causes loss of h., 2, 282 sq. and n.; the world of h., 43, 250, 304; the fallen warriors go to h., 7, 18; 8,46 life of a hundred years makes for **
S sq.; 25, 230; the reward of good
unday years make
b.,' 43, 323 sq.; begging alms from conduct and pious actions, 7, 108; pious women makes for h., 44, 50; 8, 158 sq., 159 n., 322, 327, 344, 360 the gate of h.opened by sprinkling sq.; 10 (i), 35, 35 n.; 11, 17, 91, 94 water in the northerly direction, sq. ; 17, 100; 35, 283, 283 n. ; 36, 44, 82; the conclusion of the 230; 45,83; faithful wives will gain sacrifice to the Brahman' (Vedah., 7, 111; 14, 232; attained by study), 44, 96 ; out of the world of worship of Vishnu, 7, 156 ; is a h. the gods formed the Udayanîya merely temporary good, sorrowful Atirâtra, 44, 140 ; Adityas and and not worth having, 8, 48 sq. and Angiras contend together who shall n., 240 ; 19, 74 sq., 80, 121, 159 sq., be first to reach h., 44, 152; the 203 sq., 206; 48, 177, 181; 49 (i), h. of the living, 44, 212; by the 72 sq., 76 sq.; the gods pass up- Brahman (the priesthood) he gains wards to the world of h. by h., 44, 221; fathers led to the penance, 8, 389; 44, 91 sq., 505; world of h., 44, 238; by means of a few only go to h., 10 (i), 47; the golden light the Sacrificer goes better than going to h. is the to h., 44, 303; the horse knows the reward of the first step in holiness, world of h. and leads the Sacrifi10 (i), 48; the Arhat sees both h. cer to it, 44, 304-6; sacrificial and hell, 10 (ii), 116; one tooth of horse led to h. where the pious Buddha is honoured in h., 11, 135; dwell, 44, 319; the way to h. not living in the forest as a hermit is the known to the gods, but to the road to h., 14, 291, 294; there is sacrificial horse, 44, 320; that is h. no death in h., 15, 4; reached by where they immolate the victim, the road of the Fathers, 15, 177; 44, 323; by preparing the knife42, 170 ; birth in h., the aim of paths, the Sacrificer makes for ascetics, 19, 74 sq., 79 sq.; 49 (i), himself a bridge for the attainment 72 sq., 76 sq., Buddha ascends to of h., 44, 326; established upon h. to preach to his mother, 19, 240 the Brihatî, 44, 402 sq. ; Sûrya is sq. and n. ; he who makes peace in the heavenly world, 44, 502 ; the the Samgha will be happy in h. for palace Saudharman in h., 45, 291; a kalpa, 20, 254, 268 ; the gods ridge of h., 46, 45; carrying Agni, convey the sacrificer to h., 26, 190; they opened the doors of h., 46, * may there be a place for me in the 68. See also Brahman-world, Future world of the gods! With this hope he Life, Sky, Transmigration, and offers whoever offers : that same sacrifice Worlds. of his goes to the world of the gods; and (e) H. (DYAUS) AS A DEITY IN INDIA. behind it goes the gift he gives to the Used in a curse, 1, 251; invoked priests, and holding on to the gift follows and worshipped, 2, 108; 29, 207, the sacrificer, 26, 342 sq., 345, 348 sq.; 242, 321; 32, 423; 44, 297 sq., 297 the dead go to h., 29, 242 sq.; n., 505; 46, 110, 115, 127; "If thou that within which the h., the earth, like, rain, O Sky,' 10 (ii), 3-5; Sky &c., are woven, is Brahman, 34, or Dawn, the daughter of PragaXXXV, 154-62; if the Gaina main- pati, 12, 209; invoked to protect tains that h. exists, or does not the bride, 30, 188; Father H., 41, exist, and is eternal or non-eternal, 390; 46, 150 ; starry H., the bull nobody will act for the purpose of with a thousand horns, 42, 105, 373; gaining it, 34, 430 ; the Abhidhamma Vaisvânara as H., 43, 396; one of preached in h., 36, 248; the con- the eight Vasus, 44, 116; H. is day, secrated king supposed to have dawn is night, 44, 298; Father H. ascended to h., 41, 104, 104 n.; committed incest with his daughter, north-east the gate of h., 41, 252; 46, 74 sq., 78, 80; the two eyes of prayer for h. after remission of H., sun and moon, 46, 83, 86; Agni sins, 42, 165 sq.; the firmament is imparts strength to the Father H.,
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