Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 286
________________ HEAVEN 269 do is the same, 16, 243; H. dis- standing their virtue is what is pensing and E. producing, 16, 247, called 'The Great Root,' and 'The 248 n.; by their union (marriage) all Great Origin,' 39, 332 ; regarded things spring up, 16, 250 ; 27, 439 by Tîs and kings as their author, sq. ; 28, 265; undergo their changes, 39, 333; H. has a more honourable, and the four seasons complete their E. a lower position, 39, 335 sq.; functions, 16, 254, 262; their inter- the principles of H. and E. to be action symbolical of men's opera- followed, 39, 381; cause inflictions, tions, 16, 259, 259 n.; H. is lofty such as hunger, thirst, &c., 40, 37 and honourable, E. is low, hence sq., 38 n.; under the control of the their symbols Khien and Khwăn Tâo, 40, 47, 47 n.; body, life, his (male and female), 16, 348 sq.; H., nature, and his offspring are only E., and man (ruler), the three entrusted to men by H. and E., 40, Powers, 16, 351, 351 sq. n., 402, 62 sq.; how it was before H. and 402 sq. n., 423 sq., 424 n. ; 27, 377 E., 40, 71 sq.; to respond to the sq. ; 28, 115, 115 n., 256 sq., 300 sq., feeling of H. and E., the right thing 301 n., 319, 319 n.; 40, 258-60; the for a Taoist ruler, 40, 95; the sage Yi King made on a principle of embraces them both in his regard, accordance with H. and E., 16, 353 40, 105; are grandly complete by sq. ; their great attribute is the doing nothing, 40, 106; happiness giving and maintaining life, 16, 381; only in the pursuit of the perfect all things were produced after H. virtue of H. and E., 40, 107; are and E., 16, 433, 435; are in har- the greatest of all things that have monious co-operation in spring, 27, form, 40, 128; Taoists of later ages 255; begin to be severe in autumn, no longer saw the undivided purity 27, 285; no intercommunion of H. of H. and E., 40, 217; the bad man and E. in winter, 27, 298; the rules appeals to them to witness to the of propriety are rooted in H. and mean thoughts of his mind, 40, 242; have their correspondencies in H. is pure, E. is turbid, H. moves, E., 27, 367; separated from the E. is at rest, 40, 250; their method Grand Unity, 27, 386 sq. ; harmony proceeds gently and gradually, 40, and graduation in them, 28, 99; 263; the Tâo is in H. and E., but music has its origin from H., cere- they are not conscious of it, 40, 267. monies from E., 28, 100-5, 114 sq.; See also Nature. a pattern for the relation of ruler and (d) H. OR SVARGA WORLD IN INDIA. minister, 28, 103 sq.; represented The five men of Brahman, the by musical notes, 28, 11; music doorkeepers of h., 1, 47; is the the lesson of H. and E., 28, 128, 130; altar on which the Devas sacrifice worshipped at the ruler's ploughing the Sraddhâ libation, 1,78; obtained of the field, 28, 222; virtue of by esoteric knowledge, 1, 129 sq., ancient rulers equal to that of H. 153, 233; 8, 368 ; 15, 177; 44, 177, and E., 28, 281 sq. ; 40, 48 sq.; great 264; the world of the gods, the as they are, men are dissatisfied reward of the sacrificer, 2, 140, 159; with some of their actions, 28, 304; 12, 157 sq., 252, 254 sq., 260 sq., their characteristics, 28, 322; 266, 310, 345 sq., 450 sq., 451 n.; evolved from the Tâo, 39, 67 sq. ; 26, 173, 307, 424, 449 sq.; 41, 7, 40, 290 sq., 293 ; unite and send 32 sq. and n., 286 sq., 322, 344 sq.; down the sweet dew, 39, 74 ; the 42, 183-5, 187, 189-91 ; 43, 198– Great Powers whose influences 200, 217 sq., 267 sq., 279 sq., 391; extend to all below and upon them, 44, 38, 42 sq., 53, 56, 61, 68, 79, 81, 39, 143, 307 sq.; do nothing, and 143, 151, 185, 190, 204 sq., 239, 280 yet there is nothing that they do sq., 297, 309 sq., 328, 473, 482 sq. ; not do, 39, 149; 40, 3 sq. ; there is 46, 24; 48, 681; 49 (i), 110; renothing which H. does not cover, wards in h., 2, 169 sq. ; the reward and nothing which E. does not of true witnesses, 2, 246 sq.; 33, siistain, 39, 228, 258; clearly under- 93; assault against a Brahmana Digitized by Microsoft®


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