257 n.; means the sun by a one of the five sacrificial animals, metaphor, 34, 256 sq. ; 48, 335; see 41, 162, 165 sq. ; searches for Agni, also Madhuvidyâ; madhugraha or 41, 204 sq. ; is the highest and h-cup, 41, II, 29; used with con- most perfect of animals, ranks next secration water, 41, 78; not to be to man, 41, 209; 44, xviii, 287, 332; eaten during initiation, 41, 186; is sacrifices on the footprint of the life-sap of the sky, 41, 390; a sacrificial h., 41, 212; 44, 363, symbol of personal agreeableness, 363 n.; h. is the nobility, other 42, 99 sq., 277; the h.-lash of the animals the peasantry, 41, 227; 44, A svins, 42, 229-32, 587-91; mixed 303 sq., 371 ; seven balls of h.-dung with curds and ghee for sprinkling used for fumigation, 41, 240 ; 44, on fire-altar, 43, 182 sq.; not to be 455; is sacred to Pragâpati, 41, eaten by Brahmakârin, 44, 90; is 240 sq. ; 44, 274, 274 n., 277 sq., a form of Soma, 41, 243; means 333; produced from the eye of breath, 44, 467. See also Food. Pragâpati, 41, 402; 44, 328, 354; Hope, meditation on it as Brahman, the one-hoofed animal, 41, 410; 1, 119; personified, 26, 349.
charm to endow a h. with swiftness, Hôrmazd, see Allharmazd.
42, 145 sq., 507 sq.; made to smell Horse(s), the duke of Sung comes the bricks of the fire-altar, 43, 141; with white hs., 3, 327; U kkaissravas, as haya it carries gods, as vagin chief of bs., 8, 89, 89 n.; Sindhu Gandharvas, &c., 43, 401; Pragậpati lis., 10 (i), 77; h.-treasure of King in the form of a h., 43, 401; mare Sudassana, 11, 255 sq., 274, 279, brings forth within a year, 44, 12 ; 281, 286, 287; h. led in front of the the four priests compared to four fire at ceremonies, 12, 297 sq., harnessed Saindhava steeds, 44, 298 n., 299 sq. and n.; 41, 359-62; 94; prize-winning steeds sprinkled, white h. the priests' fee for an 44, 95; mare with a foal as sacrioblation to Sürya, 12, 446 sq.; h. official gift, 44, 218, 222; impure and the h.-sacrifice fancifully identified unfit for sacrifice is the h., 44, 274; with things in nature, 15, 73 sq.; is the most vigorous and swiftest the sea is its kin and birthplace, of animals, 44, 278; sacrificial h. 15, 74; 43, 401; Buddha's white h., committed to the care of a hundred 19, 57, 67; 49 (i), 59-61, 67 sq., princes, 44, 288, 355 ; child,' 79; the eyesight of the male h., a favourite name of the h., 44, 288; 23, 239, 266 ; (white) h. is the sun, born as a runner, 44, 294 ; knows 26, 115; 41, 199, 208, 359 sq. ; 44, the heavenly world, 44, 304-6, 320; 312; (white) h. is Agni, 26, 149; mares penned up to make the 41, 207-12, 224, 360; origin of the sacrificial horse whinny, 44, 306; h. (from the waters), 26, 281; 41, h. belongs to all the gods, 44, 311, 19, 146 (asva), 199, 405; 43, 401-3; 332 ; the sacrificial h. as a great 44, xviii-xx, 304, 318, 329 ; regula- bird, 44, 315, 3151. ; draws nothing tions for rearing hs., 27, 275; white else than a chariot, 44, 317; is h. of Pedu invoked against the ser- Brahman, 44, 318; lying down near pents, 29, 131, 204, 327, 330; 30, sacrificial h. to ensure fertility, 44, 238, 288; 42, 152 sq., 605-8; red 322 n.; oblation offered on a h.hs, in mythology, 32, 16-27; the hı. hoof, 44, 339; qualities of the h. of wonderful speed of a great king, for the Asvamedha, 44, 353-5 ; 35, 199 sq. and 1. ; mutilating a h., Hotri sings the praises of the sacri37, 48; about hs., 37, 90 sq. ; 40, ficial h., 44, 384 sq.; has no omen92 sq. ; 41, 177, 198, 207, 360; tum, 44, 388; the head of a h. put taming of hs., 39, 140, 276-9; how on Dadhyank by the Asvins, 44, they are yoked, 41, 19-21; 43, 445. 237 ; are coursers and wealth- Horse-races, rules of, 37, 125; winners, smell Brihaspati's portion, Agni invoked for victory in h.-I., 41, 22, 28, 209; connected with 46, 16. Varuna, 41, 60, 162, 405 ; 44, xix; Horse-sacrifice, see Asvamedha.
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