree goddess,
6, xii sq., xxvi sq. Hunger, explained, 1, 99; h. is HÛ-ze, defeats the wizard Ki-hsien, death, 15, 75; 43, 402; 44, 340; 39, 137, 262-5. sacrifice to H., 30, 128; a hungry Hvadaêna, son of Frashaostra, 23, inan consumed by his vital airs, 43, 208. 347 sq.; a bent Yûpa is a type of Hadhâta, n.p., 23, 215. h., 44, 121.
Hvâkhshathra, n.p., 23, 214. Hung Mung, questioned by Yün Hyaniratha, Sraosha drives to the Kiang about governing men, 39, 143, Karshvar H., 31, 305; is worshipped,
300-3, 300 n., 302 n. ; 40, 286 sq. 31, 349. Hung Yâo, minister of Wan, 3, 208. Ilvanvant, n.p., 23, 214. Hunting, prohibited for the rich, 5, Hvaredhi, n. of a holy woman, 23, 1xi, 301, 301 sq.n.; threefold use of 225.
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