382; beyond the G. there is the from Sruti, 30, 251; the AtharvaUndeveloped, 15, 13, 22; 34, 237 sq.; veda in the G., 42, xliii-xlv. is Buddhi or power of intellect, 15, Grimbhaka, demons in Vaisramana's 313; 34, 238 n.; is the individual service, 22, 248 n. soul, 25, 486; 34,244; is one of the Grimbhikagrâma, town in which three entities of the Sâmkhyas, 25, Mahâvîra reached Nirvana, 22, 201, 486, 486 n., 490, 495; 34, 238, 296; 263. 48, 282, 287 ; originates from the Gritsamada, the Rishi of the second Undeveloped, if it be the intellect Mandala of the Rig-veda, 1, 215; of Hiranyagarbha, 34, 244 ; has a 32, 298, 429; 46, 188, 195, 200, different meaning as a Sâmkhya 213, 216, 218; satiated at the term, and in Vedie use, 34, 252; Tarpana, 29, 122, 219 sq.; an of the Yoga-smriti, 34, 296; the ancient Vedic family, 46, 203. subtle elements of material things Grudge, demon of, see Demons. proceed from it, 34, 376; creation Guardian angels, see Angels. from the G. down to the Brahman- Guardian spirits, see Fravashis. egg and Hiranyagarbha, 48, 334. Gudâkesa, n. of Arguna, 8, 43, 88, Greed, see Avarice, Az, and Sins. Greeks, their astronomy alluded to Guulars, Gîw, son of, 5, 118.
in the Yâgñavalkya-smriti, 7, xxi; Guests, daily gift of food to men, the week of the G., in the Vishnu- one of the five 'great sacrifices,' 2, smriti, 7, xxix, xxxii, xxxii n.; over- 48; 7, 193, 215 sq.; 8, 306, 358; come by the Persians, their triumph 12, 190 sq.; 14, 239 sq. ; 25,88 sq., prophesied, 9, 124 sq. and n.
92-7; 44, 95; duties towards g., 2, Grehma, opposed to Righteousness, 109 sq., 112, 138, 161 sq.; 7, 207; 31, 55, 63 sq., 64 n.; an opponent of 8, 243, 361; 14, 69, 265; 15, 3 sq., Zarathustra, 31, 55, 64.
51 sq.; 25, 133; 27, 155, 397; 37, Gridhrakûta, or Vulture's Peak, 91; 48, 270; rules for the reception
where Buddha stays at Râgagaha, of g., its importance and meritorious1). of a hill, 11, 1 sq., 11, 55; 21, ness, 2, 114-22, 204-7; 7, 217; xxvi, xxxii, 1, 235, 248 sq., 307 sq. 8, 216; 14, 43-5, 49--51; 27, 407; 321, 396, 398, 431.
28, 20, 171; 29, 87-90, 92; recepGriffon bird, see Birds (b).
tion of g. represented as a sacrifice Grihapati, Sk. (Pâli, Gahapati), offered to Pragâpati, 2, 117 sq. ;
house-lord,' meanings of the word, g. who are worthy of a cow and the 11, 257 sq. 1.; title of the principal honey mixture, 2, 120 sq. ; 14, 49, Sacrificer at a sacrificial session, 41, 244 sq.; hermit and ascetic must 158 n.; 44, 131, 131 n., 135.
honour g., 2, 195; 8, 361, 364; 14, Grihasthas, or householders, go the 259, 292, 294; observances to be path of the gods, 1, 80.
paid to g., one of the eight objects Grihya-sûtras, birth ceremonies in, of government, 3, 142; animals
15, 222 n.; translated, Vols. 29 slain for the honouring of g., 7, and 30; based on Smriti, 29, xvii 170; 14, 26 sq. ; 25, 175; 27, 227; sq.; relation between Sânkhayana 30, 256, 266; 45, 27 sq.; depend and Pâraskara G., 29, 17 n., 20 n., upon householders for support, 7, 28 n., 34 n., 37 n., 39 n., 88 sq. n., 194; let him not suffer a guest to stay 105 n.; 30, xxxvili sq.; their place at his house unfed. ... by honouring in Vedic literature, 30, ix-xxiii, a guest he obtains heaven, 7, 215; xxix-xxxvii; metricaltexts on Grihya hospitality of the Arabs, 9, 147 n.; ritual, 30, xix, XXXV-xxxvii; contents the fathers at the Pindapitriyagña and arrangement of the G., 30, xxiv- presented with water like g. 12 xxix, 299-307; their relation to the 365, 368, 433, 435; definition of Srauta and Dharma-sûtras, 30, xxix- the term "guest,' 14, 43; presents Xxxv; their relation to one another, for the purpose of honouring g. 30, xxxvii-xxxix; domestic cere may be accepted from anybody. nionies derived from practice, not 14, 70; let him never turn away a
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