lessness in
his 18, 73, 17 of him who sadvice of
for those who are liberal towards of toleration of h., 5, lii, 233; he the unworthy, 24, 343; as the who performs the rites of h. will worst life,' 31, 25, 30; the abode become a snake, 5, 384 sq.; is the of the Worst Mind, 31, 64, 64 n.; most mischievous weapon of the the Home of the Lie, 31, 177, 184; fiend, 18, 106-9, 109 n.; the sin of demons rush from h. into the world, h. and how to atone for it, 18, 37, 197; childlessness in h., 37, 136-9, 218 sq. ; 24, 72, 72 n. ; 37, 211; gloomy existence which is 18, 73, 156; 47, 86, 88 sq., 96 sq.; horrible h., 47, 92.
the merit of him who saves others (c) H. IN ISLAM.
from it, 18, 139-41; a vice of Seven divisions, doors of h., 6, Ixx, priests, 24, 105; sects and heretical 247; certain Jews believe that h. doctrines, 24, 168, 172, 193, 195; fire only touches them for a number false teaching one mode of engaging of days, 6, ro, 49; torments of h. in conflict, 37, 40, 40 n., 44; see for the misbelievers, 6, 32, 57, 70, also Ashemaogha;-heretical teach165, 167, 175, 178, 180, 182 sq., ing of 'demoniac' beings, 8, 115; 189, 193, 199, 206 sq., 216-18, 232 study of heretical books, 19, 263 sq., sq., 234 sq., 237, 242, 253, 256; 9, 264 n.; 25, 443, 443 n.; the 5, 11, 26, 33, 44, 48 sq., 54, 61, 64, Likkhavis destroy their books of h., 81, 86, 124, 133, 149, 174, 177, 19, 279 ; sixty-two heretical doc188, 190, 196 sq., 271, 274, 292, trines, 21, 48; heretical systems 293, 294 sq., 305 sq., 329, 340, 344; denounced, 25, 484, 484 n., 505 ; the reward for killing a believer, 6, list of heretical views, 36, xxiji-xxv, 85; the hypocrites condemned to 361 sq.; heretical opinions the h., 6, 91 sq., many of the ginn and cause of bad births, 45, 230 sq. ; men predestined for h., 6, 160; pious monk does not utter heretical frightful tortures in h., 6, 240, 244; doctrines nor ridicule them, 45, for him who is only desirous of this 327. See also Philosophy, life, 9, 3; the tree Ez Zaqqûm in Heretics (apostates, Daêva-worh., 9, 7, 7 n., 170, 170 n., 220, shippers, Titthiyas): sins atoned for 264 ; prayer to God to avert h., 9, by killing a Daêva-worshipper, 4, 89; described, 9, 170; Satan and 270; the Holy Word not to be his followers shall fill h., 9, 181; taught to h., 4, 276 n., 277, 315; mutual recriminations of the un- hearken not to the doctrines of h., believers in h., 9, 195; and its nine- teach him with the thrust of the teen angels, 9, 309; El 'Hutamah sword, 4, 277, 277 n.; he who gives in h., 9, 341.
to the Ungodly harins Asha, 4, (d) H. IN CHINESE RELIGIONS. 297-9; he who refuses food to the
The teaching of Purgatorial Suf- heathen and the sinner is not guilty, ferings refuted by Kwang-zze, 40, 4, 315; killing h. a good work, 4, 63 n. See also Future Life.
371 ; 24, 307; 37, 346, 392; treatHemaka, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 (ii), ment of h., 24, 44, 44 n.; 37, 187, 201 sq., 210.
250 sq.; the Waters invoked against Hemakamânavapukkhâ, t.
the godless h., 31, 318; proceedings (ii), 201 sq.
against h., 37, 62 ; controversy with Hemavata, n, of a Yakkha, 10 (ii), then, 37, 72, 406 sq.; assault on 26-8.
h., 37, 72 ; testimony of the orthoHemavatasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 25-9. dox and the heterodox, 37, 118; Hemp, layer of, in fire-pan, 41, 252; disturbers of religion, 37, 278-80;
sling of h. for gold plate, 41, 266. avoiding h., 37, 285 sq.; priests Hen, see Parables (c).
triumph over h., 37, 328 sq.; not Herbad Zâd-sparam, see Zâd- being deceived by h., 37, 340; sparam.
relegated to hell, 37, 345 sq. ; Herbs, see Plants.
heretical deinon-worshippers, 37, Heresy (apostasy, heretical teach- 484 ; Jewish doctors and Christian ing) : Aharman appears on account monks denounced,6,177;—Titthiyas
t.c., 10
150 sq.; the watt; 44, 441
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