Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 294
________________ HINDOK-HOLY PERSONS 277 Hindúk, astronomical tables of, 37, Hiranyanâbha, the prince of slvi sq. Kosalâ, 15, 283. Hiouen Thsang, on the Buddhist Hiranyastûpa (Angirasa), a great canon, 10 (), xii; on Vasubandhu Rishi, 12, 175, 175 n.; author of and Gunaprabha, 21, xxii; believes hymns, 46, 24 sq. in Buddha as a human being, 21, Hiranyavatî, n. of a river, 11, 85. xxviii; translated the Vagrakkbedika, Hirisutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 42 sq. 49 (ii), xiii. Hitâspa, smitten by Keresâsp, 18, Hiranyadat Vaida, n.p., 1, 208. 370 ; 23, 255, 255 n., 296. Hiranyagarbha, is Brahman, 8, Hitopadesa, and Dhammapada, 10 186 n.; 34, Ixxxiii, cix, cxxiii, (i), 36 n. 172 n.; 38, 391 sq. ; 48, 748-50; Ho, brothers of that name appointed world of H., 8, 333 n.; 48, 768; the as astronomers by Yâo, 3, 32-4, disk of the sun, 12, 271 n. ; 32, 6, 32 1. ; punished for negligence, 3, 10; the personified Brahman and 81-3; Hsî and Ho identified with Kapila, 15, xxxviii sqq.; produced Kbung and Lî, 3, 257 sq. n.; sent by Rudra, 15, 245, 252 ; a name of forth the horse with the river the Self, 15, 311; Manu, the son map,' 27, 392 sq., 393 n., discourse of H., 25, m ; the creator, 32, 1- between the Spirit-earl of the H. 4; 43, xiv ; 48, 334; H. Prâgâpatya, and the Spirit-lord Zo, 39, 148, author of a Vedic hymn, 32, 3; 374-84, 374 n.; animal and human a name of Pragâpati, 32, 6, 10; 34, sacrifices to H., 39, 220, 220 n. 142, 142 n.; 41, 173 sq.; is the Hoazarôdathhri-hana Parêstyarô, Self of all organs, and dwells in the n. of a high-priest, 5, 115, 115 n. Brahma-world, 34, 173 ; lords such Hobgoblins, see Demons. as H., 34, 213; the intellect of the Ho-hsü, a primaeval sovereign, 39, firstborn H. is called the great 279 sq. and n., 287. Self,' 34, 240, 244 ; a subordinate Holiness, first step in, is better causal substance, 38, 77 n.; the than going to heaven, and lordship Self of the prâna appears as H. in over all worlds, 10 (i), 48. See also his double, universal and individual, Arhatship, and Purity. form, 38, 91; H. himself comes to Ho-lü, famous swords made for, 40, an end, 38, 238; the golden germ, 84,84 n. 41, 368 ; 43, 295 n.; 44, 391; Holy persons : use of the words a form of Vishnu, 48, 93; an bhikshu, yati, sannyâsin, 2, lx; food individual being, 48, 254 ; created given by h. p. may be eaten, 2, 70, and taught the Vedas, 48, 334; 70 1. ; ascetics and herniits eat promulgated the Puranas and the little, an Agnihotrin and a student Yoga-smriti, 48, 413, 529; repre- much, 2, 123; 14, 265, 281; men sents the collective aggregate of all who keep the vow of chastity can individual souls, 48, 578; differenti. work miracles, procure rain, bestow ation of names and forms belongs children, &c., 2, 158; students, to Brahman, not to H. (i.e. hermits, and ascetics are free from Brahmâ), 48, 578-83; is the first tolls and taxes, 2, 164; 7, 36; 14, created being, 48, 749. 98-100, 98 sq. n. ; 25, 325 ; interHiranyakasipu, or King Kin-pu, cession of a spiritual teacher, a born in misery on account of evil priest, a Snataka, causes mitigation deeds, 19, 234, 234 n. of punishment, 2, 166 sq.; the Hiranyakesin : relation between naishtbika (professed student), the schools of Apastamba, H., and bhikshu (ascetic), and vaikhâ nasa Baudhayana, 2, xvi, xxiv n., xxiv (hermit), 2, 192, 192 n.; merisq. ; 14, xxxv sq.; Satyâshâdha H., toriousness of gifts to Brâhmanas, satiated at the Tarpana, 14, 253 n., Srotriyas, and Vedapâragas, 2, 203, 255; 30, 245; different authors of 203 n.; way must be made for a Hairanyakesa-sútras, 25,xl; Grihya- Snataka, and even a king must sútra of H., 30, 133-246. make way for a Srotriya, 2, 211; Digitized by Microsoft ®


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